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    Use "carelessness" em uma frase

    carelessness frases de exemplo


    1. My biggest worry is that we will encounter a pothole and that my carelessness will cause my mount to stumble and become lame

    2. He knew he should never have tended the horse while it was still in its stall, but whether out of hubris or carelessness, he was there

    3. carelessness in the future

    4. They had a way of scrapping and lunging from the shadows like cornered beasts and even the most seasoned warriors could be caught unaware amid their carelessness

    5. He caught her by the upper arm, seizing her silently but sternly, letting his eyes reprimand her for her carelessness

    6. His carelessness had gotten Joss and his own daughter killed

    7. That many presidents were both best and worst says much about the power of the office, that neglect, carelessness, or lack of ideological reflection can cause mass deaths to take place

    8. After all, by his carelessness was the devil,

    9. In al fairness, we must point out that this traditional carelessness is

    10. Was it carelessness when looking for actors? Was it prejudice?

    11. for attention and the penalty of carelessness

    12. As brave as we might have been, lessons are often learned because of carelessness


    14. compensate that by the carelessness

    15. But carelessness in adding numbers and old age were suitable defenses in my opinion

    16. Will he recognize the foolishness of self-afflicted punishment? Will he see the carelessness of self-indulgence? He has experienced both to their utmost extremes

    17. What didn’t amuse him was carelessness

    18. that it may he graceful, beautiful and correct, and free from carelessness and

    19. The old carelessness

    20. extravagances of asceticism on the one hand and the carelessness of mere

    21. us, our indifference, accompanied by much carelessness and doubt, indicate quite clearly that in the final

    22. Remnants of iniquity and carelessness

    23. I guess that’s part of her carelessness

    24. One night, out of carelessness, morning found him in Petra Cotes’s bed

    25. It was during those days that in a moment of carelessness little Aureliano appeared on the porch and his grandfather recognized the secret of his identity

    26. I would have preferred to do so myself, but as I am sure you can understand, thanks to your carelessness with your robots, I am left having to watch over another of my own

    27. They acquire the swine’s characters and its carelessness for its female, so, they will do the same with their wives

    28. worse, their carelessness with the things that really matter, or their evil?’

    29. When fully operational and functioning as intended we rarely give them a thought, but a split second of carelessness, or plain bad luck, could seriously restrict mobility for quite some time

    30. OK, there are exceptions, but by and large people don’t die because of bad luck; they die because of carelessness, ignorance or complacency

    31. Some problems are not only created by the situations but also created by our own carelessness and foolishness

    32. irate at Bridget Jones' carelessness but the alcohol in his

    33. Whether we like to acknowledge it or not, there are within us, at our very best, latent dislike of trouble, secret desire to please man and keep in with the world, carelessness about our private Bible-reading and our prayers, envy and jealousy of others, laziness about doing good, selfishness and desire to have our own way, forgetfulness of the wishes of others, and want of watchfulness over our own besetting sins

    34. carelessness in self-searching; which makes

    35. The degree of carelessness left him/her in a mental hospital blowing up from demonic marriages manifested in major form

    36. Achyut (infallible), or while we were together alone or with others, out of my feeling that you are my intimate friend and because of carelessness arising from my ignorance of your true magnificence

    37. If tamas is active, sloth and carelessness predominate

    38. Whether committed in a moment of carelessness, rage, terror, insanity or “cold-

    39. When the commander presented himself, the Pasha addressed him angrily, ‘Where are your men, the peace officers? What is this neglect and carelessness that I’m hearing about? Six months have passed since a serious crime was committed in a certain small village and the criminal has not been found! This is gross dereliction of duty on the part of the peace officers!’

    40. Look it, kid, what do you think you're doing here but cleaning up after the carelessness of the rich and the class-chasing of everyone else?”

    41. of carelessness or indifference, but because hectic lifestyles lead

    42. She grew, in the year during which they were engaged, into a woman, and can never now retrace her steps back to that fairy place of sunshine and carelessness in which we so happily wander if we are left alone for years and years after we are supposed to be grown up

    43. “It was my own carelessness

    44. I don’t know how long I lingered in that quiet darkness, surrounded by nothing but tranquility and carelessness that had become a sure death sentence in the real world

    45. form of thearticle here is Garduña's carelessness of speech

    46. "I believe these streaks and patches and spots your superficial self has may be good in their ultimate effect, may save us, by interrupting, from those too serene spells that dogs'-ear love with usage and carelessness

    47. He held that they were the result of carelessness and inefficiency, and he chose his men cautiously to avoid having either of these blights on his boat

    48. There was an airy carelessness about the phrase

    49. There's nothing you can possibly say to excuse such carelessness

    50. 'That makes two plates of bread and butter wasted to-day entirely owing to your carelessness

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    Sinônimos para "carelessness"

    carelessness neglect negligence nonperformance sloppiness oversight laxity default delinquency dereliction breach