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    Use "cathartic" em uma frase

    cathartic frases de exemplo


    1. ” She wiped her eyes and sat up straighter, “When the Matriarch made me Chief of Lascor Security, I did some real cathartic serious house-cleaning in the Directorate

    2. After the cathartic episode of hilarity, which was completely reasonable, the Elf thought: what else would a person do when suddenly faced with a reality more real than anything directly experienced

    3. She was a cathartic outlet for their own corrupt pleasures: lust, destruction, hedonism

    4. Talking to a voice without a face can sometimes have that cathartic effect

    5. cathartic and operative, with the intent of destroying the evil itself, but

    6. The experience was cathartic of course, but the interesting thing to me, looking back, was that I chose to tell a long story (about a fictional young lawyer losing his father to lung cancer) as the means of that catharsis

    7. apartment or prowling the streets or maybe my writing will be cathartic for her

    8. All of my Research has been cathartic

    9. I found this to an exceptionally cathartic

    10. Hester Von Kiel had returned from a long and cathartic talk with the kindly pastor of Salem Lutheran Church and felt more confident and assured than she had for several years

    11. It has long been said that documenting your thoughts is extremely cathartic and therapeutic

    12. It’s terribly cathartic

    13. Last night, I found the act of recording our journey extremely cathartic and a means of processing the day we had endured

    14. It was cathartic and now I see the wisdom of going

    15. If so, it is my hope that you find as much unbridled joy and cathartic release in it as I myself have

    16. After a sound thrashing, He was restored to His luxury hut and given all the cathartic fruit He wanted

    17. techniques of this type, cathartic rituals are based upon temporary lift-

    18. very eff ective meditation of cathartic type

    19. “Pant like a dog” — another cathartic meditation that uses the

    20. may come as cathartic relaxation of the program

    21. instance, the basic method of modern psychotherapy — the cathartic

    22. Th e cathartic method was subjected to some improvement by W

    23. I’d thought I’d weep tears of cathartic sorrow and restorative joy each day of my journey

    24. I really had a cathartic feeling, like I had done something that would make me a stronger person

    25. For Creem, they’d been cathartic as much as anything else

    26. But rich men can afford the luxury of cathartic murder

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    Sinônimos para "cathartic"

    aperient cathartic physic purgative evacuant releasing psychotherapeutic