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    coming from frases de exemplo

    coming from

    1. The room was draped in shadows, the only light coming from an entire wall of regular monitors

    2. There was a high-pitched sound coming from somewhere inside the house

    3. We know that such things have been coming from Ireland

    4. She couldn't tell if it was concussion or not but there was an eerie electronic glow coming from underneath the girl's shirt

    5. " She was exaggerating obviously, but metaphorically I could see where she was coming from and I could see she was fighting back the tears as well

    6. He pulled over immediately and ran over to her car just as flames started coming from the back of the vehicle

    7. The disembodied voice coming from the passageway was different

    8. What follows next is dead silence, but then Sabrina speaks again, "Well, are you excited about the ceremony?" I cringe as I sense confusion coming from Apollo as he responds, "What ceremony?"

    9. I search through the computer and eventually realize where the picture is coming from,

    10. Around the third night of my captivity in the apartment, late into the small hours, I heard a faint tapping coming from the pipe that connected the radiator in my room to the circuit of pipes that ran through the apartment

    11. He started using diagnostic taps to see where those responses were coming from

    12. It was coming from well off the direct line to Sol and was not accompanied by drivewash, meaning the ship was trying to enter the system unobserved

    13. He was held up for a good fraction of an hour in a big rope-snarl across the whole canal coming from the upstream lock

    14. "We heaved and threw, pounded and battered from all directions, never knowing where the next blow was coming from except when lighting flashed

    15. It was coming from the direction they had come, opposite where he thought he heard Desa's voice

    16. They were sitting backlit by the fireplace staring out toward where the sounds were coming from and a little bit behind the most convenient trunk

    17. There was loud hammering noise coming from the forge area

    18. tree flashed on and off, there were musical chimes coming from

    19. hear clattering coming from the largest of the caves, so he took

    20. “There was this rumbling sound coming from the barn”

    21. Loud purring could be heard coming from the both of them

    22. There was a telltale jet of hot plasma coming from that fragment also

    23. The hair on their necks was still standing at the sound of the chilling wail they heard coming from Oreo

    24. Loud noises and protests were coming from the table where the children were seated

    25. She felt so much love coming from Ash that it almost overwhelmed her

    26. Just then I heard a sharp squeak coming from somewhere close by

    27. But the big news was, he was given permission to have Engineering turn the tangler beam on one of the bodies heading toward Sol and found the pulses of state changes were coming from there also

    28. "The signals coming from the objects impacting our home worlds would be the worst in that case

    29. “Husband?” Alan asked, not sure where Elmore would be coming from in this

    30. “Ava’s,” Elmore said, telling him exactly where he was coming from

    31. ” To indicate the way he lived, he pointed to the shower, a long black hose in the sun over the patio, coming from a hand-pumped tank on the roof

    32. Coming from them, the news finally penetrated his thick skull, and he realized fully that he was going to be a father

    33. " He was pretty sure she had enough command of magic and enough authorization to make the stuff appear and disappear at will, but he wanted her to know where he was coming from

    34. I hand him my keys, understanding immediately where he is coming from

    35. "The impactors can be coming from as far as out here, and they may be controlled using the signals I've discovered

    36. I suppose that’s why I understand where you are coming from with it

    37. Loud noises could be heard coming from the room upstairs

    38. “So what you’re telling me is these signals are all coming from the Chinese ship?”

    39. “So I’ll concede those signals are coming from the ship

    40. There is only a very low level, but it is still more than are coming from the impactors

    41. obliterated the sound of snoring coming from further down the

    42. “As far as I can tell, the readings are coming from the physics of the instruments in base reality

    43. the pain was coming from her left ovary, and that the

    44. mind, where the answers are coming from

    45. Chewing on my pen, I stare at the wall in front of me trying to work out where this money is coming from

    46. It showed the reverse, the radius coming from both infinity and zero, and converging on about twenty inches, centered on the veron store in the cryoslicer

    47. ’ I replied, sounding a hell of a lot calmer than I am feeling … where is this confidence coming from? We’ve only been going out for a matter of days and, here I am, more or less offering to have his children … He reaches over and squeezes my hand

    48. “His mother is excited also, and that’s where the problem and tension are coming from

    49. He drinks red wine, the bottles coming from a diminishing store under the stairs in the farmhouse

    50. I can see where she is coming from

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