Use "cockiness" em uma frase
cockiness frases de exemplo
1. brought out the cockiness in him
2. Still, we had a good laugh over his cockiness, if you’ll excuse
3. This alone reassured Sab and allowed for a new found cockiness to be released adding to an already evident rebel attitude
4. What if the FDA went looking for this place? The cockiness of Dominex went way beyond any reason
5. Dunit grinned at the boy’s cockiness
6. Lezura looked worriedly to Halirit as what would be his reaction to the Human’s cockiness
7. His posture was one of pure pride and cockiness
8. And with the cockiness of some sought over Adonis, Deskai Gadsa was more than a pain in Morg’s heart
9. " He's always felt he would never get caught, but lately, his cockiness was getting worse
10. She came with high hopes and cockiness but never expected that Mei Yinxue had
11. Lady Proudness was filled with anxiety and all her cockiness was gone
12. was full of cockiness and pride and he was seemingly lecturing them!
13. Hugh frowned at the cockiness
14. pregame speech was one of pure arrogance and cockiness, referring to Monmouth as a “mere
15. He stopped talking and sat in the chair facing Shapiro, all evidence of cockiness evaporated, the enormity of his situation slowly sinking in
16. Any remnants of cockiness had evaporated when the two rowed the boat’s Harvey Schwartz/The Reluctant Terrorist
17. All hints of cockiness were gone
18. There was no cockiness, or teasing in his eyes
19. ” He said without his usual cockiness
20. Computer charged, candles, matches, a few flashlights, and an inbred cockiness that would eventually be challenged
21. “His cockiness has