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    continue to support frases de exemplo

    continue to support

    1. He confirmed that they would continue to support us with food and supplies

    2. They also continue to support the Global Seed Vault in Svalbard, nicknamed the Doomsday Vault, deep frozen in the middle of a Norwegian mountain

    3. his faith, in that he is confident that the Lord can, has, and will continue to support

    4. They’ve succeeded in creating the most inefficient system that the public can support, though the failing economy will not continue to support the growing drain of healthcare for much longer

    5. listed firms believe that the brokers will continue to support the business

    6. That is the situation that world leaders, their cabals, and those who continue to support them

    7. Fearing Joe would side with his daughter and continue to support her financially, Rose took the step of threatening to leave Joe in order to “embarrass” him

    8. " I further said, "As long as these conditions prevail-and we expect that they will-we intend to continue to support our textile business despite more attractive alternative uses for capital

    9. The big dental associations continue to support almalgam because, frankly, they don’t want to appear like they’ve been wrong all these years, despite all the well-documented risks

    10. No, sir, this is an elective Government—the power and ultimate responsibility rest with the people; they cannot be dishonored unless they pertinaciously approve of unwise or wicked measures, and continue to support the authors of such measures

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