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    Use "concave" em uma frase

    concave frases de exemplo


    1. His pale, sunken cheeks remained concave, even as he was filling them with divers biscuits and puddings

    2. He’d moved inside a wooded area, found a large rock with a concave bottom that he could crawl into which would be perfect to protect him from any Security heat sensors

    3. The security measures were obvious: silver concave rectangles atop tall white poles, seeming to follow his movement across the visitors’ parking bay

    4. He stopped for a moment to peer closely at the concave surfaces

    5. Dorian cradled my neck in one hand, and the other slid down, over the concave of my belly and the mound below until he found the slit of my opening

    6. He hopped out and, while between the two vehicles, kicked a large concave dent into the door of his enemy’s car

    7. Afterwards, they lay for a long time in the grass looking up at the dark celestial concave

    8. With that, she triggered a co-operative group Translocation, and they appeared in the late afternoon sun, high above the blue bowl, which Mark immediately realized was now a perfectly smooth and symmetrical concave lens

    9. Totem Pole was a creation for high intensity lighting of the base perimeter using "rejected" and "surplus" aerial flares set in concave reflectors facing outward from the tops of tall poles

    10. It had concentric circles of yellow light on its concave top

    11. The port sewn into my intestines looked obscene, my belly wasn’t flat but concave like a deep bowl

    12. The creamy white concave walls and buttressed gate houses swept up to over one hundred feet and, above and beyond the wall, the transparent dome above could be seen shimmering in the sunlight

    13. Carved into her crusty concave cheeks

    14. Like a funhouse mirror, the concave surface of the metal gave off a warped reflection of its surroundings

    15. The walls of the room were concave in structure giving the room a quality of vastness as if a person was looking into the distance

    16. concave it was after her tequila diet

    17. There was more food here than there usually was, but far from enough to fill her concave belly

    18. The couches were slightly concave in shape while the chairs appeared as

    19. allowing me to see the concave room I was in, and the short connecting

    20. Of course, being more flat together when their slightly concave

    21. They must follow the concave surface religiously, having no other choice, until they tangle up amongst themselves, suffocating

    22. "There are only three kinds, as Bertillon calls them--convex, straight, and concave

    23. A detective, we will say, is sent out after a man with a concave nose or, as in this case a woman with a straight nose

    24. He passes by all with convex and concave noses

    25. And, he said the heel of the hand will flatten and even become somewhat concave over time, and I see some slight indication of that

    26. What had he told his… what were they, these guys? Friends? Dorchester with the concave chest, Littleton with the hair sprouting from his ears, the duke of something with a wart on the side of his nose

    27. concave and convex lenses, she scrambled to read the messages

    28. Gullies or concave slopes may be com-

    29. and fair concave curves

    30. Supposing there is a convex curve on the one side, you will often have a concave form on the other

    31. A concave mirror presents of distortion of facts

    32. And the same object appears straight when looked at out of the water, and crooked when in the water; and the concave becomes convex, owing to the illusion about colours to which the sight is liable

    33. He touched my head, which is our tradition, but my father was worried as I had nothing but skin, no bone to protect my brain, and my head beneath the shawl was concave

    34. A concave mirror at the side presents to him lovelorn longlost lugubru Booloohoom

    35. Bloom, having the advantage of ten seconds at the initiation and taking, from the concave surface of a spoon along the handle of which a steady flow of heat was conducted, three sips to his opponent's one, six to two, nine to three

    36. Watson, that the glasses are concave and of unusual strength

    37. The centre of the English army, rather concave, very dense, and very compact, was strongly posted

    38. The typical concave shape of the yield curve (a steeper curve at short durations than at long ones) does suggest that duration-neutral curve-steepening positions earn a positive long-run premium

    39. Because this relation is nonlinear (concave), time-varying volatility further reduces expected put returns

    40. As it was the cabin looked excitingly purposeful,with large video screens ranged over the control and guidance system panels on the concave wall, and long banks of computersset into the convex wall

    41. This conclusion is supported by the less concave surface shape of the bottom-left chart in Figure 1

    42. To realize such a scenario, the linear weight function should be transformed into the concave function

    43. Here we demonstrate the application of the simplest method of transforming the linear function into concave and convex ones

    44. Let us consider an example of calculating the values of convex and concave weight functions (for n = 2 and n = 0

    45. 5, we get the value of the concave function for this stock: f–(x) = 0

    46. 082, and in the case of the concave function it is 0

    47. Having both variants of the weight function calculated in the same manner for all of the 20 stocks, we get two ways of capital allocation—by convex and concave weight functions

    48. For the concave function the opposite is true—all its values (except for the extremes) are higher than those of the basic linear function

    49. At high levels of the original function values, the increment of the concave function is smaller than at low levels of the original function values

    50. Besides, at high levels of the original function the increment of the concave function values is smaller than the increment of the original function itself

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