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    cerebrum frases de exemplo


    1. Will man ever be able to truly understand exactly what happens where in the brain while thoughts are occurring? And what about the distinction between thinking about a new subject as opposed to remembering an old one? Some perhaps promising speculation has recently centered on the neurons of the pre-frontal cortex (the cerebrum), with the corollary proposition that the greater number of axonic-dendritic connections between the neurons, the greater the potential intelligence

    2. Can we avoid the old mind-body dichotomy of Descartes? Are thoughts and memories no more than the electro-chemical interactions between cytoplasmic extrusions of the individual neurons of the cerebrum? And what are the physical processes in the brain that result from deciding to think about one subject rather than another? This entire subject remains something to think about, does it not?

    3. When he was examined by CAT-scan, however, Lorber discovered that he had virtually no brain at all! Ordinarily, the walls of the cerebrum are 4 to 5 millimetres thick

    4. Forrest had affected the left side of his body, which suggests damage done to the right hemisphere of his cerebrum

    5. “What kind of a progress can there be with such motivation? Their institute still can’t explain the phenomenal effects of this biomass that weights a little more than a kilo - the cerebrum, just like other world scientists

    6. Located in this zone, receptors send signals through nerves which in turn transfer these signals not only into the spinal cord but also through cen-tripetal and extraspinal tracts up to the cerebrum

    7. What is epilepsy? According to the medical perspective, epilepsy is a nervous case which causes a temporal disorder in the normal electro-activity of the cerebrum to occur from time to time

    8. It is known that the regular electric activity of the cerebrum results from the passing of millions of simple electric charges along the neurons in the cerebrum, which spread throughout all parts of the body

    9. The condition that causes epilepsy may exist since birth, or it may surface later as a result of accidents, or the existence of abnormal compounds in the cerebrum, or after somebody is subjected to a toxic substance, or for other reasons which are now medically unknown

    10. There are many diseases and severe cases that affect the cerebrum to the extent that they cause a single spasmodic spell

    11. The cause of this disease is not known by doctors in the case of about 70% of sufferers; as for the rest, the cause of this disease may be one of the agents affecting the functioning of the cerebrum

    12. Examples include various head accidents, or when a newborn baby suffers from loss of oxygen during their birth, thus affecting the control system of electric activity in the cerebrum

    13. There are other reasons as well, such as tumors of the cerebrum, hereditary diseases, lead poisoning, meningitis, and encephalitis

    14. As for hereditary agents: epilepsy rarely results from hereditary causes, and there are few cases that are considered to be hereditary, wherein we find that special types of electric waves in the cerebrum correlate with specific forms of epileptic spells

    15. And there is research that indicates that people with schizophrenia have a gene that prevents the normal growth of the myelin sheath that is designed to insulate cerebrum neurons from short-circuiting, disrupting the ‘normal’ process for processing thoughts and feelings

    16. Humans are people who, through the synergy of the interface between the bio-chemical neurotransmitters of the cerebrum, and the transcendent characteristics of consciousness, freewill, intellect, meta-cognition and memory, possess the complex functions of self-awareness, introspection, reflection, contemplation, reasoning, decision-making, problem solving, planning and perception

    17. They have the intrinsic power of personal spiritual-energy of Self to potentially change some atom-energy genetically inherited cerebrum configurations of neural connections

    18. The brain (cerebrum) is part of the human anatomy and the bio-chemical vehicle for the faculties and functions of sight, hearing, touch, movement, and speech, etcetera, to operate from, including the intangible entities of the personality such as attitudes and beliefs, being a function of thoughts and emotions, being a function of experiences and the freedom of choice

    19. disease that Arabians carry called Cerebrum

    20. the cerebrum which gives a horse its balance and

    21. eff ect upon particular sections of the cerebrum

    22. ling overall blood circulation, except for the circulation in the cerebrum,

    23. The brains of reptiles have developed a cerebrum and cerebellum

    24. The seizure ripped through the cerebrum of the most revered man in Christendom, canceling all but one regretful thought: He would never know which virgin bore the divine child

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