Use "demolish" em uma frase
demolish frases de exemplo
1. I demolish the thoughtfully false construction of they that would
2. more, till it threatened to demolish the entire mechanism of the
3. There are plans to demolish it and build a new one, a la
4. 5 When Sennacherim the grievous King of the Assyrians glorying in his countless hosts had subdued the whole land with his spear and was lifting himself against your holy city with boastings grievous to be endured you O Lord did demolish him and did show out your might to many nations
5. F-28’s fly around you armed with enough firepower to demolish ½ the city
6. No sooner would the Master do something to cheer the souls and gladden the hearts of his apostles, than he seemed immediately to dash their hopes in pieces and utterly to demolish the foundations of their courage and enthusiasm
7. other poem comes along later to demolish my doubt with the
8. predicted to sweep by the city and demolish its food supplies
9. If Ron Paul III becomes president, won’t that demolish the separation of Church and State?
10. However, I had to demolish the
11. It was he who developed the "saturation" bombing technique, and with great passion and resolution he set out to demolish Germany from end to end with the intention of breaking the will of the German people
12. Not to demolish whatever was out there, plant a few
13. He was frequently the subject of so many neighborhood noise complaints that eventually there were only two choices: end the Johnny Guitar show, or demolish every house within earshot of the station
14. demolish the town and rebuild over the land, so they had built the modern city apart from it instead
15. If she had to time travel, why couldn’t she have gone back to when her mother was alive, when she and her parents lived in the yellow house with the red roses, when going to the zoo and seeing the tiger roar was the most terrifying experience of her life? When building a sand castle at the beach and watching the tide demolish her work was her biggest disappointment?
16. He cheats them by selling them food and he does know that it will demolish bodies, cause them illnesses and great pains
17. They bolstered the pressure that their enormous cousins had exerted upon the Kinnaras, permitting those Danavas to demolish Indra’s battery
18. The council appeared to demolish anything older ten years in the name of progress, thus losing any link with history, and Chesford did have a very colourful past
19. What's certain, is that I have managed to demolish a dead bush with it
20. Not to demolish whatever was out there, plant a few trees, and rule that the land was liable for a mudslide if the trees weren’t planed in a certain way
21. demolish that house which Herod the Tetrarch had built
22. We were glad that it was not necessary to demolish thefoundations
23. The plan was to demolish Pyramid House and erect on its site, which was unique, a super luxurious apartment building
24. “Good, because you really did demolish her
25. There is a foolproof test of an excuse: If you demolish the excuse, is another one immediately
26. Our fathers at any rate had something to demolish
27. " With these words he approached the cavern, and perceived that it was impossible to let himself down or effect an entrance except by sheer force or cleaving a passage; so drawing his sword he began to demolish and cut away the brambles at the mouth of the cave, at the noise of which a vast multitude of crows and choughs flew out of it so thick and so fast that they knocked Don Quixote down; and if he had been as much of a believer in augury as he was a Catholic Christian he would have taken it as a bad omen and declined to bury himself in such a place
28. "It is a poor conclusion, is it not?" he observed, having brooded a while on the scene he had just witnessed: "an absurd termination to my violent exertions? I get levers and mattocks to demolish the two houses, and train myself to be capable of working like Hercules, and when everything is ready and in my power, I find the will to lift a slate off either roof has vanished! My old enemies have not beaten me; now would be the precise time to revenge myself on their representatives: I could do it; and none could hinder me
29. And yet in the midst of this turmoil, the Nautilus lived up to that saying of an expert engineer: "A well–constructed hull can defy any sea!" This submersible was no resisting rock that waves could demolish; it was a steel spindle, obediently in motion, without rigging or masting, and able to brave their fury with impunity
30. In the days preceding the Hoar Frost King’s defeat, Margery enlisted Ryodan’s aid to tether a dangerous, drifting fragment of Faery that was about to demolish our abbey, and the price Ryodan called due from me the night I went to pay our debt was Sean filling in as a waiter at Chester’s for a time
31. Crass reached out his hand and took hold of the dish containing the `white stuff', but instead of passing it to the Semi-drunk, he proceeded to demolish it himself, gobbling it up quickly directly from the dish with a spoon
32. Allied bombs demolish the rail station
33. Twelve years ago, Merthin recalled, he had been asked to demolish the old fortress and build a new, modern palace fit for an earl in a peaceful country
34. It’s not unusual to demolish the top five hundred feet of a mountain
35. It was evident to Levin that Sviazhsky knew an answer to this gentleman’s complaints, which would at once demolish his whole contention, but
36. His mortars and thirty-pounders were effective enough in the open, but as Sympsyn had just pointed out, they weren’t powerful enough to demolish properly designed entrenchments
37. Other galleons’ captains had had the same idea earlier, but anyone who got close enough to use the short-ranged anti-rigging ammunition had to come close enough for Dreadnought’s six-inch guns to demolish his ship even more rapidly than he could take down her rigging
38. Even though scientists were quick to point out that the research was still in its embryonic stage, these studies had helped demolish neuroscientific dogma that had prevailed for generations
39. I had once watched Bob Fitzsimmons demolish an opponent with a third-round knockout
40. ‘It is a poor conclusion, is it not?’ he observed, having brooded awhile on the scene he had just witnessed: ‘an absurd termination to my violent exertions? I get levers and mattocks to demolish the two houses, and train myself to be capable of working like Hercules, and when everything is ready and in my power, I find the will to lift a slate off either roof has vanished! My old enemies have not beaten me; now would be the precise time to revenge myself on their representatives: I could do it; and none could hinder me
41. Bahorel was a good-natured mortal, who kept bad company, brave, a spendthrift, prodigal, and to the verge of generosity, talkative, and at times eloquent, bold to the verge of effrontery; the best fellow possible; he had daring waistcoats, and scarlet opinions; a wholesale blusterer, that is to say, loving nothing so much as a quarrel, unless it were an uprising; and nothing so much as an uprising, unless it were a revolution; always ready to smash a window-pane, then to tear up the pavement, then to demolish a government, just to see the effect of it; a student in his eleventh year
42. They fabricate systems, they recast society, they demolish the monarchy, they fling all laws to the earth, they put the attic in the cellar's place and my porter in the place of the King, they turn Europe topsy-turvy, they reconstruct the world, and all their love affairs consist in staring slily at the ankles of the laundresses as these women climb into their carts
43. It was evident to Levin that Sviazhsky knew an answer to this gentleman's complaints, which would at once demolish his whole contention, but that in his position he could not give utterance to this answer, and listened, not without pleasure, to the landowner's comic speeches
44. He listened quietly to what the convicts had to say, declared that the task he gave them was to get off four rivets unbroken, and to demolish a good part of the barque
45. They will next wish us to admit them into the Union before their population will authorize it; tell us that that Territory does not grow fast enough, and we must demolish the system for their convenience
46. And where is your authority, where is your right to go home, invade, and break into a foreign territory, and there establish a slaughter-house for the brave sons of America; there spill your blood, and expend your treasure, destroy cities, and demolish houses, plunder the inhabitants, and waste the substance of the industrious and the innocent? Sir, there is no right but a Napoleon right, and that right is power, and not that which reason approves
1. Between us we’ve demolished half a loaf and most of the pâté
2. and the five-star incident when we demolished that… what’s his
3. There were smashed buildings everywhere and broken red brick chimney stacks reached like pointing fingers to the sky nearly the whole of the town had been demolished houses shops schools everything destroyed
4. We bought three houses and had them demolished
5. He then walked over and further demolished the cooler with two kicks
6. A few hours shelling would have demolished the blockhouses and cleared the trenches along the ridges
7. ” The old fort was speedily demolished, and the enemy were driven from their trenches
8. Several houses were demolished; but with such precedents as Sebastopol, Strasburg, and Paris, it was easy to realise that Shafter's threat to knock Santiago to pieces with his puny field-guns was futile; even aided by a powerful navy, it might take a prolonged action to force surrender
9. Hundreds of tons of waste have now been destroyed, new sewer connections put in, and the worst quarters of the city demolished entirely
10. If he had stopped a few feet farther ahead, he would have demolished the remainder of the bike
11. I included this evocation in my talk because, like many other citizens of that sprightly village, I fondly and nostalgically recalled that sacred icon which our ancestors from earlier centuries had bequeathed to us and which a mayor and a priest had, just a few years ago, secretly and foolishly demolished some four centuries after concrete documents rendered evident its existence
12. The news reporter would state that ‘It was so powerful it demolished the whole house and the whole road shook
13. Sadly, this handsome Georgian house was finally demolished some years ago
14. The East Port building was subsequently demolished
15. At Kaiapoi’s main inter- section, the local two story hardware shop was half demolished with rubble strewn into the roadway
16. Only later did I learn one could have come up underneath or beside our little craft and demolished it with one snap of its giant maw, or overturned us into that river of crocodiles
17. When the church was demolished for safety reasons after being hit by a stray German bomb during World War II, the pub’s name was changed to the City Tavern
18. ' And I saw till those shepherds pastured in their season, and they began to kill and to destroy more than they were bidden, and they delivered those sheep into the hand of the lions; And the lions and tigers eat and devoured the greater part of those sheep, and the wild boars eat along with them; and they burnt that tower and demolished that house; And I became exceedingly sorrowful over that tower because that house of the sheep was demolished, and afterwards I was unable to see if those sheep entered that house
19. My mother told me that once I slept through a whole house getting demolished in the street out front
20. However, all telephones were out of order at the airport: the connections were attached to the World Trade Center, now demolished
21. demolished a section of the bridge and sunk the boat
22. be demolished to the ground after his
23. demolished so many times in the past
24. ' And I saw till those shepherds pastured in their season and they began to kill and to destroy more than they were bidden and they delivered those sheep into the hand of the lions; And the lions and tigers eat and devoured the greater part of those sheep and the wild boars eat along with them; and they burnt that tower and demolished that house; And I became exceedingly sorrowful over that tower because that house of the sheep was demolished and afterwards I was unable to see if those sheep entered that house
25. demolished because--like in the Bible--my bird house was an
26. Under the peace treaty with Aristria, the border Keeps and defences on both sides had been demolished, leaving only the larger castles bordering the smaller kingdoms to the south, but the defences on these structures only faced out of Tanaria
27. At the dike near the demolished Fort Upolo stood one of those large Würzburg radar units, and although I had never been close to one of this type and it had been partially blown up, I still had a pretty good hunch where all the goodies were hidden
28. The last old high school building had been demolished around 1970
29. demolished the miniature sailor along with a dozen other shabti
30. and the whole structure is demolished
31. Anti-government/science sentiments have been running high since that little accident, even though it only demolished a fifth of the city
32. He seemed more irritated than disappointed when he was told that the infantry division had been demolished, and all its seven hundred men had been killed
33. They almost demolished a tree as they fired so many bullets into the bushes
34. Jerry pulled into the driveway and stared at the dark building with its boarded up windows and demolished walls
35. subsequent afternoons the two of them had demolished, with much glee, tales of
36. demolished, within and throughout the East and the West, and in
37. When all boundaries are demolished, that which we refer to as
38. chitectural award for low-income housing, was demolished because it
39. “Enjoy this House (the Kaaba) for it was demolished twice
40. A great commotion immobilized her in her center of gravity, planted her in her place, and her defensive will was demolished by the irresistible anxiety to discover what the orange whistles and the invisible globes on the other side of death were like
41. The house that was hit was completely demolished, but miraculously, two people in it survived
42. He thus lifted Margaret in his left arm and ran towards the demolished North wing of the palace, preceded by Private Votek, still carrying the British officer
43. Insufficient supplies were getting through to the front due to demolished Soviet railway tracks
44. All the dividing partitions had been demolished, and the whole space was open to the stairs
45. The causeway was then demolished
46. Nazaire was successfully achieved, aerial reconnaissance showed that the gates of the lock were utterly demolished, and docking the Tirpitz would be impossible
47. Nearly one hundred and eighty seven thousand buildings were damaged, one hundred and thirty three thousand were completely demolished and over three hundred and fifty thousand people were left homeless
48. In the time it took for Geraldine Harris to ride her choice of the thirty six passenger lifts the fifty five floors to the ground she had totally demolished Wolfgang Blauner’s cell phone
49. The French wanted the cathedral constructed in the new Gothic style; so much of the Basilica was demolished and replaced with a Gothic version
50. 'The Earth was demolished a short while ago
1. Still casting black looks at me, he efficiently demolishes the camp
2. 2005: Sharon pulls Israeli troops out of the Gaza Strip and demolishes Israeli settlements
3. They opposed, and sometimes with rare intelligence, conservative liberalism to the liberalism which demolishes
1. The enormous stump with its buttresses and gnarled roots was afterwards set on fire, and when darkness fell on the capital the blazing fetish houses and heaps of rubbish, with the black bodies of the levies as they rushed hither and thither, demolishing walls and throwing fresh fuel on the blazing piles, made a weird and striking scene, that will be long imprinted on the minds of those who witnessed it
2. "Christmas is a season of peace on earth," he had told himself, while demolishing the logs of a sinister deadfall with his axe; and now the
3. I didn't want to be around when the graveyard attendant realized I was demolishing his cemetery
4. It eventually mounted a pavement at the end of the road and went into a brick wall of a neighbour’s front garden demolishing the centre of it
5. This horror story is about demolishing Ukrainian
6. ' A series of grainy black and white images flickered through Midges mind, images of 1950s' American nuclear tests demolishing entire villages, tearing houses apart, setting trees and cars ablaze, and leaving a crater hundreds of metres in diameter
7. Then the fight for Guadalcanal and the Solomons had cost more precious ships and aircraft to the imperial forces, apart from demolishing the myth of the invincibility of the Imperial Japanese Army
8. Niles spent the better half of the previous day demolishing the interior of the isolated cabin, in search of his missing treasure
9. over his shoulder, demolishing the ground in front of
10. Demolishing a man’s house on his property after such a trag-
11. A40 Demolishing the wall between the old finished prod-
12. Demolishing the old paint store
13. Demolishing the wall between the small presses shop and
14. Demolishing the wall between the old finished goods store
15. Demolishing the old paint store (activity 2 – duration 3) Cleaning up and levelling of the building site (activity 7 – duration 4)
16. Demolishing the existing outside wall (activity 21 – duration 2)
17. Demolishing the wall between the small press shop and large press shop (activity 31 – duration 1)
18. Demolishing the wall between the old finished goods store and the raw material store (activity 47 – duration 1)
19. Indians and Chinese went on demolishing their temples to start a new temple called “Buddah Image”
20. org Web page, especially a seminar they did called Demolishing Strongholds
21. Spock and Stu sat outside in the large grounds at Thran’s, listening to the banging and crashing of men and machines demolishing and clearing unsafe buildings that were rocked and damaged by the explosions
22. He grew up demolishing them but only to realize that he had added
23. demolishing of cities; nay, the sedition at last increased
24. Demolishing a man’s house on his property after such a tragedy was tricky
25. upon themselves; for the Jews, by demolishing the tower
26. The revolution had started demolishing all possible threats of opposition to its regime and Amy's family apparently conformed to their definition of threat and its wealth was duly sequestrated
27. It seemed the patient was intent on demolishing everything within reach
28. stop a machine capable of demolishing your house
29. Halt! ill-born rabble, follow him not nor pursue him, or ye will have to reckon with me in battle!" and suiting the action to the word, he drew his sword, and with one bound placed himself close to the show, and with unexampled rapidity and fury began to shower down blows on the puppet troop of Moors, knocking over some, decapitating others, maiming this one and demolishing that; and among many more he delivered one down stroke which, if Master Pedro had not ducked, made himself small, and got out of the way, would have sliced off his head as easily as if it had been made of almond-paste
30. The wide-spread grunting drove came on in a surging mass, and without showing any respect for Don Quixote's dignity or Sancho's, passed right over the pair of them, demolishing Sancho's entrenchments, and not only upsetting Don Quixote but sweeping Rocinante off his feet into the bargain; and what with the trampling and the grunting, and the pace at which the unclean beasts went, pack-saddle, armour, Dapple and Rocinante were left scattered on the ground and Sancho and Don Quixote at their wits' end
31. Bullets flew in, demolishing the walls around us practically nonstop
32. Bullets flew in, demolishing the walls around us practically nonstop
33. The central tower of the cathedral was covered by a bird’s nest of rope-and-branch scaffolding where Elfric was demolishing it from the top down
34. With every stroke they began to punish Cal, and Ulbrickson, and the sophomores, and anyone else who might doubt them, unleashing months’ worth of frustration, demolishing the course, hurling their backs into the oncoming wind and rain
35. She declared she could never understand why the survey engineers ever talked of demolishing that old building
36. The Imperial Charisian Navy had already shut down its eastern terminus by moving their armored bombardment ships into Silkiah Bay and demolishing the defending batteries
37. It was essential to blood the new Siddarmarkian formations—to give them actual battlefield experience, and the confidence which went with it, with their new weapons and their new doctrine—just as it was essential to demonstrate to the Army of God that someone besides Charis was fully capable of demolishing it in battle
38. In '93 a coppersmith had purchased the house with the idea of demolishing it, but had not been able to pay the price; the nation made him bankrupt
39. There is nothing like the hand of the populace for building everything that is built by demolishing
40. straightly charge and command you, that upon the fight hereof yee doe give speedy notice and order to all such subjects of ours which are under your Comission and gouvernement aswell souldiers which are in garrison in the foresaid fort and habitation of Quebec for defence thereof, as inhabitants, which are there seated and planted, to [conforme themselves unto the sayde agreement and to] 841 render according to the sayd agreement the sayd fort and habitation into the hands of such as shalbe by our sayd brother the French King appoynted and authorised to demand and receave the same from them, in the same state yt was at the tyme of the taking, without demolishing any thing of the fortifications and buildings which were erected at the tyme of the taking, or without carrying away the armes munitions, marchandises or utensills which were then found there in
41. Forasmuch as there is made a finall good agreement betwixt us and our good brother the French King, and that all differences aswell betwixt our Crownes as subjects are settled by a mutuall and perfectt accord, and that amongst other particularytyes on our side, we have consented to the restitution of the fort and habitation of Kebec in Canada, as taken by force of armes since the peace, howsoever the Commission were given out to you during the warre betwixt us and the sayd King: We preferring the accomplishment of our royall word and promise before all whatsoever allegations may be made to the contrary in this behalfe, as wee have obliged ourselves to that King for the due performance thereof by an act passed under our great seale of this our realme of England, soe we doe by these our letres straightly charge and comand you that uppon the first commoditie of sending into parts and meanes for ye people to retoure yee doe give notice and order to all such subjects of ours which are under your Commission and government aswell souldiers which are in garrison in the foresaid fort and habitation of Kebec for defence thereof, as inhabitants, which are there seated and planted, to render according to the sayd agreement the sayd fort and habitation into the hands of such as shalbe by our said brother the French King appoynted and authorised to demaunde and receave the same from them, in the same state yt was at the tyme of the taking, without demolishing any thing of the fortifications and buildings which were erected at the tyme of the taking, or without carrying away the armes munitions merchandises or utensills which were then found therin
42. "And how can you be an official of the government after that, when you agree to demolishing churches, and marching on Petersburg armed with staves, and make it all simply a question of date?"
43. The inhabited parts of the country present a prospect still more pleasing; around the margin of those extensive rich prairies, numerous habitations are seen, withdrawn a short distance in the wood, from the winter's cold and summer's heat—their finely cultivated fields lie in the prairies, which yield at once to the plough, without the previous Herculean labour of demolishing the forest