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    Use "decentralize" em uma frase

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    1. To tap the essence of the object or being at its core and decentralize its workings and reduce it to nothing but pure energy, however, if you are supposed to be here in 14 years time for some other event how can we release this information to you if it would allow another being to release your non-physical body back into the world and eliminate completely your body? You will not find the answers in all the places you seek, nor will you always search and find the answer at all

    2. His progressive plans to decentralize the power of the Austro-Hungarian Empire by giving all of its ethnic nationalities their own independent parliament was so well-known that he was a marked man

    1. The US government was more decentralized in 1934

    2. It unites thousands of organizations that act in an individual way so that they act in block with high reduction of operational costs in decentralized process, without they lose its autonomy

    3. Every process of Bank3Sector occurs in a decentralized way, without the generation of the multiplier effect of the deposit money, without causing XUSING Project: Beta Version in English - 2005

    4. The process is totally decentralized so that nobody is “owner” of the information or practices the authoritarian dominion

    5. is stored in a decentralized way

    6. or registration so that the storage is totally decentralized;

    7. of all the Usuarist Projects in action or those already disabled to preserve the human knowledge through registers in computers in a decentralized way

    8. What the socialists fail to remember is that the decentralized, unfettered free market adjusts production and consumption

    9. He caught me decentralized and without justifications

    10. This decentralized group also served as a project management office so that new initiatives could be managed centrally after approval

    11. You see three decentralized IT units on the chart of the business unit future process steps, above

    12. Decentralized units would service others only when there was unit-specific technology in those units

    13. Centralized IT supported the LAN, the WAN, and the communications systems, while SAP was all decentralized

    14. “Or we can promote a decentralized world economy that would have the aim of assuring to every nation and region a local self-sufficiency in life-supporting goods

    15. as an interesting example of this "routinization" process at work in the modern, decentralized world of software development

    16. A decentralized cooperative world can only emerge with the transcendence of the commodities of power that is the policies of politics

    17. I was vastly impressed by the wisdom of the decentralized and highly organized leadership

    18. Decentralized power is always more powerful that centralized power

    19. A note to forex traders: since that market is decentralized and reports no volume, you can use the volume of currency futures as its proxy

    20. , centralized versus decentralized); how managers treat their employees and whether they know how to hire well; whether management knows how to intelligently manage its expenses; and whether management is disciplined or undisciplined in making capital allocation decisions

    21. Is the business managed in a centralized or decentralized way?

    22. Many of the best-performing stocks in history—that is, those that have compounded at rates greater than 20 percent over 15 years—have used decentralized operating structures; for example, Teledyne, Berkshire Hathaway, Penn National Gaming, Expeditors International, Fastenal, Capital Cities ABC, and Bed Bath & Beyond

    23. The greatest financial benefit is that decentralized businesses have reduced corporate overhead

    24. Is it the Human Resources (HR) department or the managers who the employees will be working under? If it is the group where the employee will be working, then it is decentralized, but if all hiring is done through HR, then it is bureaucratic

    25. Many of the best-performing stocks in history—that is, those that have compounded at rates greater than 20 percent over 15 years—have used decentralized operating structures

    26. There’s an interesting intangible, culture component within a business that is run in a decentralized manner

    27. With decentralized business structures, there is a lack of bureaucratic, top-down hierarchy with rigid structures

    28. Decentralized businesses tend to make decisions that directly benefit the customer because they are the closest to the customer

    29. Someday we might look back and think it should have been obvious that a decentralized currency that is impossible to counterfeit and is built on cryptographic principles is more secure than traditional currencies

    30. • Scarcity: The primary innovation of Bitcoin is the decentralized creation of scarcity for a digital asset, which is necessary for bitcoins to retain any monetary value

    31. In this decentralized model, a software application finds other “like-minded” peer applications on the Internet and connects with these peers to operate the application

    32. In this role, Bitcoin’s use may be most comparable to that of gold, currently the most popular decentralized medium for storing savings

    33. However, Bitcoin is not the only recent technology that is decentralized by design: BitTorrent, Gnutella, Tor, and Freenet are similarly immune to central control

    34. Many of these decentralized systems were thought to pose risks to government stability (especially the Internet in countries with oppressive laws against free speech), but we accepted them anyway due to the enormous benefits they brought to society

    35. Computer engineers are continually pushing the boundaries of what’s possible with decentralized networks, trying to drive financial contracts (such as software projects like Ethereum15) or communication systems (such as Bitmessage16) toward decentralized systems as well

    36. You might have thought that a world built entirely on decentralized Bitcoin transactions would be a horrific dystopia

    1. This decentralizes the debt, it explodes it in thousands of units, it facilitates its liquidation and it annuls the process highly concentrator that inhibits the possibility of its payment

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