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connecticut river
1. In historic times they formed a confederacy with related tribes from the east bank of the Hudson River (from Poughkeepsie to Manhattan) to the Connecticut River
2. Cut eons ago under the tree-covered hills on the eastern side of the Connecticut River by a now-vanished underground waterway, the cavern was the perfect hideaway
3. He wound his way south through the trees along the eastern shore of the Connecticut River, the opposite direction from his intended destination, before boarding the old Chester-Hadlyme Ferry, which had been carrying passengers and cars across the river since long before he was born
4. Aunt Janet suggested they go to the Harbor Park Restaurant, which occupied the Old Yacht Club building on the west bank of the Connecticut River
5. The alluvial part is elevated above the bed of Connecticut river from 10 to 100 feet, and, in most places, reposes on red sandstone
6. The primitive region on the west side of Connecticut river, included by the map, is made up of mica slate, as a prevailing rock, particularly in the northern part
7. The map might also be extended to the boundary of Connecticut, by prolonging the primitive ranges with some divergency, and colouring the intermediate space secondary, except a narrow tract on the east side of Connecticut river, which is alluvial
8. In the town of Gill, at E, there is a cataract in Connecticut river, from 30 to 40 feet in height; and it is believed that the alluvial region, and part of the secondary shown on the map from this fall to the place where the river passes between mount Holyoke and Tom, was formerly the bed of a lake: for the logs are still found undecayed in many places, from 10 to 20 feet below the surface; the river has evidently worn a passage between Holyoke and Tom: many of the hills on the northern part, and the sandstone on the plain, bear the marks of having been washed by water, and the channels of two rivers are still visible in Deerfield, the one 30, and the other 100 feet above the present bed of Connecticut river
9. It commences on the west bank of Connecticut river, about a mile north of the hill C, and increases in elevation nearly to the spot where it disappears at the fall of the river in Gill
10. A similar fact has been noticed at the fall in Connecticut river, in Gill
11. At the foot of this mountain, in the bottom of Connecticut river, distinct impressions of fish are found on a schistose rock, like the one above mentioned as passing into gray wacke slate
12. This same species of slate occurs in several other places at the bottom of Connecticut river, as at the fall in Gill
13. In Mount Toby, in Sunderland, is a cave nearly 150 feet above the bed of Connecticut river
14. The falls in Connecticut river, at E, are not unworthy of notice
15. With the map is given a view of the strata of rocks from Hoosack mountain to eleven miles east of Connecticut river, on a line nearly east and west, passing through Deerfield
16. I have not examined the country on the east side of Connecticut river with sufficient care to be able to extend the section on that side more than a few miles
17. Mica—this is very abundant on the east side of Connecticut river
18. Iron Sand—found in considerable quantity near the falls in Connecticut river, on the Montague shore
19. Magnetic Oxide of Iron—very common in the region west of Connecticut river
20. This ore constitutes a vein on the bank of Connecticut river, passing into the hill on one side, and under the river on the other
21. Molybdena is found in Shutesbury, Massachusetts, near Northampton, east of Connecticut River, on the land of William Eaton
22. Our rivers, which were more firmly locked with ice than they had been before known for many years to be, rose above their usual bounds, and swept the ice with such rapidity down their channels as to destroy most of the bridges on Connecticut river, besides doing immense damage in other respects
23. —, of the Connecticut river valley, vi, 51
24. —, — — the ornithichnites of the Connecticut river sandstone, xlv, 178
25. —, —, —, batrachian, in the Connecticut river sandstone, xlix, 79f, 213
26. —, — —, of the Connecticut river, vi, 39
27. Map showing the extent of Primitive and of Secondary Formations in the Connecticut River Valley, with various sections, 205