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    cancel out frases de exemplo

    cancel out

    1. · To realize that in the long run good and bad things are bound to cancel out each other

    2. to cancel out background noise

    3. magnified intention can cancel out the “noise” of a

    4. Otherwise, you cancel out its effect in the universe

    5. Given the chance, I probably could cancel out their Ivy League educations with my extensive knowledge of “Hit Sitcoms of the Seventies

    6. He couldn’t cancel out all those earlier years of rich diets and lack of exercise

    7. species, thus serving to cancel out one of the extinguished variety, in the name of

    8. By the time I came around, he was still able to cancel out some

    9. Perhaps her plan would put to rest her fears about the old legends and cancel out any remaining darkness there might be in the land or its rulers

    10. They do not cancel out

    11. In the perfectly symmetric empty-void they cancel out

    12. Since contrary attributes cancel out their conjugate partners in the void, the empty-void can be said to be ‘attributeless

    13. ” You dawn headphones to cancel out the din of falling rocks and expanding air currents

    14. No aphrodisiac is going to help you cancel out that impression!

    15. “Then perhaps it would be possible to use one to cancel out the other

    16. But there were highs to cancel out some of the lows

    17. Or, the same person could have a liking for using guns for dealing with distant enemies, and cancel out their weakness in close combat by learning to use melee type honoi techniques

    18. Washington to cancel out the missions mobilization potential of the Congress on Africa during its same weekend

    19. cancel out and we will be left with a pure number, a universal constant

    20. it only took a wave from their Lord to cancel out their action, and

    21. Gravity waves don‘t cancel out until they reach the

    22. The change in sales and the change in operating income (EBIT) cancel out and

    23. The weapons had been modified to cancel out the shield directly in front of the barrel, so that he could shoot

    24. Could being Melioran exist with his humanity, or did one cancel out the other? He twisted his head until both halves of his face glowed against the night, but he still felt incomplete

    25. their income, the annual rate of inflation (4%) in the United States may or may not cancel out their raise

    26. David did not possess anywhere near enough willpower to cancel out the grin that spread across his face

    27. A negative sort of way, for fear can cancel out anger—while just a spark of anger, stoked and fanned into flame, is capable of overcoming the strongest, most paralyzing of fears

    28. was to cancel out all the other voices in their heads

    29. and allow His voice to cancel out all others

    30. We are swimming in Venn circles of towards and away where individual and collective consequences not only become magnified, but also are exponentially riddled with such orders of complexity that only chaos theory can begin to express the waves that cross, cancel out, magnify and compound

    31. Nor does the theory of organic evolution by way of involuntary natural selection cancel out or

    32. The negative energy has the potential to cancel out everything

    33. There was no doubt they could not retrace their steps and cancel out their actions

    34. The meaning perspective of this adult tends to cancel out many other loving feelings of "how cute" or "how beautiful," or "how creative" or even some admiration

    35. By focusing on blessing each other you will cancel out the envious selfish desires and be far better off for it as a couple

    36. that person to then experience an equal act of negativity in order to cancel out the original

    37. A trader must therefore systematically trade the signals many, many times (say >100) to cancel out the variability and achieve the indicated mean returns reliably

    38. It would be easy to blame Avocet which is down 90% but in a portfolio you expect to have big winners and large losers which cancel out so you can’t pass off losses or profits by taking individual shares into account

    39. If the selection of speculative issues is based on expert study of the companies’ position, should not this approach give the purchaser a considerable advantage? Admitting future events to be uncertain, could not the favorable and unfavorable developments be counted on to cancel out against each other, more or less, so that the initial advantage afforded by sound analysis will carry through into an eventual average profit? This is a plausible argument but a deceptive one; and its over-ready acceptance has done much to lead analysts astray

    40. Therefore, the company typically feels compelled to buy back other shares to cancel out the stock issued to the option holders

    41. If the long and short underlying positions cancel out, we are left with a roll:

    42. Although it is always possible to combine a conversion in one month with a reversal in a different month, in a roll, the underlying positions must cancel out

    43. Assuming that the price of the option is equal to its intrinsic value, the credit and debit will cancel out, resulting in no cash flow

    44. What’s the point in holding a balanced portfolio of different asset classes (equities, bonds, cash, property, and so on) or a balanced portfolio of different stock sectors such that when one half of the portfolio goes up, the other half goes down to cancel out the gains? To me, that sounds like a recipe for standing still or at best achieving exactly average returns

    45. Unexpected news dominates returns in the short run but the effects of such news tend to cancel out in the long run

    46. Moreover, these biases appear to be systematic—perhaps due to their evolutionary origins—so they would not cancel out across investors

    47. Even though option selling can be a very consistent approach, one losing position that is allowed to run can cancel out weeks or months of option profits

    48. For net profit after tax, you can consider this to be approximately equivalent to owner income because depreciation and amortization can cancel out capital expenditure

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