Let's look at the denominator
denominator by two again and again
I hate to break it to you, but the one common denominator in all these weird things happening in Trouble Valley is that they all happen to you
Matt didn’t think it was him or his friends, no… but there was a common denominator in their adventures; The Impenetrable Cavern
In other words, our common denominator is this life force
individuals? Why the constant appealing to the lowest common denominator? Why the catering to man"s lowest basic instincts? The liberal herd mentality can"t stand standards of behavior, and can be counted on to everywhere and every time to label any rebuke of their bad behavior as intolerant and judgmental
This defective reasoning, of course, does not admit a (conflicting) Higher Moral Authority that otherwise ―informs‖ a society whose members have (supposedly) been reduced to the lowest common denominator; material beings or high grade machines lacking moral and spiritual substance; guided solely by pre-determined dynamics subject to their (own) unitary laws
Lacking are the traditional principle standards and values that encouraged young people to hope, to aspire, to rise above the lowest common denominator of their immediate environment
Without question, the intimacy of language is the lowest common denominator that ―unifies‖ a nation
With Walston’s case file highly suggestive of a trafficking or laundering connection, his other common denominator with the murdered truck driver appeared to be cocaine
think is the root cause and common denominator
The common denominator
If you want one hundred million or more, the price is everything associated with getting ten million, plus a slavering pack of press wolves, desperate to strip you down to the lowest common denominator
he is and whose denominator is what he thinks of
The lowest common denominator
They felt a sense of achievement and camaraderie, of which the Irish thread that bound them was the common denominator
He once had a thought about all the foreign faces that were to be seen in London and realized that like the Irish they had one common denominator, in that most of them were from former British Colonies
That’s how artha came to dominate the human domain as a common denominator for universal comparison
However it is a pity that leadership is something else and that life is made up of other things and both have a minimum common denominator: dignity of the individual
the common denominator is they want information
common denominator in all of my painful situations: with my husband,
Stone was the key; the availability of stone was the common denominator of these ancient edifices which, in stone, were given permanence in time; Mycenaen time
A common denominator among most new traders is that, within six months of
smaller force (the child’s weight) as the denominator of a ratio, and the larger force as the numerator, it is simple to observe how a change in one component affects the change in the
Consequently, the denominator will be smaller, and both long-term debt, and
Had they been enumerated, it would be proper to exclude them from the capital denominator because they
interest and taxes) in the denominator
of the ratio, because the other variables occupy both the numerator and the denominator
numerator and the far term figure in the denominator
price is the denominator of that component
growth in the denominator would be a “buy” indicator if it was well under one and a “sell”
the numerator and the change in the total cost of equity in the denominator and create a
numerator and the historical data in the denominator, and multiply by an exponent that is
If the denominator were “15”and not “14”, the variance would have been calculated as
common denominator has it that the yin and yang, the
Just kidding, we did outdoor stuff too, and most of our shopping online seeing as how the mall shops couldn’t cater to our obscure media needs, having to dedicate the majority of their shelf-space to the lowest common denominator
The evil managers of men all have one common denominator
There was a common denominator for the cause of this disintegration and it appeared to be Rosy
Good is the only act which contains all the denominator that can to overshoot evil effectiveness
In this process, the easiest way is to always simplify the fractions by finding the LCD aka least common denominator, then apply the operation
If the result is improper fraction (numerator is bigger than denominator), simplify it too by giving the mixed number
What is the Least Common Denominator of 1/8, ¾, and 1/16?
This missing Surah proved Allah is the commond denominator of all Arabian idols Gods and under his relationship
“Other ideas the scientists are looking at is the common denominator
We have one denominator within as we grow older that holds us back from taking on
That denominator is our inner child
one denominator that sets the boundaries as we flourish
Such absolute junk pandering to the lowest common denominator
girl and as the frog there has to be a common denominator in this process and since the common
denominator eliminates size form and shape we can eliminate mass
While this is a sampling of the royal law, the common denominator is to practice the love that does not harm our brother in any way, as well as the love that forgives our brother in every way
those reasons can be put under the same denominator, which is their
And due to the law of averages and the lowest common denominator of intelligence, due to the lowest common morals, the lowest ethics: it is usually the dumbest, most corrupt, and most corruptible politician who wins
presence that previously was the common denominator
cycles are reduced to the smallest common denominator and symbolized as a star that equals 360
foundation of truth that is organized by common denominator rules (wisdom)
No matter what brought single parents to their current situation, the common denominator for most single parent families is the conflict that have forced one of the parents to move out of the relationship
It is the classic price-earnings ratio for the S&P 500, but one that uses the 10-year moving average of reported earnings as the denominator
Those managers are not the managers I would necessarily select but they have the common denominator of selecting securities based on value
“I see it this way: There is a common denominator for parsnip and chocolate, and that is earthiness
The high-low range is 10, which is the denominator in the %K formula
A measure favored by professionals is return on invested capital (ROIC), which uses operating earnings as the numerator and operating assets as the denominator
10 - G), which (a) is always greater than one, and (b) increases as the rate of growth (G) increases, at least until G reaches 10 percent, at which point the denominator drops to zero and the value of the term spirals to infinity
Such an approach allows earnings to become a common denominator and point of departure
We, in contrast, consider a strong financial position (safety) to be the more appropriate common denominator and point of departure for most investors
been proposed that the crucial common denominator for the development of drug
Going back to the forward pricing relationships in Chapter 2, where S is the spot exchange rate, we can see that the forward price for a foreign currency will fall if we increase the foreign rate (the denominator becomes larger) and rise if we reduce the foreign rate (the denominator becomes smaller)
We’ve all heard the maxim “Ask and you shall receive!” But if you ask better questions, you’ll get better answers! It’s the common denominator of all highly successful people
” He paused for effect and said, “What they all want is to be happy!” What’s the common denominator, he asked, between the goat herder in Afghanistan and the financial trader in New York City; the tribal chief in Africa and the mother of ten in Argentina; the fashion designer in Paris and the weaver in Peru? “They all want to be happy
Crowley chooses an integer e such that e and t do not share a common denominator (other than 1 of course)
Forgive? But theft was the one unforgivable sin, the common denominator of all sins
Both positive illiquidity premia and the understatement of risk in the denominator of the Sharpe ratio calculation imply that we should observe higher Sharpe ratios for less liquid assets
The denominator of a Sharpe ratio only includes σ
1)—just as much as its denominator (discount rate)
However, even the denominator may be challenged: some observers advocate replacing the equity market value with the enterprise value (which includes firm’s debt and preferred shares besides its equity)
1)) and a discount rate that incorporates the riskless rate and risk premia (in the denominator)
[1] Illiquid assets’ risk-adjusted returns are especially misleading because these assets not only warrant some compensation for their illiquidity (a “risk cost” that is neither deducted from the return in the numerator nor added to the risk measure in the denominator), but their measured risk is understated due to stale prices and smoothed returns
Such transformation of optimization space takes into account both the altitude of the optimal area (numerator) and the smoothness of its relief (denominator)
The product of the current price by volatility (the denominator of equation 2
Now consider the denominator of equation 2
It is the ratio with the option expensiveness indicator in the numerator and the underlying asset price variability indicator in the denominator
The idea of the indicator serving as the criterion’s denominator consists in expressing the underlying asset price variability without resorting to historical volatility or variance
Per finance convention, the numbers in the denominator are expressed as decimals, where
Notice how tiny the denominator of
Move both of the numbers in the denominator the wrong way by just 1% (
All the byzantine theories of Marilyn’s death share one common denominator: They involve an often frightened, vulnerable, unstable woman who had been spiraling deeper and deeper into her own mental illness
Assuming there are 252 trading days in a year, the denominator of this formula turns out to be the square root of the number of trading days for the year
Remember, the denominator of the formula in Chapter 1 was the square root of 252 or about 15
The traders round this up to 16 to get their denominator
When the earnings are depressed, the denominator is less, causing the P/E ratio to come out very high
What was going on? How could I pinpoint the common denominator? Looking at “anchor charts” helped
Since the degree of the polynomial in the denominator of the transfer response is two, this is a two-pole band-pass filter
Rather than independently taking the averages of the numerator and denominator, I chose to perform smoothing on the ratio using the SuperSmoother filter described in Chapter 3
Rather than independently taking the averages of the numerator and denominator, I chose to perform smoothing on the ratio Stoc using the SuperSmoother filter described in Chapter 3
The common denominator is typically very low expectations
Bad accounting is often a common denominator in many of our biggest positions
We'll reduce all to a common denominator! Complete equality! 'We've learned a trade, and we are honest men; we need nothing more,' that was an answer given by English working-men recently