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    1. 1 Know you the time when the wild goats of the rock bring out? or can you mark when the hinds do calve?

    2. Calve: The act of an animal giving birth to a calf

    3. There was no kitchen maid to be found; of the nine cows, it appeared from the words of the cowherd-woman that some were about to calve, others had just calved, others were old, and others again harduddered; there was not butter nor milk enough even for the children

    4. There was no kitchen maid to be found; of the nine cows, it appeared from the words of the cowherd-woman that some were about to calve, others had just calved, others were old, and others again hard-uddered; there was not butter nor milk enough even for the children

    1. That great man recommended eating the most simple meats, such as "…flesh of a heifer fed in the woods, that has never calved, and of firstling kids

    2. 5 Yes, the hind also calved

    3. pregnant among the herds calved instantly

    4. But there had been an important and joyful event: Pava, his best cow, an expensive beast, bought at a show, had calved

    5. There was no kitchen maid to be found; of the nine cows, it appeared from the words of the cowherd-woman that some were about to calve, others had just calved, others were old, and others again harduddered; there was not butter nor milk enough even for the children

    6. To Ellen, mares never foaled nor cows calved

    7. There was no kitchen maid to be found; of the nine cows, it appeared from the words of the cowherd-woman that some were about to calve, others had just calved, others were old, and others again hard-uddered; there was not butter nor milk enough even for the children

    1. Clarisse sits in the nude on her calves beside John in their bed

    2. I felt my feet becoming numb as the tape bit into my ankles, and slowly that numbness spread, rolling inexorably up my calves and into my thighs

    3. and calves, her arm pulls the cover back up,

    4. They ran with flaming sides and legs, knotted calves and burning lungs

    5. ‘How are the legs?’ he asked me, seeing me rub my calves

    6. The practice of this exercise will not only improve your balance but fine down calves and ankles that may be a little too heavy for your liking

    7. The gradual climb along the road through the pass soon had my tortured calves in a vice

    8. Watching Alessandra enjoying the clouds as she strode on in front made me ignore any further nonsense from my calves and concentrate on that stepped and steady climb

    9. calves to be sold on which represented, Alistair had told Tom, a

    10. “Someone told me once that the muscles in the calves of the legs are peculiar

    11. Minutes passed and Roman began to feel his legs, first his calves and then

    12. She was very pretty, brown hair and brown eyes, calves of perfection

    13. seize the muscles in his calves, but Roman fought back, wiggling his toes

    14. the body underneath him, and now it was Heather whose calves cramped in joy and

    15. up to their calves - then their knees - in snow

    16. That of calves skins, on the contrary, is greatly below it

    17. In countries where the price of cattle is very low, the calves, which are not intended to be reared in order to keep up the stock, are generally killed very young, as was the case in Scotland twenty or thirty years ago

    18. Babylonian women dressed somewhat more liberally; how else could men see and appreciate their beauty? Men liked to see some cleavage and a glimpse of bare shoulders and calves

    19. It must also be noted that this angle is very difficult to maintain and puts an enormous amount of pressure on the calves and lower back

    20. At the end of the first day on the trail his body felt good, but gradually as he walked, a tightness in his calves developed

    21. He considered the other option of waiting to be rescued for a moment, but the freezing cold water that was slowly climbing up his calves reminded him that they were running out of time

    22. killing me!” She rubbed her calves as they relaxed in the small cafe

    23. We tried to sleep or just dozed packed together like puppies in a litter leaning on each other or lying down across each others calves or thighs tired and bone weary from the journey

    24. I couldn’t leave the house because there was no way of telling where Devil was hiding, waiting for my meaty backside and big juicy calves to take one step outside of the back door so that he could snatch me up and feast upon me until he had his fill

    25. something cold coming suddenly against the bare calves of my legs made

    26. She dug in her calves, and they were flying, soaring, racing down toward Reese as if nothing else mattered in the world, as if her reaching his side was the only thought that existed

    27. It hung halfway down my calves, the fabric soft and thick, nothing like the flimsy, stiff hospital gowns I was used to

    28. The lady had slender little calves, and beautiful toes and feet

    29. Her calves were pleasantly chill

    30. The water slides up my bare calves as it rises, cool and soft

    31. So did he in Bethel, sacrificing to the calves that he had made, and he placed in Bethel the priests of the high

    32. Bruce leaned forward and placed his broad hands on her calves

    33. calves that were in Bethel, and that were in Dan

    34. Grass brushes my toes and the back of my calves

    35. executing the priest's office to the Lord, 15 And he ordained him priests for the high places, and for the demons, and for the calves

    36. David; and you be a great multitude, and there are with your golden calves, which Jeroboam made you for gods

    37. 10 Their bull procreates, and fails not; their cow calves, and throws not away her calf

    38. meal, and as in one who offers he-goats and calves; (10) and as in one who makes fat the altar with a multitude of burnt offerings;

    39. not doubt that your calves

    40. arms, calves and abs

    41. 5 inches on calves

    42. 5 The inhabitants of Samaria shall fear because of the calves of Bethaven, for the people of it shall mourn over it, and the

    43. craftsmen: they say of them, Let the men who sacrifice kiss the calves

    44. the calves out of the midst of the stall; 5 Who chant to the sound of the viol, and invent to themselves instruments of music, like

    45. God? Shall I come before him with burnt offerings, with calves of a year old? 7 Will the Lord be pleased with thousands of rams, or

    46. name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and you shall go out, and grow up as calves of the stall

    47. thousands, gave to the Levites for the Passover five thousand sheep, and seven hundred calves

    48. * Your calves need to be perpendicular to the floor with feet on the ground

    49. modified them with Velcro openings on the inner calves for quick

    50. She handed him a pair of soft white leather sandals that laced halfway up his calves

    1. They observe calving glaciers shedding big chunks of blue ice in spectacular, thunderous slides that tumble into the ocean producing huge splashes of water and join the submarine current from the ice fields where they are born

    2. With spring planting and calving over, I took time off from my chores each day to ride out across the fields and up into the far reaches of K2’s forested areas

    3. The raging river undercuts the face of the glacier, resulting in frequent calving

    4. He'll bide to get a little practice in the calving out at the straw-yard, for certain

    5. Ah—is it that the farmer don't want my help for the calving? O, I am not wanted here any more! And I have tried so hard to " —

    6. So instead we color-tagged them during calving each year, matching cows with their calves: Green 1, Red 3, Blue 2, sliding out from their mothers, onto the dirt floor of the barn, those feet kicking right away, always trying to get a purchase in the slop

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    calve have young break up