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    Use "communicative" em uma frase

    communicative frases de exemplo


    1. During the first two days my friend seemed to be so displeased with my presence that she even avoided talking to me – not that she has ever been communicative

    2. Instead he wanted to be confident of his communicative ability

    3. Laurent - by far the more communicative of the two men

    4. Good habits and manners are communicative

    5. There is a species of very communicative monkeys,

    6. By extreme moodiness I mean the child has unreasonable its of anger; is very disrespectful; exhibits hostility toward family members; is very withdrawn and barely communicative; wants to be left all alone most of the time; has a radical change in sleeping patterns

    7. This means learning the foreign language through the learning process itself in a communicative way

    8. At the Communicative level, your goal is simply to convey

    9. The difference between the Communicative and the

    10. By holding up the election symbol designed to look exactly the way it looked on the EVM (in black and white and not saffron) and by associating his face with it (for those voters keen to vote for Modi, if not the BJP), Modi had put into the public space an image both viral-worthy and politically communicative (in fact, Modi would use the black-and-white lotus symbol as a lapel on his kurta in all public interactions from 7 April 2014, the first day of polling, if only to reinforce the party’s logo in the eyes of potential voters)

    11. Rahul’s own epiphanies about India, whether on caste identity or gender rights or decentralization of power, felt like college seminars, hardly the shooting-from-the-hip, directly communicative speeches voters could connect to

    12. Judith glanced at her every now and then, but it was impossible at any time to tell what the delicate white rose at the tea-table was thinking; so impossible that the young men who clustered round her like bees when they first saw her gave it up and went on presently to more communicative flowers

    13. The Malaysian public has become very communicative and

    14. � This communicative awareness might sound rather daunting, but it becomes quickly rather fascinating as awareness grows and all kinds of levels of meaning spring out of our newly practiced compassionate speaking which connects itself with a newly realized sense of compassionate thinking and feeling

    15. � Compassionate Communication offers us a mechanism wherein we can express our needs fully, even more fully than less conscious communicative choices

    16. With the advent of the internet and the incredible communicative power it provides, change is taking place at an unprecedented rate

    17. With Razumihin he had got on, or, at least, he was more unreserved and communicative with him

    18. He was a large, strong man with a guileless countenance, not very communicative with his shipmates, but when drawn into any sort of conversation displaying a very painstaking earnestness

    19. The communicative lady I learnt, on inquiry, for I stayed in the shop till they were gone, was a Mrs

    20. He was very communicative last night, and told me more of his life

    21. It is just possible that to-morrow may find him in a more communicative mood

    22. He spoke in an abrupt, independent tone, but evidently he was communicative with a purpose

    23. At that moment he felt communicative

    24. Frodo did not prove very communicative, and he soon found himself sitting alone in a comer, listening and looking around

    25. As she was in such a communicative humour, I asked her if she had

    26. It was his nature to be communicative; he liked to open to a mind unacquainted with the world glimpses of its scenes and ways (I do not mean its corrupt scenes and wicked ways, but such as derived their interest from the great scale on which they were acted, the strange novelty by which they were characterised); and I had a keen delight in receiving the new ideas he offered, in imagining the new pictures he portrayed, and following him in thought through the new regions he disclosed, never startled or troubled by one noxious allusion

    27. Because of this enhanced ability, auditories tend to gravitate to areas in life that permit the use of such superb listening and communicative talents

    28. He had the best right to be the talker; and the delight of his sensations in being again in his own house, in the centre of his family, after such a separation, made him communicative and chatty in a very unusual degree; and he was ready to give every information as to his voyage, and answer every question of his two sons almost before it was put

    29. Marianne’s countenance was more communicative

    30. Sir Thomas was as joyful as she could desire, and very kind and communicative; and she had so comfortable a talk with him about William as to make her feel as if nothing had occurred to vex her, till she found, towards the close, that Mr

    31. Sherlock Holmes was not very communicative during the long drive and lay back in the cab humming the tunes which he had heard in the afternoon

    32. He was of a very communicative and unassuming character, but not without tact

    33. His desire to be communicative was almost morbid

    34. He was severe, already in years, sunburnt, and very thin, by no means communicative, moreover, and difficult to get on with

    35. His persistence was disagreeable to me; but he managed so well that his visits became at last a pleasing diversion, although he was by no means of a communicative disposition

    36. He was a young fellow, with a round face and soft eyes, and not at all communicative as a rule

    37. " He was, in fact, by no means communicative, he seemed confused in our presence, blushed sometimes, and changed the quantity of food at the first representation of the patient

    38. During the earliest part of my imprisonment he was communicative enough, and let us see what was going on in him

    39. Gunnison’s idea of fitting ceremony demanded, the lady whom he had taken in found him neither communicative nor responsive

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