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    comment on

    1. ’ Berndt said when I comment on it, ‘It’s only a small foundation, nothing like Prinnish, but there will be beds and food

    2. Only they can comment on this

    3. Friends would comment on how happy he

    4. … well that is true … listen as he goes on to comment on how nice it is finding a friend … no point mentioning the gender of the person concerned … he thinks it’s a woman … tells me to have a wonderful time … damn the guilt trip … He’s a good son … shouldn’t deceive him … he wouldn’t like it … best leave things as they are … will never sleep … I know I won’t

    5. Harry made no comment on their initial efforts, he simply watched and waited patiently

    6. ’ He said, going on to comment on how bravely Abi has taken the news

    7. fifty minutes of it, hearing Ma comment on my snoring as I drifted in and out of

    8. But before anyone could comment on the idea, two of Hartman’s henchmen

    9. "What do you call romance?" she asked, finding that she wasn't ready to comment on that

    10. How are you going to talk to an expert in that legal area when you're a freshman in law school and there isn't one comment on your essay exam? To make a long story short guess what! The student’s grade didn't get changed and he lived with a C in contract law

    11. To such comment one could add that it is the same with humans

    12. Comment on their blog posts as a reader first

    13. “I…I cannot comment on the status of that traitor and exile!”

    14. I won't comment on this now

    15. ” Before we could make any comment on what he had said there was a commotion where the senior Officers were holding their final get together before the off we could see them checking their watches

    16. I cannot comment on your interpretations

    17. Manon was about to comment on their hitting the sea bed, when the cabin began to slowly rotate and gradually lean

    18. I apologised for not being able to comment on what she had written as there had been some hold up in the mail so it had been quite a bit since I had received a letter from her

    19. All you have to do is comment on what's she's doing

    20. It is a disturbing comment on American shortsightedness that so many focus on matters such as the Monica Lewinsky scandal over oral sex

    21. This comment only further cemented Bush's reputation as remote and callous

    22. He also refused to comment on whether more human remains have been found, and could not speculate as to the source of the rumour

    23. Thorne didn’t comment on my reaction, but I knew nothing escaped his sharp notice

    24. When Michael made the comment once about ―a weight hanging above us waiting to fall,‖ I felt it was a temporary feeling

    25. Ferguson did not comment on the fact that Colling maintained a rack of shirts and trousers in the storage room where the master sergeant kept his stock of cigarettes, and Colling took it as tacit approval

    26. He was now looking at the ever jovial machine with a hint of worry, completely ignoring the machine’s comment on his personal hygiene:

    27. to comment on how timely the word was and how they felt that the

    28. The men listened in silence until all had finished telling, first then did they begin asking questions and comment on the events

    29. I didn’t think that made much sense, for ruling a province is nothing like commanding a tumen, but I was not about to comment on orders from the Khan

    30. The members find it quite amusing that their despicable actions have the entire East End of London in a state of panic, are costing the country thousands of pounds in police overtime and have even caused the Queen herself to comment on the situation

    31. “We’ve had a couple of new developments since the initial story broke, so I thought I’d bring you up to speed and comment on whatever Torhan has to say,” I said, while trying not to match her staccato speech pattern

    32. The key texts will be given at the start of the comment on each utterance

    33. To see Jesus’ comment on the above, read John 3: 19; but there was nothing new in

    34. they?” was her comment on my little slip

    35. Freddy is very knowledgable on the Bible and is qualified to comment on the staus of Christianity

    36. He is a likeable guy because he always has a comment on any topic, and tells his life stories over and over

    37. findings, he said, adding that it was too early to comment on the possible

    38. The attorney-general said it would be premature to comment on whether

    39. In another situation, “Mounties say they will not comment on unconfirmed

    40. The children thought that their dad’s comment on the comics was funny, but he gave Cuba as an example of what he was saying

    41. Pentagon would not comment on the leaked documents, including the

    42. Look at the trending topics and post a comment on a topic that is currently trending

    43. that it is appropriate within your business culture, ask your boss to comment on your brand

    44. The phrase from that comment on that news story, “you can’t

    45. Comment on the Italian Animal Welfare Act

    46. Mark was saved from having to comment on that subject by the approach of Twelcher, the manager of the newly established Sweettower Inn, who was identified as such by a printed brass pin on the breast of his tweed suit jacket

    47. ” Randel Stair, his financial vice president, said, “I learned very early on that while he was willing to listen to anything you wanted to comment on or propose, you’d better have your homework done

    48. Although they first appeared in the previous verse, I waited to comment on them because they are elaborated on a bit more in this one

    49. too many to comment on in this post

    50.  Read + Comment on 5 or more blogs: To start off with I would recommend

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