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    Use "chore" em uma frase

    chore frases de exemplo


    1. never be a chore again

    2. He watched as she went about her chore with the ease of someone who knows where everything is in her kitchen and what to do with it

    3. He finished his chore and headed back, he saw Kate and Daniel as he landed

    4. Will you please go to her; she is in the Mess Hall, she has a chore for you

    5. They went to the store room and fetched the large paint brushes and rags, then went to the wall of the nearest bungalow where their father waited for them to begin the chore

    6. Now they were supposed to use the squat position from the sanding chore, but with a heavy towel grasped in both hands in front of them

    7. She roots around in the cupboard grumpily, reluctant to carry out the chore … she so wants to get on with the painting

    8. On days when there was a lapse in needed chore business, they sat in the great room and Harry would read from a new or favorite play

    9. He had often performed this chore for his mom in their kitchen

    10. “Well, one little chore to go

    11. It hadn't started big, just a diaper here or there, then there were more of them and soon he was doing the washing--- New chore number one

    12. It was wonderful to be a big brother---New chore number two

    13. Jack, however, had not and was still quite interested in doing any chore Julia asked of him

    14. Going thru the social interaction of hiring one of them was a chore with the android, but not half as difficult as what he knew he'd have to do with it next

    15. Though she still felt dizzy from Tragus’s blow, it proved to be an easy chore

    16. She couldn't fathom why anyone would voluntarily add another chore to their routine; and there was the potential for personal injury that long grab-able, tangle-able hair just was

    17. Dena, Elenir and Ravena set themselves for the long chore of constant monitoring

    18. Her hacking cough had become unproductive, and even breathing was a chore

    19. She tried to help him drive Alex from her mind, but at times it seemed an impossible chore

    20. Brock found that immersing himself in Skelda's thoughts was a nauseating chore, so cold and full of hate were they

    21. They watched us doing our chore much as we must have watched when we were they

    22. That each child had a chore,

    23. From the onset, this day looked like a real chore

    24. Another chore that Michael had to contend with was the mounds of medical bills that arrived each day

    25. Don performed the chore

    26. I think even the lowest chore can be educational

    27. When that happens food can become a chore forced on the children and the dinner table can become a daily battlefield

    28. Alternatively, you might view the chore of exercise as a way of staying healthy for those who love and rely on you

    29. Lifelong changes will not happen if every time you have to eat it is a chore

    30. House work can be a real chore, a bore in fact

    31. Instead of seeing it as a chore, you should think

    32. The least pleasant chore was redoing the asphalt blacktop each summer

    33. This was a detailed and messy chore, but recall that it was undertaken by an owner and CEO who already personally approved every salary increase for every employee, be it as small as $5 a week

    34. Moshe, after seeing to the bedding down of all the crews, feeling the need to report the accomplishment of the assignment, and not having heard any other voice raised in that regard, realized that he had somehow been chosen wordlessly to see to that last chore

    35. It attested to the huge size of the chore that Moshe had taken onto himself

    36. realized that he had somehow been chosen wordlessly to see to that last chore

    37. It attested to the huge size of the chore that Moshe had taken onto

    38. task to chore along the deck, while other times it was done

    39. worker, nor was he a great sailor, and as we rotated the chore of

    40. Hindrance turns it into a burden, and task, and a chore

    41. Has your time with God become a chore? Write down those things and pray

    42. But in a few minutes he turned around, deciding to get the chore over with once and forever

    43. This is a monthly chore, consisting of keeping your website updated and ready for

    44. teaching the dog to do tricks; it was a chore trying to curb his fondness of taking a nature

    45. There was water stored in barrels by our doors for this chore, but we still came to the well when the rain stopped

    46. To a servant, doing one’s duty can become a weary chore, but to a brother or friend in the service of a brother or friend, there is joy in helping one another

    47. "I enjoyed that myself," she mumbled before she went to the chore of emptying the bath

    48. Apparently, privileges had been traded-shower times, chore schedules, the best slots for activities-in order to win support

    49. Trying to replace her with other women proved more a chore

    50. Getting her to the glass was a chore

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    Sinônimos para "chore"

    chore job task responsibility duty assignment routine nuisance inconvenience trouble bore strain bother