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    depleting frases de exemplo


    1. Whenever social costs begin to (marginally) exceed their intended benefits because (limited) resources are either inefficiently allocated or mismanaged or depleting revenue is (simply) unable to keep pace with spending requirements or whenever non-recoverable anti-social attitudes begin to compromise that society‘s quality of life or whenever that society‘s efforts to rehabilitate its economic, intellectual or moral infrastructures or restore flagging morale are no longer effective or have lost their (spirited) momentum or whenever (public) proposals fall short of (private) expectations is that society said to be in a state of decline

    2. The result, as a gallery of spectacular underwater pictures clearly demonstrated it was largely dead coastal reef, which collapsed the food chain, depleting or eliminating entire fish populations

    3. He had had five cups of coffee, and my stockpile of coffee granules from fifty years ago was depleting fast

    4. As the meal progressed, the wine flowed faster than anticipated, thus depleting the supply

    5. notice that the frenzied crowd was depleting

    6. Role-playing victim plays upon our empathy, thus depleting us

    7. Capsaicin achieves this effect by depleting nerves of a pain-mediating

    8. We are polluting and depleting the world through over-jobulation; rather than finishing work, we are endlessly producing businesses and their copykitsch redundancies

    9. Ravaging Eartheart with immunity depleting strip mining, mountain top removal, and clear cutting, we violate her energies, seeking to enslave them, instead of reciprocally sharing

    10. juices provide the body with new energy without depleting the

    11. In recent times, words are used more to mislead than to convey truth and hence the power of words is depleting

    12. So that his mind could concentrate on little other than an unbearable craving for moisture that would wash away the dust and soothe what he imagined were deep cracks in the sensitive lining of his throat caused by constant swallowing of a depleting supply of saliva

    13. growing in space and nowhere is space depleting by any norm used because what is space is time

    14. nowhere is space depleting by any norm used

    15. By wasting 5lbs of oil to get 1 lb of artificial fertilizer; we are depleting all the limited natural resources of the world, killing the soil of all its living organisms, creating huge international corporations whose agenda is the bottom-line; the lowest form of human greed in existence, creating huge stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction, destroying the small farmers of the world, putting them out of business so they are forced to move into huge overpopulated cities in order o make a living, leaking trillions of excess tons greenhouses gases into the atmosphere which has caused the Global Warming crisis which now threatens to destroy the entire world including human civilization while depleting all the natural gas reserves and oil reserves of the world… and for what!? Just to add an extra 2 more billion humans on this planet? Gee… that makes a lot of sense

    16. By not depleting their energy reserves; they can have more interesting experiences, they can learn more, change more and become destructively wiser in avoiding paths of the most resistance

    17. Civilization is engaged only in a one-way process of depleting the earth of as much energy as possible

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