Use "cussed" em uma frase
cussed frases de exemplo
1. ‘I thought I recognised that cussed face
2. The last girl I left cussed me out in the middle of a restaurant and slapped me twice before storming out
3. He cussed himself for forgetting oil for the padlock but it proved easy to open, some corrosion and grime having been removed by its recent operation
4. He cussed and cursed and docked us all every cent of that weeks pay ( $30 - 60
5. potential, beaten, cussed out, imprisoned, and chained to a
6. I cussed God out for putting me through this pain and stress, as I believed, at that time, that God was responsible for all good and evil that would come upon me
7. The Colonel cussed and slammed the counter because his aged cell phone had once again lost its signal
8. faltered, sinned, cussed, shouted, screamed, holla-ed - yeah, I've done all that (and
9. They cussed Jim considerble, though, and give him a cuff or two side the head once in a while, but Jim never said nothing, and he never let on to know me, and they took him to the same cabin, and put his own clothes on him, and chained him again, and not to no bed-leg this time, but to a big staple drove into the bottom log, and chained his hands, too, and both legs, and said he warn't to have nothing but bread and water to eat after this till his owner come, or he was sold at auction because he didn't come in a certain length of time, and filled up our hole, and said a couple of farmers with guns must stand watch around about the cabin every night, and a bulldog tied to the door in the daytime; and about this time they was through with the job and was tapering off with a kind of generl good-bye cussing, and then the old doctor comes and takes a look, and says:
10. "Now the cussed thing's ready, Sawbones, and you'll just out with another five,