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crucifixion frases de exemplo
1. This was no crucifixion!
2. 6 The four Gospels were eye-witness accounts of the life of Jesus and the events that unfolded around him up to his crucifixion, resurrection from death and ascension into heaven
3. If we compare the same information in Isaiah 53 to other scriptures, prophecies and to the events as they unfolded during Jesus’ crucifixion from a Christian point of view (also taking into account the information provided in the New Testament and the fact that Jesus himself declared that the Jews would be blinded to not recognise who He was) it fits the scenario described in here even better
4. This can be seen through the fact that when Jesus was tempted by Satan in the desert before his crucifixion, Satan offered him all the kingdoms on the earth in the following verses:
5. that the route to crucifixion and the birthplace in Bethlehem were
6. I must take further exception to columnist Ian O‘Connor‘s revisionist account of Pontius Pilate‘s role in the crucifixion of Christ; that it was he (Pilate) who
7. Imagine the circus if every newspaper in the world had front-page pictures of a modern-day crucifixion carried out by people supported by American tax dollars? So, I was ordered to join him on a mission to evaluate the situation and most unfortunately, I had to report that he didn’t measure up so it was decided to pull him out of the game
8. He looked as if he"d been around since just after the crucifixion of Christ and had slept only four hours during that time
9. Jesus’ death by crucifixion also prefigured the death of the Israelite nation by dismemberment in AD 135
10. After Jesus’ crucifixion, the Jewish leaders wandered in a different kind wilderness for forty years trying to resurrect their kingdom on earth, only to have it result in the wholesale slaughter and worldwide dispersal of their people
11. This law was also adhered to with the crucifixion of Jesus
12. Jesus carries the same scars of the crucifixion, even after his resurrection
13. looks at what Jesus said to His disciples immediately before His crucifixion, Jesus
14. At His crucifixion He was recognised by the captain of the Roman Guard, and God
15. He was a fisherman who denied Jesus after the crucifixion
16. The time when he suffered is generally supposed to have been at the Passover which succeeded to that of our Lord's crucifixion and to the era of his ascension in the following spring
17. Yes, He was executed but back then they called it crucifixion
18. “After the crucifixion, real or not, James, his brother and the Magdalene, Jesus’
19. the garden of Gethsemane, the Crucifixion and the Resurrection of the Christ;
20. the trials before Pilate and Herod; and on Good Friday the Crucifixion
21. The Crucifixion and all the varied
22. The Crucifixion and Resurrection which symbolize the actual Initiation are
23. 1 To the onlooking celestial intelligences of the local universe, this Mediterranean trip was the most enthralling of all Jesus' earth experiences, at least of all his career right up to the event of his crucifixion and mortal death
24. It was their personal association with Jesus during these months of testing that so endeared him to them that they all (save Judas Iscariot) remained loyal and true to him even in the dark hours of the trial and crucifixion
25. 10 After his rash denials of the Master he found himself, and with Andrew's sympathetic and understanding guidance he again led the way back to the fish nets while the apostles tarried to find out what was to happen after the crucifixion
26. 13 Thomas had a trying time during the days of the trial and crucifixion
27. 11 The twins served faithfully until the end, until the dark days of trial, crucifixion, and despair
28. 15 Although Peter, James, and John could not understand very much of what Jesus said on this occasion, his gracious words lingered in their hearts, and after the crucifixion and resurrection they came forth greatly to enrich and gladden their subsequent ministry
29. Baby Ruth was the chief comfort of Jesus, as regards his earth family, throughout the trying ordeal of his trial, rejection, and crucifixion
30. 4 This crisis in Jesus' earth life began with the feeding of the five thousand and ended with this sermon in the synagogue; the crisis in the lives of the apostles began with this sermon in the synagogue and continued for a whole year, ending only with the Master's trial and crucifixion
31. The fourth and last period of his earth career began here at Caesarea-Philippi and extended on to the crucifixion
32. It appears to us that from his baptism until the crucifixion it was entirely optional with Jesus whether to depend only on the human mind or to utilize the knowledge of both the human and the divine minds
33. 5 In accordance with this understanding, early in November Abner and his eleven fellows cast their lot with Jesus and the twelve and labored with them as one organization right on down to the crucifixion
34. 5 David was present in Jerusalem during the tragic last week, taking his mother back with him to Bethsaida after the crucifixion
35. Not until after his death did these bewildered apostles wake up to the realization that the Master had spoken to them plainly and directly in anticipation of his crucifixion
36. And the memory of the elation of this Sunday afternoon carried them on through all of the tragedy of this eventful week, right up to the hour of the crucifixion
37. Kingdom believers, those who follow the teachings of Jesus, must cease to mistreat the individual Jew as one who is guilty of the rejection and crucifixion of Jesus
38. And John Mark remained so near the Master throughout this night and the next day that he witnessed everything and overheard much of what the Master said from this time on to the hour of the crucifixion
39. Just before the greatest of all the revelations of his divinity, his resurrection, must now come the greatest proofs of his mortal nature, his humiliation and crucifixion
40. Even the father of sin turned his face away from the excruciating horror of the scene of the crucifixion
41. 5 Until the very end of the crucifixion, John Zebedee remained, as Jesus had directed him, always near at hand, and it was he who supplied David's messengers with information from hour to hour which they carried to David at the garden camp, and which was then relayed to the hiding apostles and to Jesus' family
42. Peter belonged with the other apostles, who had been specifically warned not to endanger their lives during these times of the trial and crucifixion of their Master
43. He never fully recovered from the regretful condemnation of having consented to the crucifixion of Jesus
44. " This note from Claudia not only greatly upset Pilate and thereby delayed the adjudication of this matter, but it unfortunately also provided considerable time in which the Jewish rulers freely circulated among the crowd and urged the people to call for the release of Barabbas and to clamor for the crucifixion of Jesus
45. This was in itself an unjust and illegal procedure since the Roman law provided that only those condemned to die by crucifixion should be thus subjected to scourging
46. 2 As soon as Jesus was turned over to the Roman soldiers by Pilate for crucifixion, a messenger hastened away to Gethsemane to inform David, and within five minutes runners were on their way to Bethsaida, Pella, Philadelphia, Sidon, Shechem, Hebron, Damascus, and Alexandria
48. 2 It was a little after eight o'clock when Pilate turned Jesus over to the soldiers and a little before nine o'clock when they started for the scene of the crucifixion
49. The events already narrated and leading up to this hour of the Master's impending crucifixion are sufficient to indicate that his death at about this time was a purely natural and man-managed affair
50. It was the custom to compel the condemned man to carry the crossbeam to the site of the crucifixion