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    Use "causeway" em uma frase

    causeway frases de exemplo




    1. an old masonry bridge, reached by a long causeway constructed in

    2. causeway on the other side, but it was not at all clear whether it was

    3. “It’s just five miles to the causeway,” Bram replied

    4. causeway was clearer now, although the island itself was still

    5. could see the point where the causeway reached the coast, there was

    6. There was a bend in the causeway which was clearly

    7. of the causeway, with a couple of older men taking their ease outside

    8. “When was this causeway built?” Tom asked Bram curiously,

    9. looking around at the stone bocks that formed the causeway, and then

    10. “Originally, I was told, the causeway was little more than a line of

    11. lord ordered the construction of the causeway that you see now

    12. Movement over the causeway and bridge was brisk, with horse-

    13. a single motorised vehicle, although he could see that the causeway

    14. masonry underfoot, suggesting that the causeway had been in regular

    15. Only as they rounded the bend in the causeway did the true scale

    16. approached by a long sloping section of the causeway which allowed

    17. The traffic on the bridge was much denser than on the causeway

    18. bridge and causeway over to England

    19. the causeway on the other side of the bridge

    20. They were returned to the causeway later that morning by light

    21. politely and set off walking across the causeway

    22. causeway, Bram interrupted their thoughts and pointed out a few of

    23. the guard building near to the causeway entrance

    24. winter, and the cold weather and frequent storms made the causeway

    25. ship, there were three watches of eight hours, so that the causeway

    26. causeway, with only one short wall clearly visible from the road

    27. the wagoners and carters who travelled the causeway on a regular

    28. people had been washed off the causeway by waves

    29. signs and warnings on the entrance to the causeway itself certainly

    30. rather more difficult when there was much traffic on the causeway

    31. Guardians at the other end of the causeway, although it took quite

    32. Suddenly the path became an uncertain, narrow causeway edged by threatening tussocks of grass, the sludgy pools between them sucking mouths edged with rotting ferny teeth, just waiting for her to fall into them, to be lost for eternity in their peaty brown depths

    33. as he crossed the causeway or, later on, snoring nearly as loudly

    34. more time on active duty at the causeway

    35. high winds driving the waves crashing over the causeway

    36. point where the causeway met the coast

    37. stuff on one of the low stone walls that edged the causeway, then

    38. at a brisk march along the causeway

    39. causeway itself was the usual destination for most trips, and he now

    40. it had been constructed much more recently than the causeway,

    41. to the causeway, they followed the Sergeant along a rough track just

    42. edged the causeway, and desultorily watching the passing traffic

    43. The return trip to the causeway took about a third of the time,

    44. transport and hurtled along the causeway towards the bridge

    45. before the riders would get to the bend in the causeway and thereby

    46. The men on the causeway were

    47. already rapidly approaching the causeway when you got back there

    48. an attempt to blow up the causeway

    49. The two men had set off from the guard post at the causeway an

    50. crossing from the Grange, and started his walk across the causeway

    1. If a breath of air stirred, it made no sound here; for there was not a holly, not an evergreen to rustle, and the stripped hawthorn and hazel bushes were as still as the white, worn stones which causewayed the middle of the path

    1. marshes and lakes, protected by gates and causeways

    2. The causeways shone brightly in the midday sun

    3. The causeways, usually thronged, showed only a trickle of traffic

    4. The cities of the lake were partially lit up as were the causeways leading to the twin cities

    5. was linked to the mainland by three long causeways

    6. The wanderer watched the desperate, determined fighting along the causeways and at the

    7. With the crash of thunder, the enormous chains plunged into their respective causeways, permitting free passage

    8. Like swarms of angry hornets, Cluster warships began streaming out of the causeways

    9. As the squad passed through one of the western causeways into the open water, he heard a crewman shout, “Sir! To the south!”

    10. Exiting Tardoc by one of its three main causeways, the other two were situated on

    11. He found the house in a mean little street paved with granite cobbles and having causeways of dark blue, grooved bricks

    12. A very great number of streets which are now convex were then sunken causeways

    13. The echo of the first shower vanished down remote causeways and roof drains, away

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