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    cleverly frases de exemplo


    1. In the confusion that would follow Naria herself would be slain by another assassin; whom he had cleverly placed in the rafters of the throne room

    2. He had risen to his current level of incompetence through cleverly exploited connections, not upon his own talents or the lack thereof

    3. The building itself was made of light brown sandstone slabs, painstakingly carved from huge rocks and cleverly shaped by expert craftsmen to fit together without the slightest opening between them

    4. However, it was built so cleverly that it served as a prison for the Minotaur

    5. morality, but cleverly invents something else

    6. The punishment he would then receive had enough of Jenkins' own personal methods of inflicting humiliation, whilst cleverly keeping within the rules, making this teacher seem yet more like someone not to be trifled with

    7. There was a tent placed near the open pit, and the casket was on plastic turf cleverly

    8. The walls were cleverly disguised to appear as outcrops of rock

    9. He is a clever conjuror, and manipulated his paraphernalia cleverly, but greeted every movement with a well-feigned astonishment, not lost on the people

    10. You were such a nice child to take out the thorn so cleverly, that I'll

    11. The tear-gas canister itself was cleverly designed to melt from heat it generated as it spewed the tear-gas

    12. A cleverly disguised trap had been laid, with a false floor masking a deep, open, pit

    13. The Wood Sprites had cleverly crafted the lean to blend in with the forest

    14. But that girl was probably scared out of her mind, certainly not capable of assessing situations cleverly at the time, if she was ever able to do so

    15. Wynne tensed in surprise, before cleverly coating his lip with excess soup from

    16. dress that had been fitted to emphasise a bust that was cleverly

    17. the Pongwart would cleverly shed its outer jellified layer once it was inside a host and continue to feast itself on the foolhardy

    18. The commanders of the Civil War, the radical strategists at the core of the Democratic Party, and often a majority of the Supreme Court, have cleverly shaped the civilizing element of toleration into the debilitating requirement of political correctitude

    19. Oh, if only you saw how cleverly I caught any sound! I listened fast—very, very fast—before anybody could even notice me leaning on the door

    20. He went on and on about how they don’t have servants there and his daughter cleverly involved him and his wife in all the housework

    21. I almost believed the vanity self-publisher image, so cleverly created by the industry to try and stop us

    22. The girl cleverly worked her boat in and out of the rocks, and suddenly, as it rounded a low wall of sharp rocks, the children saw the cove she had spoken of

    23. the more convinced we are that we have cleverly sailed right to

    24. "Cleverly," Calvin left it at that

    25. Bill: My ex-supervisor, the father of executed murderer Jeff Dillingham, at the behest of his evil corporate overlords laid me off--ostensibly due to program budget cuts but it was actually a case of cleverly disguised age discrimination and managerial hatred

    26. Leonardo very cleverly fueled the fire with two trunks of the surroundings; this immediately seized power and begins to frantically dance

    27. These places of worship are cleverly designed to manipulate the emotions

    28. What a cleverly put-together organisation it was…

    29. But Michal cleverly replied, with a lie –

    30. He sat at the city gate, and did cleverly manipulate!

    31. These figures, not much longer than a man's hand, represented men, and so cleverly were they made that Conan recognized various racial characteristics in the different idols, features typical of Zingarans, Argoseans, Ophireans and Kushite corsairs

    32. Most of the daring testimony which he so cleverly and courageously bore before this supreme tribunal of all Israel developed in his mind as the trial proceeded along such unfair and unjust lines

    33. 11 Until the crowing of the cock brought Peter to his better senses, he had only thought, as he walked up and down the porch to keep warm, how cleverly he had eluded the accusations of the servants, and how he had frustrated their purpose to identify him with Jesus

    34. with "Burton" cleverly woven into the ironwork had stood for seventy years at the

    35. of the truths he so cleverly purports

    36. But in time memory cheated him cleverly,

    37. cleverly conceals a hidden, deadly firestorm extracted from the decay that is satan’s mind

    38. Be very aware of the many disparate voices that cleverly attack our spiritual foundations

    39. As the months, and then the years passed, the memories of a peaceful world became more remote and people came to accept the conflict as normal, and as the cancer spread across the world, it seemed to change its nature, becoming less of a soldier’s war and belonging more to what the language of the time called ‘Back-room Boys’; the inventors; technical innovators who worked tirelessly, and cleverly to produce more and more intricate devices to kill, maim and destroy, without unduly risking the lives of the wielders

    40. Beneath our indoctrinations, I saw specialized expectations upon which we nurtured our cultures, and the meticulously shaped silences that had delicately directed me to believe only what others had made apparent—insisted upon, while other options were cleverly hushed… as was I

    41. In my waking state, I was training him to do the basic stuff, including stopping and waiting at intersections and our back gate, which he cleverly applied to all gates on our walk

    42. Beneath our indoctrinations, I saw specialized expectations upon which we nurtured our cultures, and the meticulously shaped silences that had delicately directed me to believe only what others had made apparent—insisted upon, while other options were cleverly hushed

    43. In my waking state, I was training him to do the basic stuff, including stopping and waiting at intersections, open doors, and our back gate, which he cleverly applied to all gates on our walk

    44. By talking to him afterwards, Terence realized that he was quite sharp and managed to cleverly conceal his intelligence behind his laid-back façade

    45. This whole theory would mean, of course, that he was now cleverly acting the part of the concerned, grieving husband, a role Feltus had found inconsistent with certain aspects of his behaviour, namely the strange and suspicious looks that would frequently cross his visage and perhaps indicated that he was concealing something

    46. Faye, on the other hand, was a sweet, innocent young woman trapped in a marriage with this Romeo but whose mean streak was cleverly concealed by her Southern-belle demeanour; though this conflicted with Elizabeth Bascomb’s vivid depiction of the charming, granddaughter-like figure, Feltus realized that Lady Ashburn was somewhat more clever in her observations and interaction with the suspect

    47. He cleverly invented all manner of gimmickry to satiate the people with talk

    48. Terence’s face paled visible as though he had just seen a ghost, the Grey Man that his wife had feared since her arrival, and his expression changed slowly from that of annoyance to recognition that this was a setup that had been cleverly crafted by this seemingly dull house detective

    49. Burley had skillfully and cleverly deduced the exact causes, which ultimately led to the guilty parties being apprehended and offers to participate in leading research on those issues at several prestigious universities through the South

    50. His hands gripped the padded arms of the chair tightly, but his overall composure cleverly concealed his concern for his current situation; however, there was a distinct flash of anger and disgust in his watchful gaze when he momentarily met Feltus’s keen, observing eyes, as if he was contemptuously scrutinizing the inspector who was forcing him to reveal a dark secret

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    cleverly smartly