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    Use "demented" em uma frase

    demented frases de exemplo


    1. The bear’s black, crumpled eyes stared at him from under the lamp, looking demented and afraid

    2. The man’s obviously demented with grief

    3. ‘We believe that, in his demented state, he was endeavouring to replicate the events which had taken place earlier …’ the Inspector let the sentence tail away to nothing

    4. For a long time, there had been whisperings of a demented Legionnaire who had been driven mad at the hands of the Thalmor DRAFT

    5. The officer's puffy and protruding beady eyes, his distended nostrils and near flopping ears were all very much focused at that instant on the obviously demented wench in front of him

    6. “And I've fed Elenir the looping routes that all these support ships have followed in service to Husim on his demented quest

    7. I had finished a sweep and looked over towards the other roof tops I saw Elijah on his and he waved at me like a demented seagull flapping its wings I raised my hand in return

    8. Now he was leaping almost a metre off the ground like some demented grasshopper

    9. The rest of the shrapnel and bullet wounds are slight by comparison they probably hurt but they are really only superficial in medical terms”, he laughed at this and his false teeth made a clicking sound like a demented land crab

    10. As dusk and then finally dark fell the Military Police with shaded torches chivvied everyone along like demented sheepdogs

    11. My mouth was now wide open and I looked like a demented codfish I watched not believing my eyes as she came across and climbed into the bed beside me

    12. “Because of Helen of course he has never gotten over her dropping him and he never will he loves her with a demented evil love and he will never forgive you because she loves you so much”, she coughed again but it soon subsided

    13. He started waving like a demented seagull and we made our way over to him as we got closer we saw that we had been wrong about the woman’s age

    14. Obama, demented socialist that he is, nevertheless understands that in order to transform America into a socialist state, he and his leftist cohorts must successfully destroy the three pillars of American liberty: Individual Liberty, Economic Liberty, and Constitutional Liberty

    15. ” He laughed and it was such a demented sound that I feared for his sanity and then he screamed and a long gurgle came from his throat and he rolled onto his side

    16. What in the world gives these demented liberals of twenty-first century America the right, with a straight face, to tell us that their programs in any way relate to progress? Perhaps we should instead try regress, to the days when the Emperor, King, or feudal lord prescribed our lives for us

    17. The mower continued racing around the front garden like some demented piece of machinery from Terminator II, until a snowdrift finally put paid to its attempts at escape

    18. The train gathered speed, rattling his dentures across the hard plastic surface of the table with a noise reminiscent of demented castanets

    19. I awoke to the beat of some demented rock band doing its best to hammer its way into my skull

    20. The officer looked at Harry like he was a demented pervert

    21. “Coulé,” shouted his demented friend, who stood up to demonstrate a counter move with his imaginary sword

    22. A demented person

    23. the feral eyes of a demented looking middle-aged man

    24. The demented looking man pressed a button on the talkie

    25. anarchist philosopher Gustav Landauer, the young dramatist Ernst Toller, the poet of Bohemian life, Erich Muhsam, whose chief political act was the writing of some verses called ‘Der Lampenputzer’ which slanged the Majority Socialists, and a demented

    26. Gasping, she realized that this being levitating in front of her, seemingly oblivious to the demented storm around them, was none other than Kerim’s strange friend, Raffe

    27. To conceal this I flicked my eyes around constantly – must have looked demented

    28. It was like he was demented

    29. This time Jon teased the poor beast unmercifully, holding the bait just out of reach until it was practically demented

    30. You suspect ½ of what he’s saying is all lies anyway, the product of a demented imagination addicted to seeing other people cry in terror

    31. Piers then started the engine and I got in and off we went with Des O’Connor crooning ‘Speed bonny boat like a bird on the wing, onward the sailors cry, carry the lad that’s born to be king, over the sea to Skye’, and Roger whistling away like a demented nightingale

    32. Whoever was coming for a visit would probably be as bored with him – and he with them; passing the minutes watching television or wheeling around the corridors, feigning pleasure while smelling fresh urine and listening to the screams of demented patients

    33. And so at length I arrived in the residential district of my deceased, demented uncle

    34. They were busying themselves gawking at the surroundings of this demented abode, and may have fancied that I was simply looking for the right key

    35. Moreso, it was as if the smile was validation for what I dreaded to be true; she was a ghost and the victim of a most demented soul

    36. This demented man was well known about these parts, having onetime been bound with fetters and chains and confined in one of the grottos

    37. Leading this demented lad up to Jesus, he said: "What can you do for such affliction as this? Can you cast out devils?" And when the Master looked upon the youth, he was moved with compassion and, beckoning for the lad to come to him, took him by the hand and said: "You know who I am; come out of him; and I charge one of your loyal fellows to see that you do not return

    38. The Pharisees had been laboring to persuade Mary that Jesus was beside himself, demented

    39. This man, Aden, had been led to believe in Jesus through the testimony of the demented man whom Jesus healed near Kheresa, and who so confidently believed that the supposed evil spirits which the Master cast out of him entered the herd of swine and rushed them headlong over the cliff to their destruction

    40. On the terraces between the hosts the sweat-soaked horse reared and plunged, and his wild rider yelled and brandished the thing in his hands like one demented

    41. This was the demented man‘s first emotional catharsis since reaching adulthood and it evoked a feeling that had lain dormant since the murder of his family


    43. age or is demented, even though none of the circumstances

    44. The only thing that mattered was trying to get ahead so that you didn’t become a slave to someone else and wind up the centerpiece in whatever demented plan they had for you

    45. ‘Of course he ranted and raved, in his demented way, when he knew that the game was up

    46. He was a full-blooded Indian, untamed, illiterate, and endowed with quiet wiles and a messianic vocation that aroused a demented fanaticism in his men

    47. dropped out waving his hand like a demented film-star

    48. His demented expression suddenly became passive as he stared at the body in his hands while the other people in the room continued to talk and pass papers back and forth via a butler

    49. He laughed out loud in a demented, demonic sort of laugh, showing a set of filthy, decayed teeth

    50. knew then that Hope was a very sick and demented woman, but he

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    Sinônimos para "demented"

    brainsick crazy demented disturbed mad sick unbalanced unhinged deranged lunatic psychotic maniacal unsound