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    captor frases de exemplo


    1. The Kid kept up with the pleasantries and, although he was clearly my captor, I started to look forward to our brief interludes

    2. Ish's captor had recovered from the groin attack

    3. I examined my captor

    4. The captor noticed but didn't react

    5. The other captor saw the blood gush out,

    6. Swiftly she twirled around to face her captor, he was but a mere shadowed outline, against the blazing lights of the house, It didn't appear he was about to release his grip of her waist either

    7. He struggled to unsheathe the blood-knife with his broken left hand, meanwhile, his robotic captor heaved him into the air, its body incredibly thin and near ten feet tall

    8. struggled to break free of his grasp, but his captor was

    9. was determined to get away from his captor at the

    10. There was no doubting that his captor was

    11. As the noise of bird calls reached them, Nerissa’s captor began to stir

    12. On the days her captor

    13. And Hermes would convince Odysseus’s love-smitten captor to relent

    14. Though the hermit was her captor, he was also her protector

    15. My captor made a slow circle around me, and when I saw her face, I felt a surge of relief

    16. I chanced a quick look at Joss and his captor

    17. His captor, on the other hand, looked bored

    18. “It seems as though Auster’s powers are being used, which is really wise of his captor

    19. “Cupid figures if we find the storms, we find the captor

    20. There was never a glimpse of light, never the sound of pursuit, never the remotest sense that saviors were coming to draw her away from her captor

    21. "You sure?" my captor asked, pulling me to my feet by my hair

    22. The man left the room, and even though she struggled as hard as she could while her captor thoroughly searched the house, she couldn’t free herself

    23. He did so, staring at her captor with a look that made her feel uncomfortable

    24. If the gun had been loaded, her captor would have gone down under a rain of bullets

    25. “Who else is out there, asshole?” Mike asked, as the man turned to face his captor

    26. I should wait until he went inside to investigate, then kill Argyl and ambush his captor when he came back outside

    27. Instead, the captor abruptly began to ride away, holding a rope that brought Argyl's horse along

    28. When they were within two feet of me, in one motion I spun away from my captor, tapped Koflanovich on the shoulder and asked, “Mind if I cut in?”

    29. “Sanaa” shouted his captor and Derek was in no doubt he was

    30. Although you cannot vanquish death, you can change your attitude towards your captor

    31. Nyla had gotten her captor into a friendly mood

    32. Afraid of my captor

    33. Fighting the pain and wondering if death by burning would be better than death by drowning, Simon struggled to a sitting position and launched himself at his captor, knocking Johan out of the way as he did so

    34. She belatedly realized that she had had a good chance of escaping from her captor in the woods by simply running away from him

    35. At least he had left her hands free, and after a while she decided that she had better try to get out of the cellar, as her captor obviously was not going to release her and the thought of spending a night in the total darkness with spiders and who knows what else? - crawling over her, was too horrible to contemplate

    36. relationship with their captor

    37. Was there any truth in the story or was it just a fairy tale, who knows? Either way she figured if she could be a little bit more of the old Athene and get her captor to view her as another human being rather than a bounty, she may have a better chance of coming through this alive

    38. Moving fast, so fast that everything was a blur; everything except the bushy tail that betrayed the identity of his captor

    39. He’d caused a commotion on that Greyhound bus in New Jersey trying to get away from his captor (and afterward, witnesses would even swear they had seen the leather-clad man on the bus-“Why didn’t I remember him before?”)

    40. Finally, brave Percy Jackson (I was beginning to like this kid) had stolen a gun from his captor in Los Angeles and battled him shotgun-to-rifle on the beach

    41. But in the spectacular explosion, five police cars had been destroyed and the captor had fled

    42. ‘You didn’t seriously imagine the boys you raped wouldn’t tell their fathers, did you?’ asked the engorged captor in a rasping croak

    43. The Cimmerian resisted this effort, with his left arm rigid as iron, while the sword in his right hand, wielded like a butcher-knife, sank again and again into the groin, breast and belly of his captor

    44. 'Where now?' Yasmina was trying to sit erect on the rocking saddle-bow, clutching her captor

    45. She fought like a wildcat for an instant, and then subsided as she felt herself crushed by the superior strength of her captor

    46. She crouched, watching her captor with eyes baleful as those of a basilisk

    47. My body ached–my ribs felt as if every single one had been shattered and were held on by one stitch, my back and shoulders pounded from my fall and I was so cold that I was past the shivering stage although every few minutes, a shudder wracked my frame causing my captor to curse and kick his mount faster

    48. The man ducked his head and his teeth chattered as he volubly assured his captor of his loyalty, staring up stupidly at the banner that floated over him, the golden serpent of the old dynasty

    49. This was her first good look at her captor and the first chance to see or talk to him when he wasn‘t on the muscle

    50. This renewed Sam‘s belief that Elise was alive and her captor had relaxed a notch

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