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    commando frases de exemplo


    1. what Tom assumed to be one of the commando regiments

    2. We think of the Rhodesian Light Infantry (RLI) who was later trained as paratroopers and became a commando regiment

    3. To improve the survivability rate, the planners have come up with a new method, they call it Commando Sabre

    4. "Yes, Sir," the heavier of the two full colonel staffer said, "do you have any preferences for the other members of Commando Sabre?"

    5. "Commando Sabre is a program of out-country sorties to direct and control strike missions against enemy targets of opportunity

    6. "You will dispatch nightly summaries to our office, DOCB, with info copies to the 37th TFW at Phu Cat who has the action for Commando Sabre

    7. He recognized the message for what it was; a sneak R&R at Clark as a reward for his Commando Sabre missions

    8. ‘If you won’t give it to me, I will just take it’ thought, Tighe and set a plan in motion for his best commando Tar, with the assistance of his contact within the imperial palace, to exchange the box

    9. Stu hadn’t faired so well, Tar was a martial arts specialist and a commando and struck Stu with a high knee to the face, which made Stu lose his balance and fell with Tar straddled on top of him

    10. “Stand still,” he said and drew out a knife I knew was called a K-bar, one of those wicked commando blades used in all kinds of murders

    11. "But these naval infantry, the Black Death commando, call them what you will, they're our people

    12. The one chance of destroying the Soviet naval infantry, the Black Death commando, was to blow the dam and send several millions of tonnes of water cascading through the canyon

    13. The two men never heard or saw her before one was stunned by a touch of her left hand, while the other was then stabbed in the throat by Nancy’s commando knife

    14. The British wore the green beret characteristic of commando troops

    15. “She’s outside with the Major,” the commando answered, “I

    16. That made the ex-Navy SEAL commando hesitate

    17. Then, in January of this year, I was captured along with other German staff in a commando raid led by Nancy Laplante, the famous Canadian from the future

    18. Dowding nodded in understanding at Townsend�s protest:� the commando officer�s reaction would have been considered a sensible one by any British commander in normal times, as women were widely considered unfit to command men in combat in Great Britain, or in most other countries as a matter of fact

    19. Nancy stared back at the commando officer and answered in a firm but calm voice

    20. � The commando officer then called his men�s attention

    21. � The commando officer then turned towards a group of his men

    22. � The driver�s door had opened on impact, showing her the commando captain sprawled over the steering wheel

    23. � After a long moment contemplating her in silence, Joubert faced the commando colonel

    24. ����������� �On the night of the ninth day of September, 1940, Captain Nancy Laplante, of the Canadian Army Military Intelligence, participated in a commando raid suggested and planned by her, with the goal of freeing RAF aircrews being held and tortured in German-occupied France

    25. during a commando raid in France, where I also collected an assortment of scrap metal

    26. � On the night of the ninth, she is seen leading a commando raid in France in a manner any professional soldier would be proud of

    27. ����������� Once back at her apartment, Nancy took some time to check thoroughly the equipment she had brought with her on the commando raid on Gravelines

    28. � These weapons will eventually have to be tested in combat, most likely during a commando raid in occupied France

    29. � It is meant to equip at first airborne, commando, royal marines and mechanized units

    30. The Royal Commando officer chuckled

    31. Chuckling at the joke, they both went down the steep ladder connecting the bridge with the vehicle deck, where the other members of the commando team were waiting, anxious for action after four hours spent at sea

    32. � A British commando had flagged down the carrier after emerging from behind the corner of a large brick building

    33. ����������� �Stop here!�� Ordered the commando as they got to a corner giving a direct view on the port

    34. As Patricia and the two medics ran towards the wounded, bearing a stretcher, a hail of bullets from their right swept the commando and both stretcher-bearers

    35. � Hoping that the light made plainly visible to all the red cross markings she wore on her uniform and helmet, she cautiously crawled to the inert bodies of her stretcher-bearers and of the commando and checked for a pulse:� all three men were dead

    36. � Furthermore, we can thank that on one woman alone: Laplante!� In the future, as long as she holds a position of influence with the British, we can expect more such amphibious raids, commando operations and the like, plus pinpoint bombings of our industrial centers

    37. All that they needed was back up and a few commando styled

    38. He had served in a commando unit in Kenya during the Mau Mau War

    39. The enemy is dressed in black commando suits, tactical vests and black ski masks

    40. There were also the numerous British commando raids on the Norwegian coastline that convinced Hitler that Norway was the most vulnerable region of his Atlantic Wall

    41. With Churchill’s support, the Commando idea took root

    42. However, this success, and subsequent Commando raids, led to Hitler's grim 'Commando Order', from then on any member of the Special Forces captured alive was to be shot

    43. On recovering from his wounds, he was recommended to lead the new commando forces that Hitler wanted to create; hence his mission to rescue Mussolini

    44. However, he was acquitted when a senior British officer testified in his defence that Allied Commando forces had also fought in enemy uniforms

    45. She was captured in France in early 1941, during a commando raid on the Luftwaffe headquarters she was working in

    46. 11 Commando unit and as a lieutenant first saw action in June 1941 in an operation against Vichy French Forces in Syria

    47. Such raiding forces would not require the huge naval backup entailed by full-blown commando assault units

    48. He had met her first in early 1941, when she was no more than a fifteen year-old German girl detained as a prisoner of war in the Tower of London, after being captured in France with other Germans during a commando raid led by Nancy Laplante

    49. Navy, revealing their black tactical commando outfits underneath

    50. The commando officer actually wore an impressive powered armor suit and was sitting inside one of the flying battle tanks of his unit

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