Use "culpable" em uma frase
culpable frases de exemplo
1. The man was clearly racked with guilt, she tried to reassure herself; surely that alone would be enough even if he was culpable
2. Those responses make Clinton culpable in the 9/ll attack, as well as in two earlier devastating attacks on American embassies in Africa
3. Tony's car, Scram and Rocky would have been culpable, and
4. is not the same as being culpable
5. Culpable inefficiency is inefficiency for which there is no reason or just excuse
6. In a literal sense, no one held that last bottle of whiskey up to Mike’s lips and made him chug it, but in a legal sense, DOC and DSS are culpable
7. It is one thing to wage war on something with a free will, which is culpable of fault
8. You know, every time Dad molested me, I wanted to blame myself for his wrongdoings, even though I knew he was ultimately culpable
9. In some unsubstantiated way, it made him feel as though he was doing a service for humanity, while attempting to equalize the score with the same, culpable menace to society
10. But apparently, someone in authority, Klingon, Federation, both, I don’t know who is more culpable, decided to revitalize a weapon from the past
11. A comforting fantasy will always be accepted over a clear-cut view of painful reality by the timid and the culpable
12. You! His culpable Caregiver wife to protect his pharmacist's license, as he played the I am the ignorant patient husband
13. ” To add some clarity, he continued, “I and the other members would be forced to disavow any knowledge of the proceedings, as we might be held culpable also
14. They either know they are lavishly culpable of generously drowning us in their guilt-free shit, or believe that as the powerful they have a winner's exemption, because to live in this world, to be part of the world economy is to walk in bloodprints, no matter how carefully you watch your step
15. Every fetus killed by culpable act or cultivated indifference is a forced, illegitimate abortion
16. When a law is unjust, if we do not obey such a law we are not culpable
17. In the depths of their wisdom, they knew that whoever was culpable in this manner would, sooner or later, be severely punished by the gods
18. I asked the June baby, who had several times noticed with indignation the culpable indifference of this boy in regard to corners, whether she did not think that would be a good way of disposing of him
19. He informed Linda at their first meeting, that there was a possibility that at her first preliminary hearing, the judge could reject her alibi, and could instead put her on trial for culpable murder, or worse have her declared criminally insane
20. A charge that still carried a custodial sentence if she was found guilty, but she would spend significantly less time in prison if she were charged with culpable murder
21. Last, the Database team, and to a less culpable extent the Applications Programmers, had stood politely by while Rome might have been burning, while their users took second place to some hobbyist investigation
22. The American natives were just as culpable as the white invaders: they had no right to sell them their land because they never owned it
23. Franz Ferdinand was also culpable: instead of calling into question the right of imperial monarchs to rule as literal gods, the archduke chose to turn the corrupt chance of becoming emperor into a show of power, a military show of force to the Serbs that he was oppressing and taxing into starvation, into a private family reunion with his wife and children
24. "I can't understand why the authorities tolerate such culpable industries
25. from his house, nor separate, or tear, his children from him, however culpable he may be; and he, still the master of his own fate, enjoys the smiles of a world, that would brand her with infamy, did she, seeking consolation, venture to retaliate
26. If you have been culpable, it was imprudence, and this imprudence was in obedience to the orders of your captain
27. Ask yourself, wherefore, after rescuing the infant from its living grave, you did not restore it to its mother? There was the crime, Bertuccio—that was where you became really culpable
28. Certainly, after witnessing the culpable indolence manifested by M
29. “If you’d done either of those things, you would have been culpable, Captain!” Sarmouth interrupted with an edge of sharpness
30. been about to relate; which was that after the death of the senior socalled d'Urberville, the young man developed the most culpable passions, though he had a blind mother, whose condition should have made him know better
31. She was Mrs Angel Clare, indeed, but had she any moral right to the name? Was she not more truly Mrs Alexander d'Urberville? Could intensity of love justify what might be considered in upright souls as culpable reticence? She knew not what was expected of women in such cases; and she had no counsellor
32. Brooke was really culpable; he ought to have hindered it
33. "A young man for whom two such elders had devoted themselves would indeed be culpable if he threw himself away and made their sacrifices vain
34. Her expression couldn’t have been more troubled if she had found something culpable about Edmund, or one of her sons
35. He said, moreover, "Teach those who are ignorant as many things as possible; society is culpable, in that it does not afford
36. Mayor; a culpable act has been
37. , inured by his past life to culpable deeds, and but little reformed by his sojourn in the galleys, as was proved by the crime committed against Little Gervais, etc
38. The coulpe is entirely spontaneous; it is the culpable person herself (the word is etymologically in its place here) who judges herself and inflicts it on herself
39. These gifts of a world to civilization are such augmentations of light, that all resistance in that case is culpable
40. measures to obtain relief: unusual measures, but neither unlawful nor culpable
41. He felt that he ought not to have allowed the marriage; that his daughter’s sentiments had been sufficiently known to him to render him culpable in authorising it; that in so doing he had sacrificed the right to the expedient, and been governed by motives of selfishness and worldly wisdom
42. He felt that he ought not to have allowed the marriage; that his daughter's sentiments had been sufficiently known to him to render him culpable in authorising it; that in so doing he had sacrificed the right to the expedient, and been governed by motives of selfishness and worldly wisdom
43. That was because, enjoying her master’s confidence as she did, and having so much property under her care, she considered that intimacies would lead to culpable indulgence and condescension
44. That uncommonly strong fellow is a horse-stealer, and guilty also, but compared with others not as culpable
45. "We ruin ourselves," says Frederic Passy, in a note read at the last Congress (1890) of Universal Peace, at London, "in preparing the means for taking part in the mad butcheries of the future, or in paying the interests of debts bequeathed to us by the mad and culpable butcheries of the past
46. Another still more surprising case is that of a man, ordinarily kind and good, who, because he wears a uniform or carries a medal, and is told that he is a keeper [garde-champêtre] or custom-house officer, considers himself justified in shooting men down, and no one ever dreams of blaming him for it, nor does he think himself in the wrong; but if he failed to fire upon his fellow-men he would then indeed be culpable
47. The committee, however, are of opinion that, should the petitioners have been guilty of a crime against the United States by a voluntary or otherwise culpable infraction of its laws, the dictates of humanity no less than the principles of justice, ought to influence the Legislature of the United States to adopt the proper means of restoring them to their country, in order that they may expiate the offence by a punishment suited to but not transcending the magnitude of their crime
48. While the resolution before us, sir, affects to support the Executive Government against insult, and language "highly indecorous," it descends into a style of expression, itself more culpable and degrading; unworthy, indeed, of the country and the dignity of its Government
49. But he did not think it surprising, nor culpable, that those whose property consisted in ships, should be averse to seeing them rotting at the wharves, and even disposed to incur risks to find employment for them abroad
50. Is there a reflecting man in the nation who would not charge Congress with a culpable neglect of its duty, if, for the want of such a force, a single ship were to bombard one of our cities? Would not every honorable member of this committee inflict on himself the bitterest reproaches, if, by failing to make an inconsiderable addition to our gallant little Navy, a single British vessel should place New York under contribution? Yes, sir, when the city is in flames, its wretched inhabitants begin to repent of their neglect in not providing engines and water buckets