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    cost of living frases de exemplo

    cost of living

    1. penny, feeds his guests and clients cheap meals, whines about his expenses and high cost of living, and stiffs servers in restaurants

    2. The cost of living was getting steeper by the day

    3. This is not the South of France or the Italian Riviera but then neither is the cost of living

    4. available of 40% of the rent and there is a 41% cost of living adjustment on top of their salary

    5. A move to Ithaca would also put me into a higher cost of living, renting a house with two kids, two cats, and one dog

    6. The cost of living increased, but

    7. In short, the cost of living in one place is very expensive

    8. barely covers their cost of living!

    9. What I have felt is that way too many people are working everyday in the United States and not getting pay increases or raises and that the cost of living will not keep up with inflation

    10. The table that shows the income, taxes, cost of living in the appropriate style for the income, and moneys left over for investment was shown near the end of Chapter 4

    11. It would be interesting as a summary of my proposed economic plan to show the money piles left over after taxes are paid and cost of living is taken out as a function of percent of people with the savings shown

    12. As the officer counted her money, Nancy realised that she knew very little about the cost of living in 1940, apart from the price of a pint of beer

    13. considering how high it was that the cost of living in general had

    14. pay our daily cost of living expenses, all of this subtraction

    15. Cost of Living in the TMM:

    16. That 15% can be quite a lot and when combined with your other expenses, such as necessities and bills for the cost of living, you’re not left with much

    17. In fact, when you figure in the cost of living, inflation, and the devaluation of the dollar, today’s two-income home is actually bringing in less money than our grandfathers did on their own

    18. The cost of living in Mississippi was the lowest in the country

    19. Cost of living here is bound to be a fraction of what it is in the city

    20. In the cost of living, giving

    21. live, do some research on the cost of living, buying a house and a car, and

    22. "The cost of vice seems to have gone up with the cost of living," remarked Miss Kendall, as the waiter disappeared as silently as he had responded to the bell

    23. Before he came in they had been saying things beyond her quickness in following, eagerly discussing Sinn Fein, Lloyd George, the outrageous cost of living--it was the autumn of 1920--turning everything inside out, upside down, being witty, being surprising, being tremendously eager and earnest

    24. of the PSIA Politics and high cost of living in the ski towns,

    25. pared to the high cost of living in a famous ski town,

    26. high cost of living in the expensive ski-town, and high

    27. modest opinion, particularly at a time when the cost of living in Malaysia

    28. heating bills and high cost of living in a ski-town

    29. cause of the high cost of living, his pay being com-

    30. The cost of living desensitized lives is doing hurtful things to ourselves and to others

    31. It could be more complex and variable to fit your lifestyle or expected promotions, cost of living pay rises etc

    32. This is most often associated with their their day to day cost of living in obtaining their college degree

    33. Being close will cut the cost of living overseas as well as helping your children feel a sense of connection to others

    34. Remove all unnecessary practices that contribute to the higher cost of living

    35. >> Choose a country with a low cost of living

    36. This might be as simple as using social security for the fixed portion (this does adjust somewhat for inflation) together with a mutual fund account that continues to grow in order to compensate for the actual increase in your cost of living

    37. A man might possess so much money that, in England, he would be comparatively rich, and yet if he went to some country where the cost of living is very high he would find himself in a condition of poverty

    38. Cost of living in Kansas is a lot lower than here

    39. Moreover, this was only a part of a general increase in the cost of living for most Americans

    40. Otherwise, you’ll need to compensate for the higher cost of living where you reside by saving up a larger nest egg

    41. Retiring early on less is much more difficult if the cost of living is double what it would be in a less expensive part of the country

    42. Known as the RPI, it is generally considered to give a more accurate picture of the cost of living than the alternative, the consumer price index (CPI)

    43. The decade from 1973 through 1982 was the most inflationary in modern American history, as the cost of living more than doubled

    44. Cash returns available to such investors increased considerably more than did the cost of living

    45. While the CPI gives us a good look at the cost of living from the viewpoint of the consumer, the PPI focuses on the cost of production of the good

    46. Lowest cost of living: Pakistan had a rating of 46 in The Economist Intelligence Unit’s Worldwide Cost of Living survey in December 2011

    47. And even if you don’t care about the weather, you’ve got to care about your cost of living

    48. But—and here’s the beauty of TIPS!—if the cost of living goes up 2%, your bond is now worth $10,200, and your semiannual payment is $153

    49. By describing the annuity as a tool that gives you a guaranteed income for the rest of your life, more than 70% found them attractive! Who doesn’t want income insurance that kicks in if you have burned through your savings? Maybe your cost of living was greater than you expected

    50. In those very hours when I was obeying the great imperative law of self-preservation, was clutching at every log that floated by me regardless of whether it was my property or not so long as it would help me keep my head above water—what was going on all around me? In every office of the downtown district—merchant, banker, broker, lawyer, man of commerce or finance—was not every busy brain plotting not self-preservation but pillage and sack—plotting to increase the cost of living for the masses of men by slipping a little tax here and a little tax there onto the cost of everything by which men live? All along the line between the farm or mine or shop and the market, at every one of the tollgates for the collection of just charges, these big financiers, backed up by the big lawyers and the rascally public officials, had an agent in charge to collect on each passing article a little more than was honestly due

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