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    Use "cortex" em uma frase

    cortex frases de exemplo


    1. “We cannot understand why, but the cells of cerebral cortex have ut-

    2. It was simply that they were able to route the bot's sensors to their cortex busses and 'be' there

    3. The impossibility of there being another person in my room wound itself around my cortex, turning my fingers and thumbs into fat, sausages

    4. He lets the water fall for ten minutes in a cascade of absolution, and although he can still hear odd notes and bars of the melody deep in the primeval zones of his cortex, he feels as though he is regaining control

    5. Think of it as connecting at the cortex, directly to memory

    6. She cannot take physical form and come down to the planet and talk to us, she can only create signals that effect the visual cortex thru the helmet, or appear on the view eyes of suntowers

    7. the neo cortex part of the mind which is typically the part which is in the way of

    8. [20] The left prefrontal cortex of the brain is associated with feelings of happiness

    9. only a part of the cortex that was altered,

    10. intimate please, sent messages that travelled up his arm and reached his cortex, took over his

    11. Will man ever be able to truly understand exactly what happens where in the brain while thoughts are occurring? And what about the distinction between thinking about a new subject as opposed to remembering an old one? Some perhaps promising speculation has recently centered on the neurons of the pre-frontal cortex (the cerebrum), with the corollary proposition that the greater number of axonic-dendritic connections between the neurons, the greater the potential intelligence

    12. Many of my pre-frontal cortex neurons are still functioning

    13. In standard TIAR the visual cortex would simply represent something induced from a memory and tempered by imagination; a simple conversion

    14. Prior as to what the prefrontal cortex does

    15. “The orbitofrontal cortex is the reward center of the brain

    16. Those who exhibit reward-seeking behavior have a large orbitofrontal cortex,” someone says

    17. “It should suppress some, but not all, of the activity in the prefrontal cortex,” the scientist with the round glasses says

    18. He knew that some seizures could trigger certain areas in the cerebral cortex on their electrical revel through the brain

    19. Remember how I told you about the frontal cortex, the part of

    20. thing it does, is contact the newer and smarter frontal cortex for

    21. If the frontal cortex agrees with the amygdala’s verdict that a

    22. threats are real, you don’t have time to wait for the frontal cortex

    23. Karl Lashley has pointed out, after conducting numerous experiments on the brains of animals, that neither the learning nor the retention of a habit is localised in any one area of the cortex

    24. The retinal image is mapped onto the brain cortex which breaks down the image into various waveforms using a mathematical technique called ‘Fourier transforms’ (as in holography)

    25. The division is based on a way of approaching the outside world that evolution worked out long before it thought of us; our divided cortex appeared with the first mammals

    26. According to neuroscientist Antonio Damasio, when an image enters the brain via the visual cortex, it is channeled through ‘convergence zones’ in the brain until it is identified

    27. Some scientists believe that the remaining cortex takes over the functions once provided by the removed cortex

    28. ‘For hundreds of years neurologists have assumed that all that is dear to them is performed by the cortex, but it may well be that the deep structures in the brain carry out many of the functions assumed to be the sole province of the cortex ’ Nevertheless, scientists have studied the sub-cortical structures

    29. No scientist has any evidence that these sub-cortical structures in a normal brain can actually perform the cognitive functions currently attributed to the cortex

    30. What we see in the cortex are ‘hyperlinks’ or ‘shortcuts’ (to use computer terminology) to the brains in higher energy bodies

    31. In other words, there is a transfer of ‘links’ from the cortex to the remaining parts of the brain that remain — not whole functions

    32. 3 These universes can operate as the many layers of a gigantic electronic brain (analogous to the cortex and sub-cortex in our biomolecular brain) inside which our own super magma brain-bodies live and think

    33. This enabled Penfield to perform remedial treatment and at the same time use the opportunity to map out the functions of different areas of the brain cortex

    34. Treffert believes that when associative memory systems, located in the higher regions of the cortex, fail older parts of the brain, the ancient pathways in the basal ganglia known as habit memory, take over

    35. Musical savants, he believes, have absolute pitch because they tap directly into the discrete frequency receptors in the cortex without any left-hemisphere meddling

    36. brain to different parts of the “association cortex” in Earth’s

    37. Some scientists believe that the remaining cortex

    38. and secondary visual cortex) which correlated with the flashes of light

    39. the motor cortex of the brain respond selectively to a limited bandwidth of

    40. frequencies 25 Pribram confirmed that the visual cortex of cats and monkeys

    41. leagues also showed that the receptive fields in the neurons of the cortex

    42. localised in any one area of the cortex Instead, the degree of retardation in

    43. most often hovering in front of the prefrontal cortex of the brain i e in the

    44. studies that synchronous firing in different regions of the cortex (to gener-

    45. neurons from different regions of the brain’s cerebral cortex The firing

    46. The prefrontal cortex is involved in delaying gratification and impulse control and moderates the impulses from the limbic system

    47. By definition, we are able to traffic messages being sent to the cortex with simple codes that are transported via stimulating waves to the portion of the brain that will accept the aforementioned code

    48. Crushed the cortex obs……anyway death was instant

    49. cortex, a large mass of tissue that surrounds the emotional brain and is

    50. It was found out that when a person is stressed, the adrenal cortex converts adrenal androgens to the hormone testosterone in male and female, which in turn results in overactive sebaceous glands

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