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    Use "corduroy" em uma frase

    corduroy frases de exemplo



    1. dilapidated Austin Metro, the small wee man in tweeds and corduroy had now

    2. The little man in tweed and corduroy slid forward and sat on the lip of the

    3. A pair of brown corduroy trousers, clearly second-hand, but perfectly serviceable

    4. He could barely see through the streams of water running across his horn-rimmed, circular, bottle glasses, and to look at him dripping and sodden in brown tweed and corduroy waistcoat, as thin as a rake and far too short to be a policeman, you would think him incapable of exerting the slightest force upon fresh air

    5. Out on the hard shoulder, cocooned within the thin metallic hull of his dilapidated Austin Metro, the small wee man in tweeds and corduroy had now counted for nearly an hour, but instead of marshalling his thoughts towards the infinite number of tufts woven into the boot carpets of this modern, global, automotive world, he found now that his concentration wavered

    6. She wore brown corduroy pants and a faded pale blue sweat shirt

    7. When he came in he was wearing brown corduroy trousers with a darker brown corduroy jacket and desert boots

    8. He stood about six feet tall, wearing a brown corduroy suit with a purple silk handkerchief hanging from his jacket pocket and a cowboy hat that almost matched the color of his suit

    9. ‘Úrsula would remember him always as she said good-bye to him, languid and serious, without shedding a tear, as she had taught him, swelter-ing in the heat in the green corduroy suit with copper buttons and a starched bow around his neck

    10. With blue corduroy shorts and a white collared shirt, Phillip stood out like a neon light to Mitchell, slowly closing in with uncertainty

    11. Around 45 minutes later, Diane D and Dana enter a hospital lobby both dressed in identical black corduroy jackets, black matching pants and holding white helmets with black designs in each of their hands with their long black hair in a half-braid and half-ponytails hanging down their backs as they follow a black, male security guard

    12. wearing a brown corduroy jumper and stoned out of her

    13. dressed in a 70's look with a long tan corduroy dress and a

    14. Vinny used her brown corduroy dress to wipe the blood off of

    15. Bill stood leaning against the wall, with his thick corduroy jacket pulled up around his neck to ward off the chill in the air

    16. He had dressed in a brown corduroy slacks and brown T-shirt over which he wore a fawn windcheater

    17. Dressed in suits on the weekdays and corduroy shorts on the weekends, he spoke with a deep, rumbling baritone and a fine, elegant manner

    18. He wore jeans and a corduroy shirt

    19. In fact, Emma was charmed with his appearance as he stood on the landing in his great velvet coat and white corduroy breeches

    20. The paint was of a dark drab colour and the surface of the newly painted doors bore a strong resemblance to corduroy cloth, and from the bottom corners of nearly every panel there was trickling down a large tear, as if the doors were weeping for the degenerate condition of the decorative arts

    21. Some of these men were of the tramp or the drunken loafer class; some were old, broken-down workmen like himself, and others were labourers wearing corduroy or moleskin trousers with straps round their legs under their knees

    22. “So how long have you been out on the road?” he asked, pulling a pen and a long, narrow reporter’s notebook from the back pocket of his thin corduroy pants

    23. He was forty-eight years old and with his deep-set blue eyes, brand-new Dior glasses and brown corduroy jacket he could easily be taken for an intellectual

    24. At the time, I was an uneasy fifteen-year-old in a corduroy Nehru jacket, while my old feller had undergone a radical transformation from a crooner in evening dress to someone actually sporting the wares of those scented Chelsea emporiums

    25. There must be two dozen legal pads stacked in his corduroy lap

    26. But there were two things amid the garbage that I couldn't stop looking at: One was the blue kite resting against the wall, close to the cast-iron stove; the other was Hassan's brown corduroy pants thrown on a heap of eroded bricks

    27. All he wore was a baggy pair of red corduroy shorts held up by braces, and a pair of battered leather sandals

    28. A roll of corduroy lay at the end of the counter

    29. He lifted up a pair of red corduroy shorts with patches on the seat and found a green pair underneath that were less threadbare

    30. Indeed, he swore, and kept his oath, that, until all outstanding debts were paid, he would never wear any clothes than his father’s greatcoat and a corduroy jacket which he had made for himself, nor yet ride in aught but a country waggon, drawn by peasants’ horses

    1. He settles on a pair of dirt brown corduroys, and a blue and green plaid flannel shirt

    2. There he is in his little green corduroys, his white tennis shirt, his horn rims

    3. My crumpled dull-green corduroys, white polo neck, leather jacket and scuffed desert boots paradoxically gave me a sense of superiority

    4. Guys in jeans and T-shirts chatted to suits and ties, corduroys and cardigans

    5. His clothes, heavy corduroys stuffed into calf-high leather boots, a rough woollen shirt, a broad leather belt, all seemed to protest the size of the man

    6. corduroys and Tattersall shirts that he wore day-in and day-out for the entire

    7. scissored off across the somber parquet, corduroys whistling with stress

    8. In the same early morning, I discovered a singular affinity between seeds and corduroys

    9. Pumblechook wore corduroys, and so did his shopman; and somehow, there was a general air and flavor about the corduroys, so much in the nature of seeds, and a general air and flavor about the seeds, so much in the nature of corduroys, that I hardly knew which was which

    10. Halfway through the film, his hand had come to rest for a full minute on the thigh of Mercer’s corduroys, inches from his crotch, and now Mercer was feeling flushed and giddy and a little dangerous himself

    11. If it hadn't been for Sammy tugging at Tom's corduroys they might have disappeared into the shop and stayed there for the remainder of the afternoon

    12. Sitting in the room with Mister Tom were a policeman from Weirwold, the warden from Deptford, a middle-aged man in a pullover and corduroys, and a woman in a green hat and coat

    13. He wore brown corduroys, and suspenders and a polo shirt; and he had a cardboard sun helmet, painted silver, on his head

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