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    Use "come alive" em uma frase

    come alive frases de exemplo

    come alive

    1. I want Bunty to come alive to the reader … I want them to see the shy, sensitive girl I have uncovered … but I don’t want it to be sugary sweet, Bunty would have hated that

    2. Adros knew from experience that any moment the roots could come alive, either to entangle, or smash those they deemed an enemy

    3. While meditating on the word, the Holy Spirit breathes upon the word and causes it to come alive in our thoughts and minds; helping us to understand exactly what it is that God is saying to us through His written word

    4. and to come alive

    5. It was almost as though they had come alive and were trying to walk!

    6. The trees appeared to come alive; the bark seemed to peel off in strips

    7. It was as if somehow the stone had come alive

    8. Choosing to work with the most challenging children - those apparently hopeless ones who needed to “come alive,” Maureen and Audrey had persuaded the governing body to establish this Special Unit

    9. The bones are of such high value that it even caused a dead body to come alive

    10. “Come Alive” by Foo Fighters

    11. Here is a rhetorical question – Does the body sit upright and come alive due to the burning process, contracting the muscles…

    12. the streets, the shadows seemed to come alive

    13. Making my every nerve in my body come alive with powerful and relentless pleasure

    14. and sensations is likely to cause the thing that you are visualizing to come alive in your daily experience but accompanied by other

    15. for my beautiful children to become alive, but also was a place that

    16. The whole encampment seemed to have come alive as one

    17. where the giants wil come alive and return it back home,”

    18. In Romans 7:7-25 Paul then begins to explain how the law enabled sin to come alive, and what life was like for him when he was under the law

    19. It is our free will choice that enables sin to come alive again in us, or leaves it buried at the cross to only live in love for all eternity

    20. These can cause us to come alive with adventure

    21. I thought about the rubber rat and the tiny birds that had suddenly come alive when the wind blew

    22. Windows PCs at CERN were the slowest of all to come alive

    23. made me come alive, so she provided instruction on how to sew the

    24. felt so at home that I began to come alive once again

    25. Meanwhile Samantha was still reading the old scrolls and they told that if the person who handled the sword was not pure, they would immediately be pushed into the fire below, and once the sword was moved, everything in the room would come alive

    26. Suddenly the trees began to come alive and their color burst with brightness

    27. It was as if an entire graveyard had come alive inside the mouth of the statue

    28. Then Jane had her trees come alive and chase Mr

    29. She gazed at Rory with her striking blue eyes and he felt a powerful emotion starting to come alive within his being…he actually felt quite overwhelmed

    30. Secondary products come alive

    31. The town was starting to come alive with tourists, and the day

    32. How time seemed to fly away, although it was back breaking at first, because he was not used to being bent over, and his thighs ached from being squatted down, but he felt that his lungs were working overtime with the fresh air and there was a newness that he could smell as each time he cut away the old dying vine so that in time new shoots would come alive

    33. The colours seemed to have come alive and there was warmth to it

    34. And it is this truth that makes dreams come alive, just

    35. individual to you is what will make the concept come alive for you in a way

    36. corridors started to come alive but the door to Peter’s room

    37. in mid '1998, his curfew was set at midnight, and the city suddenly started to come alive

    38. Mitchell was ready to explode, his heart still pounded heavily, while watching his teammates suddenly come alive

    39. I Have Become Alive / Secrets of the Inner Journey, by Swami Muktananda

    40. the feeling that the forest had come alive with a sinister personality all

    41. Oh Kristin, my worst fear has come alive, someone I love is going to get hurt because of me

    42. the class to demonstrate his skill at making something dead come alive

    43. I come alive when I'm with you

    44. It has made me rejoice again and come alive to shine

    45. Wake up, come alive, snap the cords of

    46. This is what they found: if a person had little or no exposure, when they saw some pornographic images, there was not a very big response in their brain; however, if they were watching a lot of pornography, whole areas of the brain started to become alive and stimulated - and these are exactly the same areas that become stimulated by someone who’s involved in drugs, or some kind of chemical dependency

    47. Every time you think about that thought, the tree starts to come alive

    48. Then they can come alive in our lives as never

    49. Remember that one of the functions of your spirit is to give life to your body? So start to pray in the Holy Ghost, you come alive with spirit life! It's fantastic

    50. You don't have to do it very long, and you come alive

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