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    Use "clairvoyance" em uma frase

    clairvoyance frases de exemplo


    1. Happiness and can Stimulate Clairvoyance

    2. As soon as I brought the first client into deep relaxation, I realized that the priestess opened clairvoyance for me

    3. Despite all the spiritual teachings, I have always been pragmatic and doubted clairvoyance, and the gift was unexpected but rewarding

    4. Clairvoyance and clairaudience are just a couple of abilities we will use for example

    5. Clairvoyance (to see) is where spirit beings thought impressions are registered on your mind

    6. It is believed that the Akashic records make clairvoyance and psychic perception possible

    7. The police contacted psychic Nancy Orlen Weber who offered uncannily accurate descriptions of the crime, the suspect and where he’s been hiding — using her clairvoyance

    8. Psychic Dr Sally Headding helps track them down using clairvoyance

    9. , Clairvoyance, Madras (India), The Theosophical Publishing House, 1908

    10. she did not think much of my clairvoyance; but that lady had the courage to

    11. The result of that upon her clairvoyance

    12. When this factor was introduced her clairvoyance

    13. Simply the third eye is located in the middle of the forehead between the eyebrows and this is where the chakra center for the mediumistic senses such as clairvoyance is found

    14. Nevertheless, in the impenetrable solitude of decrepitude she had such clairvoyance as she examined the most insignificant happenings in the family that for the first time she saw clearly the truths that her busy life in former times had prevented her from seeing

    15. Fernanda, however, realized that there was a sun of clairvoyance in the shadows of that wand-ering, for Úrsula could say without hesitation how much money had been spent in the house during the previous year

    16. Joseph did in fact have clairvoyance or prophecy granted to him

    17. The various wonderful powers are attained by the Yogi, such as clairvoyance, clairaudience, ability to transport himself to great distances within a moment, great power of speech, ability to take any form, ability to become invisible, and the transmutation of iron into gold, when the former is smeared over with his excretion

    18. You will also get clairvoyance, clairaudience, thought-reading, and so forth

    19. “That was the trade for my eye – clairvoyance

    20. skull present but still have the ability to visualize one in their mind instantaneously or even at times, see a crystal skull that just appears right in front of them through their inner gift of clairvoyance

    21. In the brochure of the Natural Clairvoyance Company she showed me pictures of three wide-brimmed hats decorated with plants

    22. and, based on that, clairvoyance, miracle powers and the com-

    23. at one time a great Yogi with clairvoyance visited the

    24. “Even if he had clairvoyance, he still wouldn’t have stopped that

    25. You can only understand this deeply and interpret this logically only if you have an evolutional ability that can consciously manipulate activated Levels of high-quality Energy-Plasma through such extrasensory abilities as superlogic, intuition, clairvoyance, telepathy, and others that are manifested in more harmoniously organized Forms of Self-Consciousness

    26. They even tried to arrange an exorcism, certain the devil was responsible for her powers of clairvoyance

    27. Clairvoyance can only see where there is light available, so it can't be used to read a closed book

    28. They are further represented as seeking liberty to transmigrate into the bodies of two thousand swine, and as accomplishing the destruction of the whole herd as by the passage of some malignant whirlwind; * at another time as possessing a slave-girl at Philippi, and enabling her owners to make 'much gain’ by her supernatural spiritualism; a 'divination’ so effectual that when the spirit was cast out there was no legerdemain remaining, or natural clairvoyance, so that the 'hope of their gains was gone:’—loudly crying up the apostleship of Paul and Silas as 'the servants of the Most High God,’ so as to fasten the brand of their abominable advocacy upon the ministers of the Gospel—and then leaving the wrathful proprietors of the dispossessed medium to wreak their vengeance on the evangelists before the magistrates of Philippi, who beat them cruelly with rods and cast them into the prison

    29. Clairvoyance on top of everything else? I needed a vacation

    30. In other words, these are in no sense business valuations; they are products of Wall Street’s legerdemain, or possibly of its clairvoyance

    31. “Clairvoyance means ‘clear seeing,’” Judd said

    32. I grabbed the pad and pencil away from him and drew an arrow off the word clairvoyance, encircled a bunch of question marks

    33. Which is where clairvoyance becomes possible, and why the Institute of Psychical Research funds quite a few physicists now

    34. ‘Has it occurred to you that clairvoyance and bombmaking aren’t mutually exclusive? You know he could have made it to bring you to Filigree Street

    35. The blind clairvoyance of the Revolution, breaking royalty in the King and the King with royalty, did so almost without noticing the man in the fierce crushing of the idea, the vast storm of the Assembly-Tribunal, the public wrath interrogating, Capet not knowing what to reply, the alarming, stupefied vacillation by that royal head beneath that sombre breath, the relative innocence of all in that

    36. At the time she could not explain what hidden impulses of her reason had allowed her that clairvoyance, but many years later, on the eve of old age, she uncovered them suddenly and without knowing how during a casual conversation about Florentino Ariza

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    Sinônimos para "clairvoyance"

    clairvoyance e.s.p. esp extrasensory perception second sight