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connectedness frases de exemplo
1. The connectedness that we all have will often manifest
2. connectedness of their energy
3. This strange connectedness has been shown to occur
4. Ordinary AR did not have the same sense of connectedness
5. in on this strange connectedness, creating a new mathematical proof, known as Bell’s theorem
6. Specifically, let’s consider our depth of connectedness to each other, the planet, the universe and our roots, when we’re asleep as opposed to when we’re
7. connectedness and a greater potentia!for empathy and relatedness
8. No wonder, then, that women learn to survive in connectedness rather than in the self,
9. There is less known at this time about all ducts, glands, and connectedness and passageways are all interrelated within the skull, the brain, and the head
10. It is only by experiencing the exchange that occurs between all senses, their merging through connectedness in these passageways, that an experience is truly felt
11. There is much that you do not understand about the mind’s perception and relation and connectedness to all things
12. The source is also capable of this but the source is also capable of self love, the connectedness that you share with others is often because you were sent with similar purpose, but often the love you share or the experience or interest that you share is due to the fact that you are parts, pieces, and beings from the same radiant source of all things
13. You will understand a great deal about this at a later time, but your connectedness is because you are all from the same source, all things, all things ever created are from the same source
14. state of connectedness that transcends physical sensations or
15. well as her connectedness to God
16. Reality was only ever an experience, an expression of consciousness losing connectedness to evolve as individuals
17. communicate was a deep sense of connectedness to the universe and its
18. Wistful longings; quasi-memories or presentiments; events which produce a deja-vu-like sense of connectedness to another “me” in a similar but different reality; are often feeling connections with other probable realities
19. They have a sense of connectedness and rootedness which contrasts sharply with the empty materialism of our society
20. Yeah, huge love, so as I was meditating, meditation opens up the spirit world, or your connectedness to God, and there's an overflow of life through you, and around you
21. The inner connectedness of all things sacred was very apparent, along with the healthy desire to stay rooted in one’s own spiritual tradition
22. It has no connectedness, so how did God get connectedness? Through words, and so we read in different places there, for example it says in Genesis, Chapter 2, Verse 15; The Lord put the man in the Garden of Eden, to tend and to keep it
23. We become able to experience the endless connectedness of all the systems – however they are connected and whatever may flow through them
24. And we're always the cutting edge version of that new, improved, novel-awing It: that consciousness, that God, that All “I am! Eureka!” is the universal sense of connectedness that is sprouting up all over the world
25. We presume that the feeling of connectedness is some natural state of a primitive equilibrium of a bio-rhythmic eco-harmony
26. Junk activities produce pleasure which attaches itself to our need for connectedness, thus creating a sense of kinnectedness, but it does not create deeper, more profound intimacy or produce the vulnerability that flesh to flesh revelation does
27. Having someone in the house, even when the majority of the time is not quality time, sustains a meaningful connectedness that cannot be substituted for by a day at the iAmusement park or an hour in family session with Skypepsych, which we inflatingly call quality time
28. spiritual practice of connectedness
29. Our connectedness to the Universe is a gift to be
30. to cause the disruption in the connectedness
31. comformicating connectedness, what is the ecology of electromagnetic waves? Do our chines need to have frequency filters so as to not cause cancer? This hard reality, this real science, this is is eterror
32. However, that sense of separation can be profoundly shifted to a feeling of connectedness by giving love to things through your eyes
33. This Aspect of Imperfection explains why and how it took an Infinite number of times of Impetus splitting Formlessness to gradually evolve Her into different Conditions of Connectedness and Separateness
34. The chemical makeup of DNA is an example of increasingly dynamic, sensitized, Balanced Connectedness
35. The process by which all Life was and is formed, the processes by which it regenerates itself: from cloning to mitosis-sex: is all a process of Dynamically Balanced Connectedness
36. In the case of Life on Earth, it found a way of reaching an even more delicate, dynamic, super-sensitized level of Balanced Connectedness, and the result was
37. They are all examples of the new Path of Connectedness
38. DNA is an example of that New path of Connectedness: every time a strand of DNA splits, it creates New Life
39. The old obsolete Dynamic of Splitness as a destructive process of going Out has been reversed by the Dynamic of Connectedness, of coming In because all the Energy of the Universe is now coming In
40. The Path of Splitness was reversed and that created the New Dynamic of Connectedness called Organic Life
41. The Tree of Life follows the New Path of Connectedness
42. Cooperation, kindness, empathy, love, connectedness, sensitivity, can only exist when there is no great imbalance of power and powerlessness
43. Closing his eyes and emptying his mind, the peace increased as feelings of connectedness
44. [65]� Loss of community links with a loss of connectedness to the becoming self
45. Connectedness is seen as a fundamental property of existence and relationships now define the significance of all beings
46. This chain of connectedness is not hypothetical, it is physical and real