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    buy back frases de exemplo

    buy back

    1. Aunt Martha and I had sold our own houses so that we could buy back Nettle Farm

    2. She sat silently as the person she loved - had so foolishly trusted - explained about the man who’d been waiting for him when he’d got out of prison, and the note from his old boss, trying to buy back Frank’s loyalty with a huge payback

    3. Congress can buy back all the Treasury Bills in that Social Security Bin by 2037 when the Social Security program is supposed to go

    4. The proceeds were used for taxes, to buy some new tools for James, and to make a payment on the old family supply and repair shop near the caravan lot, which Jesus now proposed to buy back since James was old enough to work at the house shop and help Mary about the home

    5. then buy back 160 shares, leaving you with 160

    6. they should have some sort of “buy back” agreement

    7. Besides, where would the Jews find the money to buy back their houses? They have barely anything left in their possession right now, save for the clothes on their backs

    8. dividends or buy back shares of stock

    9. well as the input into the cost of debt, then the company can buy back its own lower

    10. than is deemed optimal, and buy back shares of stock

    11. buy back shares of stock

    12. Most companies choose to do the latter, and buy backs have

    13. ‘’It will be used partly to buy back at fair market prices the lands, plantations and businesses belonging to the French who will leave Indochina

    14. dividends or stock buy backs, and less is paid out in more expensive interest

    15. At this point, the firm must overhaul its capital structure through acquisitions, stock buy backs or even divestiture

    16. they buy back shares with retained earnings

    17. the option to buy back in when they can

    18. their operations into the Usa, they needed to buy back my distribution

    19. Philips was doing the same thinguntil it sold its Polygram division (which, according to the rules of economics,it could buy back if it wanted)

    20. Her cars and her lifestyle were all gifts to buy back her affection, and now she was dependant on him

    21. willing to buy back its shares from its investors at the end of every business

    22. `If their wages were really equal in value to the product of their labour,' Owen repeated, `they would be able to buy back not a small part - but the Whole

    23. The people who had got specially good bargains at the Sale took a deal of convincing; and in the end to sav6 time Bilbo had to buy back quite a lot of his own furniture

    24. Smart money players who are short will buy back some of their shorts into this weakness

    25. Common sense dictates that partial exits in these cases should be taken in the direction of the price movement: sell existing longs into strength and buy back existing shorts on weakness

    26. She can sell broader index futures or index ETFs and buy back the stocks she does not want to short

    27. bid: the price at which the managers of unit trusts will buy back the units from investors, compared with the offer at which they sell units; also loosely used for the offer in a takeover

    28. But, in fact, the desire to buy back shares cheaply may lead to a determination to reduce or pass the dividend, especially in times of general uncertainty

    29. We see some of this additional capital (not needed to finance sales) employed to buy back many of these very shares at one-fifth of the subscription price

    30. If the division between investment and speculative operations were as clear now as once it was, we might be able to envisage investors as a shrewd, experienced group who sell out to the heedless, hapless speculators at high prices and buy back from them at depressed levels

    31. True, they had realized excellent profits, but in a broad sense the market “ran away” from them thereafter, and their formulas gave them little opportunity to buy back a common-stock position

    32. Companies should buy back their shares when they are cheap—not when they are at or near record highs

    33. Now that its shares were cheaper, did Oracle hasten to buy back more stock? Between June 1, 2001, and May 31, 2002, Oracle cut its repurchases to $2

    34. No wonder CEOs would much rather buy back stock than pay dividends—regardless of how overvalued the shares may be or how drastically that may waste the resources of the outside shareholders

    35. Therefore, the company typically feels compelled to buy back other shares to cancel out the stock issued to the option holders

    36. 1 Alternatively, you could buy back the call option, but you would have to take a loss on it—and options can have even higher trading costs than stocks

    37. The assumption behind all short selling is that the current price of a security is not sustainable, and that as the price falls, the investors will buy back the shares they have sold and make a profit

    38. As a result, not long after they went public, many thrifts started to buy back their shares

    39. If the stock shows signs of weakness, you may want to buy back the option you sold to close out the trade

    40. If this happened with Google, you would need to buy back the higher strike price ($530) for the current price (which often will be more than what you received when you sold the option) and keep the lower strike price ($520) put option, which will increase in value as the stock drops

    41. Buy back the higher strike price

    42. Ultimately the trader will look to sell the calls back to someone and buy back the puts from someone else

    43. The trader needs to buy back the 10 lots he sold to restore delta-neutrality

    44. When he sells the calls, he will take off the delta-hedge; in other words buy back the spot, paying $99

    45. Of course, if we want to close out the hedge, we must also buy back the 50 underlying contracts that we originally sold

    46. In order to eliminate this requirement, and perhaps put the money to better use, the trader may want to buy back the options

    47. For example, during the credit downturn that began in 2008, those businesses that were beholden to the credit markets were scrambling for cash to pay off debt, while those in a stronger position were able to be opportunistic and buy back stock, make acquisitions, or grow

    48. If Dell wanted to use this cash to buy back its stock in the United States, it would have had to pay taxes in the United States at rates as high as 30 percent

    49. Management may decide to buy back stock as a one-time act, or you may see management lay out predetermined amounts each year that it plans to use for buybacks

    50. Instead, as the stock price increased, Western Union began repurchasing stock, announcing it was reinstating its plan to buy back $1 billion in stock each year

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