Use "correspondingly" em uma frase
correspondingly frases de exemplo
1. Snapping the watch lid shut, he bandied a few insignificant pleasantries with a correspondingly inconsequential neighbour, and went inside; thence, pausing briefly to catch his breath before the ascent, he proceeded up the stairs to his apartments on the first floor
2. correspondingly absolute volumes of
3. If an intention (compared to a seed planted in the mind stream) is positive, then the mental state, as well as any bodily or verbal action, will be correspondingly positive, creating well-being and happiness
4. But its attention has become engrossed in some or other ‗Egoic‘ pattern of thinking, leading to correspondingly ‗Egocentric‘ decisions and actions
5. We retrieve this pair and assign it to the variables name and address correspondingly for each pair using
6. 2- We should work correspondingly when dealing with the samples taken from the two kinds of meat, concerning the place where we take the sample from and the course (procession) of the laboratory work
7. I will use my helicopters to move, resupply and support that force, but my airfield security perimeter here in K-1 will be correspondingly weakened
8. Women’s pensions are correspondingly smaller because they haven’t paid as much in to the company’s pension plan, and women who live alone reputedly have a difficult time making ends meet, much less saving for anything
9. partial unification, but it’s also correspondingly been only partially successful
10. I felt as a real kindness the action of persons who made no attempt to dig their fists into my heart, but regarded me as a precocious young man, not quite right in the head, and treated me correspondingly with affectionate mockery
11. It means that the more vulnerable the side of the opponent seems to be, the more it is protected and, correspondingly, the counterattack can be more unpredictable
12. She offered Lena’s husband the official position of director of the furniture cooperative with a correspondingly good salary
13. For even when cells have higher levels of monergy, they do not, correspondingly, have an increase in overall cell health
14. huge crowds, and his earnings were correspondingly high
15. The four angels correspondingly symbolize the four 1440-year
16. Correspondingly, the symbol for zeal is flame, the symbol for Truth is light, and the symbol for Justice is heat
17. 5760, is the product of 1440 times 4 and, correspondingly, of 360 times 16
18. As his hands came free there was a brief tensing of his abundant musculature and she correspondingly tensed in expectation of a grisly fate at this man’s hands
19. Painters like Rembrandt, whose pictures when fresh must have approached very near white in the high lights, also approach black in the darks, and nearer our own time, Frank Holl forced the whites of his pictures very high and correspondingly the darks were very heavy
20. and fats in their blood, with a correspondingly high-fat content in their arteries
21. cholesterol and fats are high, the arteries were correspondingly high in the degree of damage
22. ASC beyond the limits of human status, and correspondingly those
23. It had taken a deal of extra wet-towelling to pull him through the night; a correspondingly extra quantity of wine had preceded the towelling; and he was in a very damaged condition, as he now pulled his turban off and threw it into the basin in which he had steeped it at intervals for the last six hours
24. The light in the guard-house, half derived from the waning oil-lamps of the night, and half from the overcast day, was in a correspondingly uncertain condition
25. Now the flimsy timber outbuildings had gone, and the stone-built complex attached to the church had grown correspondingly
26. This entry will require larger initial stops compared to entering near support or resistance, and have correspondingly lower reward/risk ratios
27. Interesting things start to happen when extremely high challenges are met with correspondingly high skills; it is here that the performer starts to have the potential to slip into the flow experience
28. If the shares then drop to 100p, the yield will have correspondingly risen to 12 per cent
29. Hence they may readily be overstated or understated, in which case the final figure of reported earnings will be correspondingly distorted
30. This results of course in an absurd overvaluation, to be followed by collapse and a correspondingly excessive depreciation
31. If the receivables and inventories were written down to an unduly low figure on December 31, 1932, this artificially low “cost price” would give rise to a correspondingly inflated profit in the following years
32. Many corporations that have marked up their fixed assets fail to increase correspondingly their depreciation charges against the income account
33. Socony-Vacuum increased its 1932 earnings by $6,095,000 (and subsequent earnings correspondingly) as a result of a write-down of fixed assets with consequent reduction in depreciation charges
34. 2 A private business might easily earn twice as much in a boom year as in poor times, but its owner would never think of correspondingly marking up or down the value of his capital investment
35. Yet some ten years later the same unsound practices were introduced once again, but on a larger scale and with correspondingly severer losses to investors
36. Second, the high price registered for the relatively small common-stock issue automatically created a correspondingly high value for the millions of warrants
37. Third, Electric Bond and Share could apply these high values to its large holdings of American and Foreign Power common and its enormous block of warrants, thus setting up a correspondingly inflated value for its own common stock
38. Since over 80% of the warrants were owned by Electric Bond and Share Company, the effect of these absurd prices for American and Foreign Power junior securities was to establish a correspondingly absurd breakup value for Electric Bond and Share common
39. ” That involves the purchase of a security showing a larger yield than is obtainable on a high-grade issue and carrying a correspondingly greater risk
40. The first is that common stocks with good records and apparently good prospects sell at correspondingly high prices
41. Their price index declined, correspondingly, from 110
42. (By contrast, among noninvestment corporations the best-managed companies sell at correspondingly high prices in relation to their current earnings and assets
43. However, a multiplier of earnings below 15 could justify a correspondingly higher multiplier of assets
44. Correspondingly, Flavors was valued at 10
45. Correspondingly, opposite characteristics-a high ratio of price to book value, a high price-earnings ratio, and a low dividend yield-are in no way inconsistent with a "value" purchase
46. Correspondingly, we might have seen only a 1% chance that some shock factor, external or internal, would cause a conventional debt ratio to produce a result falling somewhere between temporary anguish and default
47. Correspondingly, certain companies have been highly successful because of aggressive diversification into other businesses and industries
48. Given the serial correlation characteristic of volatility, what volatility should we assign to options that expire in five months if we have only our four historical volatilities: 6-week, 12-week, 26-week, and 52-week volatilities? Because 5 months is closest to 26 weeks, we can give the 26-week volatility the greatest weight and give other data correspondingly lesser weight
49. To generate a collection of private key/Bitcoin address pairs, many programs use correspondingly as many random numbers
50. In all these cases the conception of freedom is increased or diminished and the conception of compulsion is correspondingly decreased or increased, according to the point of view from which the action is regarded