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chide frases de exemplo
1. It was a casual sail between choke points, and ships going by on the uphill side of the sandbar could hail them and chide them on their misfortune
2. Then she could be sarcastic or she could chide Jock for his unthinking bloody alpha male priorities and hormonal negligence, and then, as soon as he tries to pour oil on her troubled waters, as soon as he infuriates her with his calm, business voice, she will know that everything is fine and dandy
3. But it was good to be able to tell someone, especially one who didn't criticize or chide her
4. They will chide one another on a bad shot, while complimenting one another on good shots and putts
5. 9 He will not always chide: neither will he keep his anger forever
6. 2 Therefore the people did chide with Moses, and said, Give us water that we may drink
7. And Moses said to them, Why chide you with me? therefore do you tempt the Lord?
8. 1 And the men of Ephraim said to him, Why have you served us so, that you calledst us not, when you went to fight with the Midianites? And they did chide with him sharply
9. 2 Wherefore the people did chide with Moses, and said, Give us water that
10. And Moses said unto them, Why chide ye with me? wherefore
11. " Myers knew better than to chide the Wolf for not making a courtesy call on the lieutenant colonel who ran the Bien Hoa C Team, the team that had command responsibility for Detachment A-302, his team
12. “How dramatic,” Lady Jane seemed to chide her husband for his reaction to the beverage he had just consumed
13. “That may be so,” Elizabeth replied then waved a crooked but gloved finger in the air as if to chide him, “and I may be satisfied that he got what he deserved, but I may be able to help you in your investigation
14. Barron took pleasure in hearing Mort chide both the mayor and Van
15. (Note: Jesus takes this opportunity to chide them about
16. Chide: To contend with; to struggle and resist someone: or, to rebuke harshly, with scolding noises of irritation
17. He then took his departure and I was left, I know not whether sorrowful or happy; all I can say is, I was left agitated and troubled in mind and almost bewildered by what had taken place, and I had not the spirit, or else it did not occur to me, to chide my maid for the treachery she had been guilty of in concealing Don Fernando in my chamber; for as yet I was unable to make up my mind whether what had befallen me was for good or evil
18. And yet, with all these good things, which are commonly all that men need to enable them to live happily, I am the most discontented and dissatisfied man in the whole world; for, I know not how long since, I have been harassed and oppressed by a desire so strange and so unusual, that I wonder at myself and blame and chide myself when I am alone, and strive to stifle it and hide it from my own thoughts, and with no better success than if I were endeavouring
19. Leonela said she would, but kept her word in such a way that she confirmed Camilla's apprehension of losing her reputation through her means; for this abandoned and bold Leonela, as soon as she perceived that her mistress's demeanour was not what it was wont to be, had the audacity to introduce her lover into the house, confident that even if her mistress saw him she would not dare to expose him; for the sins of mistresses entail this mischief among others; they make themselves the slaves of their own servants, and are obliged to hide their laxities and depravities; as was the case with Camilla, who though she perceived, not once but many times, that Leonela was with her lover in some room of the house, not only did not dare to chide her, but afforded her opportunities for concealing him and removed all difficulties, lest he should be seen by her husband
20. At last he decided upon revealing all to Camilla, and, as there was no want of opportunity for doing so, he found her alone the same day; but she, as soon as she had the chance of speaking to him, said, "Lothario my friend, I must tell thee I have a sorrow in my heart which fills it so that it seems ready to burst; and it will be a wonder if it does not; for the audacity of Leonela has now reached such a pitch that every night she conceals a gallant of hers in this house and remains with him till morning, at the expense of my reputation; inasmuch as it is open to anyone to question it who may see him quitting my house at such unseasonable hours; but what distresses me is that I cannot punish or chide her, for her privity to our intrigue bridles my mouth and keeps me silent about hers, while I am dreading that some catastrophe will come of it
21. If your son write satires reflecting on the honour of others, chide and correct him, and tear them up; but if he compose discourses in which he rebukes vice in general, in the style of Horace, and with elegance like his, commend him; for it is legitimate for a poet to write against envy and lash the envious in his verse, and the other vices too, provided he does not single out individuals; there are, however, poets who, for the sake of saying something spiteful, would run the risk of being banished to the coast of Pontus
22. And that personage who appears there with a crown on his head and a sceptre in his hand is the Emperor Charlemagne, the supposed father of Melisendra, who, angered to see his son-in-law's inaction and unconcern, comes in to chide him; and observe with what vehemence and energy he chides him, so that you would fancy he was going to give him half a dozen raps with his sceptre; and indeed there are authors who say he did give them, and sound ones too; and after having said a great deal to him about imperilling his honour by not effecting the release of his wife, he said, so the tale runs,
23. "Why don't you chide me for being here
24. Now I but chide, but I should use thee worse,
1. "It's the size of your pecker, not the strata your mind runs on that makes a man tardy around you," the bartender chided back
2. He chided Robbie on his clumsiness and they both chuckled
3. " Lmore chided about the paucity of the stakes
4. “Oh, we’ve learned a lot already and we’ve had a great time doing it,” Ava chided
5. “Be careful, son,” Briz chided, as the three young men stood up to
6. They chided each other for coming here
7. “A town called Yoonbarla,” Valla chided
8. “Besides, without the mighty Brodin to guard it, surely Lock Core will fall,” Drua’d chided, though he believed the words to be true
9. Though Thea chided her about this habit, she was too dim to understand the connection
10. She was the little girl again being chided by those eyes; her father's eyes that Shelagh had too, when she got mad
11. “Patience, my friend,” he chided
12. constantly chided him about the dangers of skin cancer to which
13. “Afraid of a little action, Commander?” she chided
14. ‘Yes you did,’ she chided
15. “Hold on there, you fool!” he chided her
16. “Easy there,” he chided, hauling her back up to a standing position
17. “Now, this is really living,” he chided himself
18. "Whistling at sheepdogs, eh?" I chided him
19. “Herminia, you look like a mummy!” she chided through clenched teeth as the giggles subsided, replaced by tears that welled and rolled across her face in hot streams
20. “C’mon, Bill,” I chided him, bristling with confidence
21. “Ralph,” his wife Mary chided, and he changed anecdotes in mid-stride
22. Both Howard-Smythe and Bernie chided me on the subject once or twice, but oddly enough it was good old Sergeant Jaeckl who gave the best advice
23. “Come along, come along,” he chided them gently, and was rewarded unexpectedly with a small smile from Sparrow
24. Had he been waiting for his father to talk to himself again? Zoran mentally chided himself, remembering how many times this had happened lately
25. The weather remained clear, and Colling chided Boroszki about the accuracy of his prognostications
26. And, as we usually did, Gary and I chided Charles about his cushy vacation schedule as a college professor
27. “Is it safe to return to the capital?” Jeremiah chided his Supreme Commander
28. Tecumseh had chided: “Sell a country! Why not sell the air, the clouds and the great sea, as well as the earth? Did not the Great Spirit make them all for the use of his children?”
29. He chided me
30. How was she supposed to get through the dark gully without it? She chided herself for being so unprepared
31. “Be patient, Mother,” I chided
32. She had chided herself time and again for worrying
33. Lord Robert silently chided himself
34. I chided Carlotta and John for not telling me he was coming to meet me
35. “Yeah, me too” Ally chided
36. The snake had also chided me earlier asking me “Why do you still have to go to those goddamned meetings?” and “Can’t you have just one glass of wine?” That was, and still is, dangerous territory for an alky still grieving the loss of a wife of twenty years who was his strongest AA friend
37. Forget it, he chided himself
38. “I already said that,” Penn chided
39. Pausing momentarily, he looked around as someone chided, “That’s the opposite of what you just said, isn’t it?”
40. “Hey!” Connie chided in return
41. Judah only did, that now-familiar voice chided, what you declared would be your intent in that moment when you joined yourself to Moses’ mission not so long ago!
42. ” The Queen of Queens chided
43. Pausing momentarily, he looked around as someone chided, “That's the opposite of what you
44. Judah only did, that now-familiar voice chided, what you declared would be your intent in that
45. Those who had missed the show were chided for their misfortune
46. “Now who could find fault with that, Georgie?” chided Lydia playfully
47. Secretary,” chided the President with a grin
48. "I should have baked rye bread," she chided herself
49. Once I gave up my seat to a lady in a crowded streetcar, but she was annoyed rather than pleased and chided me for trying to make a pass at her
50. “Perhaps that will teach you a lesson,” he chided, wagging a finger at Jane as he marched across the farmyard
1. "Eugene," she chides, "He's just a child
2. too much forIsabel, who chides her husband so severely that she
3. And that personage who appears there with a crown on his head and a sceptre in his hand is the Emperor Charlemagne, the supposed father of Melisendra, who, angered to see his son-in-law's inaction and unconcern, comes in to chide him; and observe with what vehemence and energy he chides him, so that you would fancy he was going to give him half a dozen raps with his sceptre; and indeed there are authors who say he did give them, and sound ones too; and after having said a great deal to him about imperilling his honour by not effecting the release of his wife, he said, so the tale runs,
4. “You must eat, Anastasia,” he chides
5. Anastasia Steele! My subconscious chides me, but I don’t want to listen to her – I almost hug myself with glee because I know this will drive him crazy
6. This school with its false depth, all on the surface, which dissects effects without going back to first causes, chides from its height of a demi-science, the agitation of the public square
1. mind that bore the as yet unnamed form of Conscience added just a hint of chiding
2. That part of his ethereal mind that bore the as yet unnamed form of Conscience added just a hint of chiding harmonic resonance to the song of the universe, and thus was born the conduit between God and the third rock out from an insignificant little star
3. The tank is half full and the satellite navigation console is chiding him firmly but softly with a slurred, slow voice, bleeding to death electronically
4. ‘You were listening!’ she said, chiding the culprits
5. She felt a flash of embarrassment at her position, chiding herself for not being skilled enough in magecraft to attack the cat without her blade
6. “Nothing new there then Jack!” Peter joined in the chiding and
7. out of her way and a chiding about who these friends were i
8. Mott interjected abruptly, as if he were chiding Lanris:
9. They were being served what appeared to be beef stew by two German girls, and there was considerable laughter and good-natured chiding of the women as they filled the mens’ plates
10. The chiding was a tad less vociferous than usual, at least from me, because of Charles’ surprise announcement about intending to retire
11. “Please stop fighting,” Caleb interrupts, his voice chiding
12. She said this as if chiding a couple of misbehaving kindergarteners as she lifted
13. 7 And he called the name of the place Massah, and Meribah, because of the chiding of the children of Israel, and because they tempted the Lord, saying, Is the Lord among us, or not?
14. chiding of the children of Israel, and because they tempted the LORD, saying,
15. But instead of allowing himself to be pulled away from danger, or even chiding him for his foolishness, Johan tugged back, catching Simon off balance so he, too, fell
16. She received a chiding for arriving late, and the paint line had fallen behind
17. “Forget it, Henry, the kid cleaned you out last week,” Charlie said, chiding his friend
18. “What a romantic chiding?” he said moving closer to her
19. It had gone over his head because his mind had been stunned and hurt by her merciless chiding
20. ―I…‖ Skeets interrupted—he was still the chiding professor
21. I like to keep a close reign on the operations,” he said, as though he was chiding the stranger
22. The mobster apparently loved that but the dancer then wiggled one index, chiding him before getting back up and cracking her whip one last time before withdrawing behind the curtains under the enthusiastic applauses of the customers
23. The girl, seeing Mazarin approach her, made a curtsy to him, prompting a gentle chiding from the Cardinal
24. Her chiding caused The Wudang Four Swordsmen to become speechless
25. The meaning also includes chiding them with their tongue or shunning them in spirit instead of taking them under their wing
26. biochemistry course, he had spent time chiding the professor about Ben
27. Her fondness for several of the dozen wild, yet innocent children, was well known throughout the camp and the source for endless chiding and inquisition about when she would begin her own brood
28. Riley’s chiding tone dragged him back to the present and he smiled into the phone
29. The queen sighs and her voice turns chiding, "Richard
30. His mother and annoying goody-good sister were always chiding him to clean it, but whatever
31. ‘ He knows that infuriates me,’ the Fife squirmed, chiding himself at his own lapse
32. Ray ripped he’s demon’s throat out and turned to growl at her, Holly could almost hear the chiding in his tone
33. He couldn’t help chiding himself—it’d been a stupid idea
34. If it be but to carry away with me the recollection of such sweet moments, I could even thank you for chiding me, for it leaves me a gleam of hope, that if you did not expect me (and that indeed would be worse than vanity to suppose), at least I was in your thoughts
35. Nine twelve bloodflows chiding her childless
36. Finally, there was Amy, that voice that had made its home in my ear for half a decade, my wife’s voice, but now it wasn’t chiding, it was sweet again
37. I heard Keith’s chiding voice in my mind: “You can’t do this, Lindsay
38. She was finishing her last prayer: ‘Can it be that this couch will be my grave?’ Natasha, flushed and eager, seeing her mother in prayer, suddenly checked her rush, half sat down, and unconsciously put out her tongue as if chiding herself
39. Such gallant chiding, for, besides the groves,
40. One would approach at first warily through the shrub oaks, running over the snow-crust by fits and starts like a leaf blown by the wind, now a few paces this way, with wonderful speed and waste of energy, making inconceivable haste with his "trotters," as if it were for a wager, and now as many paces that way, but never getting on more than half a rod at a time; and then suddenly pausing with a ludicrous expression and a gratuitous somerset, as if all the eyes in the universe were eyed on him—for all the motions of a squirrel, even in the most solitary recesses of the forest, imply spectators as much as those of a dancing girl—wasting more time in delay and circumspection than would have sufficed to walk the whole distance—I never saw one walk—and then suddenly, before you could say Jack Robinson, he would be in the top of a young pitch pine, winding up his clock and chiding all imaginary spectators, soliloquizing and talking to all the universe at the same time—for no reason that I could ever detect, or he himself was aware of, I suspect
41. For a minute or two she did not move; then she lifted her eyes, smiled and shook her head as if chiding herself, then changed her pose and dropped both her arms on the table and again began gazing down in front of her
42. And suddenly her former wrath against him rose in her; and she felt like chiding and reproving him
43. She was finishing her last prayer: “Can it be that this couch will be my grave?” Natásha, flushed and eager, seeing her mother in prayer, suddenly checked her rush, half sat down, and unconsciously put out her tongue as if chiding herself
44. With shame and a hotly chiding conscience I yielded to that insatiable curiosity—and when you have read these lines you will understand why I do not regret that inexcusable, furtive act