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colonization frases de exemplo
1. The surplus produce of the colonies, however, is the original source of all that increase of enjoyments and industry which Europe derives from the discovery and colonization of America, and the exclusive trade of the mother countries tends to render this source much less abundant than it otherwise would be
2. of a new world of colonization! This was
3. Monroe was also a leader in the American Colonization Society, helping send several thousand Free Blacks and former slaves to Liberia
4. Jason first read The Prince, Machiavelli’s prescription for invading and conquering other states, republics or monarchies, be it through the use of arms, colonization or “princely occupation
5. Mariano Guadeloupe Vallejo was director of colonization and became frustrated with the distance and
6. The Spanish conquest in the sixteenth century led to colonization efforts under the Hapsburgs, headed up by Guzman and Coronado
7. boy would be paired with which for the cross world colonization
8. This spel ing persisted from the colonization of America to the beginning of this
9. survived colonization in Cuba) suggested the change in spel ing
10. If its history relates an initial English colonization, it also narrates conflicts between English, French and Spaniards
11. From then on, several countries have shown some colonial interest and have occupied that island for short periods of colonization
12. The first victorious effort toward colonization occurred, anyway, in 1666 when the Danish took possession of St
13. If the colonization of North America had occurred a century earlier, lack of communications would have doomed us to the centrifugal forces that afflict Central and South America
14. when human colonization of the planet was still confined to
15. These aliens, having realized that their race could not last forever on their little planet, so heavily devastated by extensive agricultural usage, were about to embark on a mission of colonization
16. This colonization business is mad, anyway
17. To improve the mission’s similarity to a real colonization mission, Buddy, Daisy and Sabrina’s convoy escort ship were docked to three of Elizabeth’s external docking ports
18. They strongly recommended immediate colonization
19. They report aggressive native species that prohibit colonization
20. While at headquarters, Faye Anne will research potential planets for colonization and meet us at our next stop to tell us where we will be going
21. “It means that the orderrans from Tartian extended their colonization up this far since I left
22. that the most logical time for colonization
23. Even if we swamped them in military equipment and supplies, their political program of continued de facto colonization will eventually draw the whole Vietnamese people against them and they would then still lose what is essentially a guerrilla war
24. And it was that model of agrarian colonization that the English followed in establishing colonies along the Atlantic seaboard of North America
25. strategy of white racist colonization
26. That includes the habitat modules, the construction materials and the heavy machinery that had been produced for the Phase Two of the colonization of Mirphak III, enough to quickly build a city of over a million inhabitants
27. There isn't a lot of detail, but from what I could make out, they were studying it before the colonization of Ar
28. An hotel built as part of the Phase Two infrastructure program for the colonization of Mirphak III will be one of the first buildings to be set in place in Toulouse, near the future market place, and will serve as an initial accommodation and administrative center for you and the personnel assigned to building our outpost in Toulouse
29. microflora (by implantation or colonization) in a compartment of the host and by that exert beneficial health ef ects in
30. They offered assistance in their colonization project, including technical advice and in return the Federation requested access to the Fabrini Book of the people, and their vast stored knowledge, with special interest in their medical technology
31. Repentance could stop Arabic spiritual colonization of the
32. The former territory of Zululand, annexed by the British in the first wave of colonialism one hundred and thirty five years ago, was again being targeted in 2013 by new foreigners in the second foreign wave of colonization
33. ‘I agree’ said Jacques ‘the British blurred the boundaries between colonization, foreign aid and outright piracy for their entire tenure in this country
34. That was the moment in waiting for the West, industrialized in the meantime, for the wholesale colonization of the Muslim world that it coveted for so long
35. Well, after a prolonged Christian humiliation that was the colonization of the Muslim world, what these two military defeats might have done to the Islamic psyche is not hard to imagine
36. frequency of Candida colonization in the vagina
37. uncertainty clouds any more detailed aspect of human colonization history
38. colonization ventures, the Order of Christ was famed to
39. Council Josh, propose the colonization of Earth and see if you can find any
40. It’s what human colonization of the entire earth is all about
41. We may not see that destruction as an explosion, but on an ecological time-scale of billions of years, the speed and explosive destructiveness with which America has been destroyed by European colonization is the equivalent speed and explosive destruction of an atomic nuclear meltdown
42. If closeness and convenience of colonization were what determined where we went: Australia should have been the last continent to be colonized: not the first
43. Israel used a system of communes successfully to establish their colonization of hostile territory… They got away with it
44. All of the first attempts of colonization were situated on the outer islands of North America, not on the continent itself and all the first attempts were failures
45. Killing a woman and her children as an act of ‘war’? That is so disgusting, so vile, so unforgivable, so sickening an atrocity… but if you read the true facts of European colonization in detail, you will find nothing but an endless series of sickening, vile atrocities committed by these white filth
46. The policy of English colonization was a policy of both cowardice and cunning
47. The Company plastered street corners with tempting broadsheets, published persuasive articles and even convinced the clergy to preach of the virtues of supporting colonization
48. All colonization by empires is evil
49. And the historical legacy of that colonization we are seeing every day in the hate and violence and killing in the Mideast
50. If the North American native tribes had banded together at any time in the first centuries of European invasion and colonization of their continent… they could have easily ousted them, and kept America unspoiled by more modern civilizations much longer