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    Use "crag" em uma frase

    crag frases de exemplo


    1. Granddad said that you couldn’t point at a rock or a crag or a tree and

    2. But Philippos spotted a herd of ibex on the north crag high above this cove

    3. eagle mount up at your command, and make her nest on high? 28 She dwells and abides on the rock, on the crag of the rock, and the

    4. “They’ll be taken to the Crag,” the guard said

    5. “What or where is the Crag?” Nem steeled himself against the next cry of pain that rose from below

    6. We don’t have a death penalty in th’ Archipelago, we have the Crag!”

    7. “Have you ever seen the Crag?” Nem asked

    8. to the great crag on the way up to the plateau

    9. My hind legs reached for the crag and I perched on all fours, folded my weary wings and rested

    10. Across the ledge and around the crag and down the narrow trail threading the great steep they plunged at breakneck speed

    11. He was not far from the crest when, edging around the shoulder of a jutting crag, he heard the clink of shod hoofs ahead of him

    12. Skull on the Crag

    13. A narrow ridge formed a natural ramp that led up the steep face of the crag

    14. The trunks of the trees did not crowd close to the crag, but the ends of their lower branches extended about it, veiling it with their foliage

    15. "Back up the crag, quick!" snapped Conan, thrusting the girl behind him

    16. Then Conan's iron hand closed on her wrist and she was jerked headlong into the blinding welter of the leaves, and out again into the hot sunshine above, just as the monster fell forward with his front feet on the crag with an impact that made the rock vibrate

    17. Peering down through broken branches that scraped the rock, they saw it squatting on its haunches at the foot of the crag, staring unblinkingly up at them

    18. The branches that touch the crag down there are too light

    19. The great brute squatted below, watching the crag with the frightful patience of the reptile folk

    20. Conan watched him warily from the corner of his eye, and just as Valeria believed the dragon was about to hurl himself up the crag again, the Cimmerian drew back and climbed up to the ledge with the branches he had cut

    21. "Branches too light for spear-hafts, and creepers no thicker than cords," he remarked, indicating the foliage about the crag

    22. Then he threw up his head, jaws wide and spouting blood, and glared up at the crag with such concentrated and intelligent fury that Valeria trembled and drew her sword

    23. The city looked very far away across the plain, farther than it had looked from the crag

    24. And all but cry with colour! That gaunt crag

    25. Here and there, a giant crag stuck out, spouting a long cascade of water down to a stream foaming its way to the river

    26. the edge of the roof, where he stood like a mountaineer looking out from a rocky crag

    27. Erlandr had heard about goats that lived in the mountains, leaping from crag to crag, and that's what the boy reminded him of

    28. The Crag Inn was the oldest pub on Holy Island

    29. Harold McDougal had been a regular at the Crag inn for more than forty years

    30. His wife Mary did not tolerate smoking at home on account of Harold’s supposed heart problems but Harold always seemed to find an excuse to escape to the Crag Inn to indulge in a few cigarettes and a pint or two of his favourite Cuillin Ale

    31. The two men drove out of the car park of The Crag Inn and headed north

    32. But, there remained a broken country, bold and open, a little village at the bottom of the hill, a broad sweep and rise beyond it, a church-tower, a windmill, a forest for the chase, and a crag with a fortress on it used as a prison

    33. As to the men and women, their choice on earth was stated in the prospect--Life on the lowest terms that could sustain it, down in the little village under the mill; or captivity and Death in the dominant prison on the crag

    34. But it always looks up, from a distance, at the prison on the crag; and in the evening, when the work of the day is achieved and it assembles to gossip at the fountain, all faces are turned towards the prison

    35. The man looked at him, looked at the village in the hollow, at the mill, and at the prison on the crag

    36. But who, save the nerve-worn and sleepless, or thinkers standing with hands to the eyes on some crag above the multitude, see things thus in skeleton outline, bare of flesh? In Surbiton the skeleton is wrapped in flesh

    37. This bed is the fairy cave under Penistone Crag, and you are gathering elf-bolts to hurt our heifers; pretending, while I am near, that they are only locks of wool

    38. I'm not wandering: you're mistaken, or else I should believe you really were that withered hag, and I should think I was under Penistone Crag; and I'm conscious it's night; and there are two candles on the table making the black press shine like jet

    39. The red cap of one of the sailors hung to a point of the rock and some timbers that had formed part of the vessel's keel, floated at the foot of the crag

    40. At every step that Edmond took he disturbed the lizards glittering with the hues of the emerald; afar off he saw the wild goats bounding from crag to crag

    41. Like Sharleyan, he had great faith in Braisyn Byrns, Earl White Crag, her first councilor

    42. I could distinctly see the isolated, tree-crowned pinnacle of rock which was detached from the crag

    43. In fact, four of them had been sending back information Zhustyn and First Councilor White Crag wanted Dohlar to have

    44. He’d seen him with his own eyes, in the admiral’s cabin of a galleon named HMS Dreadnought on the morning after the Battle of Crag Reach, standing at Crown Prince Cayleb Ahrmahk’s shoulder

    45. There are as many varieties of wyverns as there are birds, including (but not limited to) the homing or messenger wyvern, hunting wyverns suitable for the equivalent of hawking for small prey, the crag wyvern (a flying predator with a wingspan of ten feet), various species of sea wyverns, and the king wyvern (a very large flying predator with a wingspan of up to twenty-five feet)

    46. the corner of his eye, he had a glimpse of something falling from the crag,

    47. After a few heartbeats of furnace glare, under which the red-haired Taliano refused to melt, she turned and gestured to the red stone castle on its red stone crag

    48. But I tell you—and you may mark my words—you will come some day to a craggy pass in the channel, where the whole of life’s stream will be broken up into whirl and tumult, foam and noise: either you will be dashed to atoms on crag points, or lifted up and borne on by some master-wave into a calmer current—as I am now

    49. I saw a lizard run over the crag; I saw a bee busy among the sweet bilberries

    50. I felt the consecration of its loneliness: my eye feasted on the outline of swell and sweep—on the wild colouring communicated to ridge and dell by moss, by heath-bell, by flower-sprinkled turf, by brilliant bracken, and mellow granite crag

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