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    Use "catch a glimpse of" em uma frase

    catch a glimpse of frases de exemplo

    catch a glimpse of

    1. Tom managed to catch a glimpse of her leaving the car park

    2. they might catch a glimpse of the truth

    3. As doors swing to and fro with the constant movement of nurses and support staff, interested bystanders try to catch a glimpse of the drama, eager to compare the reality of television medical scenes with the fiction all around them

    4. he could occasionally catch a glimpse of the farm-land beyond

    5. Occasionally he would catch a glimpse of the mountains to the northwest

    6. He had the good fortune to run into Sheizenn at that tiny roof-plaz on the Thulingain where you can catch a glimpse of the southern horizon

    7. He had felt the man's presence when entering the inner city and had even managed to catch a glimpse of his thin face with eyes of gray and white watching them from within the crowd

    8. Through Plato, we catch a glimpse of Christianity

    9. But he very soon was delayed again, when he happened to catch a glimpse of a certain shifty Argonian meandering near the marketplace

    10. He looked up to catch a glimpse of this elusive bird

    11. A bitter smile formed on his lips, and his head turned to look once more at the thick foliage, hoping to catch a glimpse of the strangely immaculate, perfectly cloudless sky

    12. speed to catch a glimpse of their faces

    13. I step outside just in time to catch a glimpse of Sean’s car, disappearing out of the main gate and onto Stills Lane

    14. Lorna craned her head again to see outside but they were still above the thick cloud-cover, yet she kept on looking, anxious to catch a glimpse of England from the air

    15. that I would catch a glimpse of the raven watching me from a

    16. You don't remember being put in the container, what about before that? Were you in a fight? Did you catch a glimpse of your attacker?"

    17. He got on his knees and tried to catch a glimpse of something, anything

    18. at the kitchen window, staring outside as she hoped to catch a glimpse of Amanda coming up

    19. I hoped to catch a glimpse of the luscious Steven

    20. could catch a glimpse of the Alps and their perfect

    21. ” You catch a glimpse of your resume as he flips through this huge file with your name on it—probably all the information about you since your birth

    22. To the best of Tim’s knowledge the number had never been wrong since the system was put online about 20 years ago, when he had first joined the MSD and, with security laxer, he had snuck down to catch a glimpse of the computer

    23. We entered by the East Gate and already, crowds had formed, lining the sides of the streets to catch a glimpse of the people’s royalty

    24. Alex strained his eyes to catch a glimpse of the approaching

    25. The entire school craned their necks to catch a glimpse of the boy who had plugged the iguana

    26. he would also catch a glimpse of their cards

    27. A calm, uninformed populace made it all the easier to accomplish their mission without interference from panicking tourists or busybodies hoping to catch a glimpse of excitement

    28. One of the women who was standing there moved slightly to one side, enabling Wickland to catch a glimpse of the young man whom he was searching

    29. And, out of the corner of his eye, he did catch a glimpse of that big ugly troll, looking at him from behind another box of dinosaur eggs

    30. He had been standing behind Obeast, trying to catch a glimpse of himself

    31. He moved to the end of the pram, bent down, and tried to catch a glimpse of the underside

    32. “Can you tell our viewers, Principal Klieglight, just what you’re hoping to accomplish here this morning? What brings you out here on a weekend? Are you hoping to catch a glimpse of the monsters of the lake that we read about in the paper yesterday?”

    33. I only catch a glimpse of the photo, but I can

    34. he was quick enough for her not to catch a glimpse of the boner in his pants

    35. He squirmed around to catch a glimpse of he knew not what

    36. He hoped to catch a glimpse of whoever made that last remark

    37. The atmosphere was festive, people had come because they just wanted to catch a glimpse of Modi

    38. Suitcase rolling behind him, bumbershoot closed safely under his arm since no wild dogs were likely to venture up here, and a dripping ice cream on a stick in his hand, Francis made several happy laps around the feet of the Buddha, stopping from time to time to look out over the surrounding forest, trying to catch a glimpse of the monastery he had just lived in

    39. Before exhaustion overpowered their youthful exuberance in their nuptial bed and sleep overtook their adoring gaze, the moon was on its westward descent, and as though it got inkling from its fairer partner on the horizon, the sun lay in wait to catch a glimpse of the nuptial bride in sleep

    40. rather quickly, but Darek was lucky enough to catch a glimpse of Sorren as he went into an alley

    41. ing to catch a glimpse of this unimagined world,

    42. His intuition repeatedly told him to catch a glimpse of the student seated on his place

    43. ered to see if they could catch a glimpse of the prince

    44. It was unnerving to catch a glimpse of the dead eyes

    45. Nicole was able to catch a glimpse of the pond in the back yard, which was free from weeds, probably more due to the weather then

    46. practically the entire city would be lining the Sacred Avenue to catch a glimpse of the

    47. there to catch a glimpse of the Neelkanth

    48. stroll the far banks of the Sleuth, hoping to catch a glimpse of the

    49. Ariella was scanning the trees in front of her trying to catch a glimpse of whatever had shattered the apple tree

    50. On the opposite bank, in a luxurious high-rise, lived a friend and I often tried to catch a glimpse of him with my binoculars but his business was doing well and he did not resort to lonely musings in his balcony

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