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    carried on frases de exemplo

    carried on

    1. About one in ten thousand people here carried one, he gave one to every crew chief on duty at the ranch

    2. In spite of knowing it was a lie, she carried on about her loss and called him a coward for hiding in the ship

    3. he carried on speaking

    4. As they all carried on down the hill, Cosmicblasto suddenly

    5. The dragon carried on flying without effects

    6. and is carried on great, continental shifts,

    7. The next thing I remember was being swept up into the arms of my aunt and being carried onto the sand where she wrapped me in a towel and rubbed me dry

    8. He presented her to Rhontin and Lady Olivia, and followed the birth rite that had been started by Daniel and Kate; and would be carried on for centuries

    9. and pleaded with her demonic boots, they simply carried on

    10. The boat was so small that a dozen of them could have been carried on the deck of one of the sailing rafts on the rivers of Alan's world

    11. And she wasn’t a one-night stand, he’d romanced her for several months at least and would probably have carried on if she hadn’t gone and got pregnant

    12. He sighed and carried on with what he was saying

    13. The bed frame echoed the sitting room's furniture design and manufacture; the quilts and pillows carried on the patterns and colors introduced in the other room as well

    14. He carried on down into the lower levels happy in

    15. Faint wuthering sounds carried on the rising wind were indescribable monsters … again he saw Chas’s face, lying on the kitchen floor by the corner of the cooker which had killed him

    16. He carried on past cottages and bath houses, amusements and museums, until the sun had past its zenith and the shadows of the trees began to reach further across the fields

    17. 'I wonder what they’re up to?' Reynard carried on

    18. It had taken her months to trust that Jason wasn't going to die, but Mike carried on as always

    19. and your daughters are carried on the

    20. This proportion, it will appear hereafter, depends partly upon the nature of the different employments, and partly upon the different laws and policy of the society in which they are carried on

    21. A French author of great knowledge and ingenuity, Mr Messance, receiver of the taillies in the election of St Etienne, endeavours to shew that the poor do more work in cheap than in dear years, by comparing the quantity and value of the goods made upon those different occasions in three different manufactures; one of coarse woollens, carried on at Elbeuf; one of linen, and another of silk, both which extend through the whole generality of Rouen

    22. When the stocks of many rich merchants are turned into the same trade, their mutual competition naturally tends to lower its profit; and when there is a like increase of stock in all the different trades carried on in the same society, the same competition must produce the same effect in them all

    23. To ascertain what is the average profit of all the different trades carried on in a great kingdom, must be much more difficult; and to judge of what it may have been formerly, or in remote periods of time, with any degree of precision, must be altogether impossible

    24. There are few trades which cannot be carried on with a smaller stock in Scotland than in England

    25. So great an accession of new business to be carried on by the old stock, must necessarily have diminished the quantity employed in a great number of particular branches, in which the competition being less, the profits must have been greater

    26. it may be reasonable that one half of it should go to interest, wherever business is carried on with borrowed money

    27. This trade can be carried on nowhere but in great towns

    28. The spinning of linen yarn is carried on in Scotland nearly in the same way as the knitting of

    29. general and public law of all trades carried on in market towns

    30. carried on between them

    31. That the industry which is carried on in towns is, everywhere in Europe, more advantageous

    32. than that which is carried on in the country, without entering into any very nice computations,

    33. most insignificant trades carried on in towns have, accordingly, in some place or other, been

    34. colleges, in which education is carried on, was more reasonable than it is at present through

    35. ” The call was acknowledged Fred carried on putting his old fire overalls and hat on then as he walked down to woodland he heard the Brigade alarm blast across the fields

    36. He looked me over, I had heard swans could be dangerous, so I moved away and carried on with my walk

    37. Silver is very seldom found virgin, but, like most other metals, is generally mineralized with some other body, from which it is impossible to separate it in such quantities as will pay for the expense, but by a very laborious and tedious operation, which cannot well be carried on but in work-houses erected for the purpose, and, therefore, exposed to the inspection of the king's officers

    38. It is sometimes found in pieces of some bulk ; and, even when mixed, in small and almost insensible particles, with sand, earth, and other extraneous bodies, it can be separated from them by a very short and simple operation, which can be carried on in any private house by any body who is possessed of a small quantity of mercury

    39. The chief inhaled and carried on contemplating the view

    40. Their whole commerce was carried on by barter, and there was accordingly scarce any division of labour among them

    41. Since that time, the direct trade between America and the East Indies, which is carried on by means of the Acapulco ships, has been continually augmenting, and the indirect intercourse by the way of Europe has been augmenting in a still greater proportion

    42. During the sixteenth century, the Portuguese were the only European nation who carried on any regular trade to the East Indies

    43. The English and French carried on some trade with India in the last century, but it has been greatly augmented in the course of the present

    44. The Orcs stopped and stared at the three old men for a while, deduced that there was neither danger nor wood in their vicinity and carried on

    45. The silver of the new continent seems, in this manner, to be one of the principal commodities by which the commerce between the two extremities of the old one is carried on ; and it is by means of it, in a great measure, that those distant parts of the world are connected with one another

    46. The lance carried on through the hall and down a corridor, stopping at the second door and knocking twice

    47. The business of the dairy, like the feeding of hogs and poultry, is originally carried on as a save-all

    48. If it is very low indeed, he will be likely to manage his dairy in a very slovenly and dirty manner, and will scarce, perhaps, think it worth while to have a particular room or building on purpose for it, but will suffer the business to be carried on amidst the smoke, filth, and nastiness of his own kitchen, as was the case of almost all the farmers' dairies in Scotland thirty or forty years ago, and as is the case of many of them still

    49. The coarse manufacture probably was, in those ancient times, carried on in England in the same manner as it always has been in countries where arts and manufactures are in their infancy

    50. The fine manufacture, on the other hand, was not, in those times, carried on in England, but in the rich and commercial country of Flanders; and it was probably conducted then, in the same manner as now, by people who derived the whole, or the principal part of their subsistence from it

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