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    business card frases de exemplo

    business card

    1. ’ He said holding out his business card

    2. “Typical bloody man”, said his wife, as she looked the now dry business card over for the umpteenth time

    3. A business card flutters out of a pocket of the jacket to the floor

    4. She took the business card that Danny held out with his teeth

    5. ” I took out a business card and wrote a cell phone number on the back

    6. I handed him my business card and told him to get in touch if he heard anything

    7. “I saw the business card on the counter yesterday morning, and I was wondering why the Governor’s son

    8. You have a business card stating that you are the CEO or director of such and such a corporate

    9. You are expected to have a business card

    10. Note that you should not deviate from the green card on what you put on the business card

    11. It is considered rude to take a business card and not look at it

    12. There are many places in West Africa to have business cards made but this may be a problem for international companies who have specific rules for their trademarks

    13. There is a compliance aspect on business cards which are important

    14. Many Expats are listed as Directors on letterhead and business cards and not registered as such in the Company Office in Abuja

    15. In his pocket was the address of a half-way hostel at which he could spend the night and the business card of his new Social Worker

    16. ” As he said this, he held out his business card that he had slipped from a thin black leather cardholder he kept in his jacket pocket

    17. “Lookie, what Personal has in his jacket pocket: business cards,” he said, displaying a small packet

    18. On the surface, he appeared to be the most innocent of individuals, yet in Douglas Finney’s shirt pocket was found his Nicaraguan Embassy business card

    19. His first guess was that he would soon walk in and claim his car with a perfectly good explanation for why he left it there, and his business card could show up in anyone’s pocket and mean nothing

    20. scribbled on a blank business card

    21. fingered the business card

    22. him a business card with her office address and its phone number on it

    23. Junya placed the business card in the chest

    24. around in his pants pocket and pulled out the business card with Lani"s contact

    25. business card, and he walked up to the group of people he was standing with

    26. man with the business card said

    27. the business cards said to Junya

    28. business cards said while he raised his hands in the air above his shoulders

    29. reached into his wallet and pulled out a business card

    30. elevator came, Junya took the business card the guard gave him and looked at

    31. business card, but realized he never had any in the first place

    32. apartment where bomb materials were found, as well as Khalifa’s business card

    33. It was a business card with his shop’s and home phone numbers on it

    34. on every business card and into every job that

    35. “I got his business card and because he thought I was cute, he

    36. “Anyone could get his business card,” he said

    37. that folded down to business card size and that contained all of the

    38. ” I located Cleo’s business card and punched in her number

    39. I’ve been to Chamber of Commerce events where they print out the business card of everyone

    40. being a best selling author, when you put down that business card telling about your book, then

    41. Interestingly enough I still run into people at live events who don’t have business cards, either

    42. He took out his wallet and gave him a business card

    43. There was a business card of some record executive

    44. He picked up one of his business cards, and handed it to

    45. So he went and borrowed some tweezers from Patricia and managed to pull a small business card from between the mirror and its 67

    46. He sat down on his bed turning the card over and back, over and back, trying to make sense of a business card with virtually no information printed on it

    47. “It’s written on the back of a red business card that has Satans Night Club printed on the front

    48. “What!” said Drew, “Nothing on your business card is true, except your mobile number! The company doesn’t exist, the company registration number is false, the head office turns out to be a mail accommodation address, what was it again Cath?”

    49. any printed material you own and also letterheads and business cards

    50. “Here," she said, getting out one of her business cards

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