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    Use "daintiness" em uma frase

    daintiness frases de exemplo


    1. She laughed at my daintiness, as she put it, but I figured to watch her devour a few basilisk chops and steaks before digging-in myself

    2. "Her lips are too thick and her mouth too large," remarked Clare, "and yet in some incomprehensible way she gives you the impression of daintiness

    3. With what impossible daintiness does he check again the seal on the mouthpiece

    4. Third: I cannot demonstrate it, but it seems to me, that in the whale the sense of touch is concentrated in the tail; for in this respect there is a delicacy in it only equalled by the daintiness of the elephant's trunk

    5. That character I could discern in the daintiness, good taste, and solidity of everything about me, whether the handbell, the binding of the book, the settee, or the table

    6. Such a morsel of heavenly daintiness did not often drop in his path now that he was fasting in this purgatory of a village

    7. The unaccustomed luxury of the dinner had awakened old memories of the comfort and daintiness which had been unknown to her in her later life, and the rejection of her sketches had shattered the dreams of acquiring them again, which had comforted her when she sent them out

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    Sinônimos para "daintiness"

    daintiness delicacy fineness