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circuitous frases de exemplo
1. ” and she proceeded to trace a circuitous route filling in gaps and adding new traceries from the little cluster she'd at first indicated until the glowing path wound around and around
2. “Our Elf, like my daughter ChériAna, has become One with us through a most circuitous path
3. How could he be a threat? Even so, he steered the craft in a circuitous route, trying not to appreciate the ‘post-invasion’ verdant landscape
4. They eventually pulled out the Esso map and traced a circuitous route around the city that would bring them to the main road leading north
5. We started out with Moses and a snake-on-a-pole in the desert, and by an odd circuitous route ended up all over the lot of time and place, discovering in the process that Yahweh, the Hebrew God of the Exodus, at an earlier time was called EL
6. Walking a circuitous route through the woods, making sure no curious person was following, she returned to her stone
7. To drive from the city of Johannesburg to Pretoria (really just a town in those days) was via circuitous roads, confusing for someone unfamiliar with the way
8. I have got into the habit of taking a circuitous route back to my room, and of not leaving the hotel in the evening unless absolutely essential
9. I thanked him and returned to my copse of woods by a circuitous route
10. once, because she had the circuitous route to the bus depot
11. “You can’t tell me, Lieutenant James, that by virtue of all this circuitous logic you overcame the feeling that you must have had at that trial
12. Instinctively using his army training he went back to his unit by a circuitous route safe in the knowledge that anyone observing him coming home would not note anything unusual about his late hours as this was a frequent occurrence
13. The passages and tunnels of the subterranean fortress were twisting and circuitous
14. The bus took them on a circuitous route around the seaside town
15. Evidently familiar with the plan of the caverns by hearsay or by maps handed down in the priestcraft, he had entered the cave after the others, carrying the goddess, followed a circuitous route through the tunnels and chambers, and ensconced himself and his burden on the balcony while Gorulga and the other acolytes were engaged in their endless rituals
16. Without comment he mounted the rocks and brought his horse down to the glade by a circuitous path
17. It simply headed in a circuitous path for the light
18. They might make a circuitous path through the various streets of town, but there was no doubt about it: this was where they would end up
19. The phasor fire stopped and the hooded men and women then started moving through the forest in a circuitous direction toward the top of the pit
20. My circuitous route into Dale’s arms had been like one of those yarns about a stranger in town who
21. Each ship would then be tethered to one of the larger ships, while they took a circuitous route to avoid encountering any potential Kierd patrols around the Cluster
22. There are many stories in their books which uncover the circuitous ways they followed for corrupting, such as using the women, the money, the lechery and spreading the luxury
23. In the end it’s through a circuitous route that I get my interview with Declan, who it’s said spends his time doing nothing more than practicing guitar and listening to music – oh, and also building-up his vintage guitar collection, which now numbers over a hundred
24. indicative of the typical circuitous path to Knowledge Management
25. It was doubtful that it had been made by animals as its circuitous route was too logical
26. He had used the circuitous route to make sure he was not being followed though he was confident he had shaken his earlier tail before he boarded the subway
27. This circuitous route covers around 300 miles, give or
28. When, after a series of circuitous stops and starts, they finally arrived outside a hulking residential skyscraper, Michael had the distinct feeling they weren’t far from where they had started
29. He couldn't expect Llewellyn to be willing to follow him on the often circuitous journey necessary to reach the goal
30. Finally after a circuitous route through a series of boggy channels of stagnant seawater mixed with fresh water we reached what appeared to be solid ground
31. The words of Anselmo struck Lothario with astonishment, unable as he was to conjecture the purport of such a lengthy preamble; and though be strove to imagine what desire it could be that so troubled his friend, his conjectures were all far from the truth, and to relieve the anxiety which this perplexity was causing him, he told him he was doing a flagrant injustice to their great friendship in seeking circuitous methods of confiding to him his most hidden thoughts, for he well knew he might reckon upon his counsel in diverting them, or his help in carrying them into effect
32. The spirits of the scout, and the astonishing success of the chase, in which a circuitous distance of more than forty miles had been passed, did not fail to impart a
33. Davy, family grocers, 1 Charlemont Mall, Grand Canal, for circulation on the waters of civic finance, for possible, circuitous or direct, return
34. PULLER DROVE A circuitous route that took him around the perimeter of the DB and Fort Leavenworth as a whole
35. What do you want? Money?” The bluntness of his question ruined all hopes of leading up to the matter in any circuitous and sentimental way
36. She hidden and circuitous routes peculiar to women
37. Their walk having been circuitous, they were still not far from the house, and in obeying his direction she only had to reach the large stone bridge across the main river and follow the road for a few yards
38. He held it together for his girls at work, but afterward, as in his earliest days in the city, he walked home via the most circuitous route possible, looping up toward Central Park rather than face the emptiness of the loft
39. At one moment he thought, "I will write a letter: I prefer that to any circuitous talk;" at another he thought, "No; if I were talking to him, I could make a retreat before any signs of disinclination
40. This brings us by a circuitous route back to modern investment theory and the efficient market hypothesis
41. A bit circuitous, as one might wonder why we couldn’t just tell Louie to buy the 50,000 NOK ourselves
42. Choosing different A and B points would lead to a different point C (Figure 7-4), which is the whole point of using this type of addition for cryptography: In the earlier jelly donut incident, Crowley had to drive a long, circuitous route back to his house so Satoshi’s home address would remain obscured
43. Kabir Gadai approached on foot, taking a circuitous route that kept him in complete darkness
44. In this case its affinities to the other fourteen new species will be of a curious and circuitous nature
45. Yet he who objected to consider as intermediate the extinct genera, which thus link together the living genera of three families, would be partly justified, for they are intermediate, not directly, but only by a long and circuitous course through many widely different forms
46. Extinct forms are seldom directly intermediate between existing forms; but are intermediate only by a long and circuitous course through other extinct and different forms
47. For the common progenitor of a whole family, now broken up by extinction into distinct groups and subgroups, will have transmitted some of its characters, modified in various ways and degrees, to all the species; and they will consequently be related to each other by circuitous lines of affinity of various lengths (as may be seen in the diagram so often referred to), mounting up through many predecessors
48. In this chapter I have attempted to show that the arrangement of all organic beings throughout all time in groups under groups—that the nature of the relationships by which all living and extinct organisms are united by complex, radiating, and circuitous lines of affinities into a few grand classes—the rules followed and the difficulties encountered by naturalists in their classifications—the value set upon characters, if constant and prevalent, whether of high or of the most trifling importance, or, as with rudimentary organs of no importance—the wide opposition in value between analogical or adaptive characters, and characters of true affinity; and other such rules—all naturally follow if we admit the common parentage of allied forms, together with their modification through variation and natural selection, with the contingencies of extinction and divergence of character
49. On these same principles we see how it is that the mutual affinities of the forms within each class are so complex and circuitous
50. When, by circuitous roads, through bogs and forests, he overtook Napoleon with a handful of men, and the Duke of Eckmühl began to excuse his conduct, Ney merely replied—“I have not accused your Grace of anything