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co-operation frases de exemplo
1. "And will I have to let him handle me to get his co-operation?" she asked
2. He's usually into this kind of civic action, co-operation with the Gardai kind of thing, but I suppose he knew how serious this crime was
3. and that the Cardinals will get no co-operation
4. Expect no co-operation
5. 'It needs the co-operation of Church and State
6. 'I’m very grateful for your co-operation and help, Cardinal
7. only extinguished with the co-operation of both pilgrims
8. you’ll have the co-operation of a Bailli who has the
9. Secretary Alger wrote to Secretary Long, asking him to order the navy to force the Bay at once; but since the War Department had sent the army into its precarious position, disregarding the only feasible plan of co-operation with the fleet for joint attack, Secretary Long refused to overrule Admiral Sampson
10. Calling in the insurgent leaders, he asked for their co-operation
11. The Army also had a similar unit called the CCB or Civil Co-operation Buro responsible for intelligence but somehow went over to more active operations killing a number of activists and terrorists
12. The few times I dealt with them I had excellent co-operation
13. Those who were called skillful leaders of old knew how to drive a wedge between the enemy's front and rear; to prevent co-operation between his large and small divisions; to hinder the good troops from rescuing the bad, the officers from rallying their men
14. The noise of the bombardment covered our comings and goings, eased my initial navigation woes, and was an interesting experiment in army-air co-operation in the field
15. Yes, if a man has self-control and the co-operation of his partner,
16. have learned the hard way, it takes co-operation and a common
17. With or without aid and co-operation, the absolutist monarch instituted a regular “paper regime”
18. the health service, to refuse their co-operation in industrial, medical or university animal
19. They’ll appreciate the co-operation
20. Of course it helps that they have the complete and discreet co-operation of The Just Alliance, which gives them unhindered access to any resource, including the surviving writings and priests of the religions that flourished before the gods withdrew
21. “And before you go prattling on about peace and co-operation between us, know that I did indeed direct my subordinates to initiate the activities you have described as the insidious conspiracy
22. I can’t do much without my soldiers, and their co-operation will require its touch
23. You can avail yourselves of assistance, but you must understand the Universe as a collective of Co-operation
24. What would bring about spontaneous global co-operation?
25. “I have a plan, however, I will need the co-operation of the other princes
26. This calls for co-operation
27. direction, and in co-operation with one another
28. the second to be co-operation with the Deva kingdom
29. My old man, the Devil, asks for your co-operation in this matter and
30. This she did with the co-operation of her father, who invited Jesus to their home for the celebration of Rebecca's seventeenth birthday
31. Thus by one great decision Jesus voluntarily deprived himself of all superhuman co-operation in all matters having to do with the remainder of his mortal career unless the Father might independently choose to participate in some certain act or episode of the Son's earth labors
32. John had already begun this work; how might he continue the message? How should he take over John's mission? How should he organize his followers for effective effort and intelligent co-operation? Jesus was now reaching the final decision which would forbid that he further regard himself as the Jewish Messiah, at least as the Messiah was popularly conceived in that day
33. Now your goals are more easily attained through the co-operation of others, not through purely personal effort
34. The ruler of your 8th house, Saturn, is in ‘mutual reception’ with Pluto, which indicates wonderful co-operation between the two planets
35. These talks by Jesus to the twenty-four were on sympathy, co-operation, and tolerance
36. Albeit, I am ever sympathetic and always interested, and when you arrive at your conclusions touching these matters of nonspiritual import, provided you are all agreed, then I pledge in advance my full approval and hearty co-operation
37. This means that each is a ‘guest’ in the sign and house ruled by the other, and shows great co-operation between the two planets
38. This fact was much appreciated by the NPA (National Prosecuting Authority), and Tlali Tlali their spokesperson, also offered full co-operation, in spite of the fact that the new Unit would not be under Prosecutor control, as the “Scorpions” had been before, but would answer to the Police Minister, Nathi Mthethwa, who was determined to fight corruption and crime with a new vigour not seen before
39. This shows wonderful co-operation between the two planets, and a wonderful flow of energy between them
40. This involved big shipments at the airport terminals and had been brought about by co-operation with Brazilian authorities and joint operations with other foreign countries too
41. James was more than willing to become involved, especially when he learnt that they would be issued with an official letter from the Education Department asking for the co-operation of Ubisi Dairies…all nice and legal!
42. It shows good co-operation between the planets
43. Amelia made James very welcome…it seemed that their differences of opinion in the past were now forgotten and had been replaced by a willingness and anxiety to provide total co-operation, in the search for Marianne, who was her only grand-daughter - and of course, in the bringing to justice - of the murderer of her son Rory!
44. But when will both of you learn to live as I have taught you: both serving in co-operation and both refreshing your souls in unison? Can you not learn that there is a time for everything -- that the lesser matters of life should give way before the greater things of the heavenly kingdom?"
45. The list of charges goes on but now the relationship between America and the Soviet Union is frozen solid then there is no longer any co-operation to catch these men
46. Our kingdom is a realm of order, and where two or more will creatures act in co-operation, there is always provided the authority of leadership
47. If outsiders were trying to help the Maasai and the authorities started to seek information and co-operation from them, could they be trusted to turn a blind eye to certain, er… strangers and activities in their territory for a while?’
48. This willing co-operation had allowed the US and China to establish firm footholds throughout the continent
49. It was clear that he had been under a lot of pressure to gain Siri’s co-operation and, Siri thought, ‘Why not work with the Chinese?’ The fact was that, as far as he could make out, when it came to duplicity, there wasn’t a hairs breadth between any of the major political blocks
50. Relieving anyone of their responsibility was considered to be Lessons in Debilitation, yet in the spirit of love and co-operation those in need found help and care, even to personal sacrifice, but for the right reasons