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    cloud nine frases de exemplo

    cloud nine

    1. So, I corrected and sent them an old story of mine titled “Escape from the Tower of Eons”, and it was included in the issue of March! Certainly, this isn't a terrific success, but it is an unprecedented victory for me! I am on cloud nine!

    2. It is a pleasant evening – Gilla, clearly on cloud nine, produces a celebration meal

    3. Rather he landed on cloud nine, because the grass was as soft as a cloud might be and tasted sweeter than a huge bag full of candy

    4. That California ganja had me on cloud nine

    5. Besides, you walking around on cloud nine with this Sinsare fellow

    6. As we swayed to the music, it felt like I was floating on cloud nine

    7. Marie was on cloud nine and feeling fine the next

    8. it puts me on cloud nine

    9. "I'm still on cloud nine, man

    10. Despite her cage she was, for a while, on cloud nine

    11. “Oh she was so thrilled about it, she was on cloud nine

    12. “She is very happy about it! She’s on cloud nine again!”

    13. Is she still on cloud nine about performing?”

    14. Unable to match her mood with the reality of her life, how she has been suffering in silence ever since? That is while I’m on cloud nine

    15. His father was on cloud nine, right next

    16. I was chuffed as punch to receive them, and spent the rest of the week on cloud nine

    17. As my neighbor friend Millie put it, I was “on cloud nine

    18. Sarah had to be on something, other than ‘cloud nine’, which was where she seemed to spend her days lately

    19. Holly was walking on cloud nine

    20. Heavens, he was craving for more cloud nine, and if only he could travel back to those days of their young love, he would, without any uncertainty

    21. Cloud nine, indeed! Sophia could feel what Jericho was feeling! They were both swarming with the same emotions! And that statement she heard, just now, was a sign that she was finally forgiven

    22. Jobless, no light visible at the end of the tunnel regarding the completion of his court ordered punishments, out of unemployment benefits and quickly consuming personal savings, he nevertheless was on cloud nine; this paradoxical state possible only with the presence of exercise and the endorphins it unleashed

    23. Jeanette seemingly receptive to the idea of giving their relationship another chance put him on cloud nine squared

    24. All this was a distant eight or nine months! The cloud nine squared elation would have plummeted to below earth level but the thought that Thursday was just two days away, plus the endorphin renaissance, buoyed the emotional high

    25. “The day after the screen test, she was on cloud nine

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