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    1. the unjust bonds; send them to their homes in peace, and deprecate what has been done

    2. It is to despise logic, deprecate reason, and disparage law and morality as implements of white male oppression

    3. 25 Who has gathered here unreasonably removing each from his home those who in fidelity to us had held the fortresses of the country? 26 Who has so consigned to unmerited punishments those who in good will towards us from the beginning have in all things surpassed all nations and who often have engaged in the most dangerous undertakings? 27 Loose loose the unjust bonds; send them to their homes in peace and deprecate what has been done

    4. “Why don't you see this concept deprecate the value of life itself?” said the swamiji, as a prelude to expostulate his theory of moksha

    5. It was thus, ‘the God’ in His further revelations to Muhammad sought to deprecate the life right ‘here’ while stressing upon the rewards in the ‘Hereafter’

    6. and I deprecate punishment upon the man of my choice, freeing him, as I

    7. And later on at a propitious opportunity he purposed (Bloom did), without anyway prying into his private affairs on the fools step in where angels principle, advising him to sever his connection with a certain budding practitioner who, he noticed, was prone to disparage and even to a slight extent with some hilarious pretext when not present, deprecate him, or whatever you like to call it which in Bloom's humble opinion threw a nasty sidelight on that side of a person's character, no pun intended

    8. "It is that you will let me know, deliberately, whether, in case of my death, you will carry out my wishes: whether you will avoid doing what I should deprecate, and apply yourself to do what I should desire

    9. Instead of his loud tormenting mood, he showed an intense, vague terror, and seemed to deprecate Bulstrode's anger, because the money was all gone—he had been robbed—it had half of it been taken from him

    10. I learned, from the views of social life which it developed, to admire their virtues and to deprecate the vices of mankind

    11. I think that a retrograde step at this time would have the appearance of acquiescence, and be calculated to mark the Government with pusillanimity; therefore I deprecate war, believing as I do, that in a Government constructed like ours, war ought to be the last alternative, so as to preserve national honor

    12. That second one, sir, the undoubted object and inevitable tendency of which my whole soul recoils from, which I abhor and deprecate, as fatal to the prosperity and happiness of my country—as the grave of its honor—and I fear I do not go too far when I add, of its independence! that resolution is not alone submission to France; but, under the pretence of resisting her infractions of the laws of nations, her violations of the sacred rights of hospitality, her laughing to scorn the obligation of treaties—it makes us submit to all—to encourage a perseverance in all

    13. I deprecate the course of policy, if policy it may be termed, which is now about to be forced upon us

    14. In what situation would you then place some of the best men of the nation? As Chatham and Burke, and the whole band of her patriots, prayed for her defeat in 1776, so must some of the truest friends to their country deprecate the success of our arms against the only power that holds in check the arch-enemy of mankind

    15. , with these impressions I deprecate the taking of the Canadas, or the other British provinces, as I do the loss of liberty and the ruin of this country

    16. Because I deprecate this war as pregnant with great evils, if not ruin to my country, I will, therefore, take all constitutional measures to bring it to a speedy and honorable close; and because I have no confidence in the Executive department of our Government, nor in the subordinate agents who have been appointed to vote for this bill, which, if adopted, will enlist still greater evils on this devoted country

    17. It in substance declares, that though the General Assembly view with indignation the violations of our commerce, the impressment of our seamen, and other wrongs committed by foreign nations, yet detached as the United States are from European concerns, they should deprecate a war waged for any other object except self-defence, in cases of actual invasion

    18. Sir, shall I not be permitted to point to the yawning gulf beneath? Shall I not attempt to arrest your progress in the path where lies a serpent that will sting you to death? I deprecate disunion as an event pregnant with every evil

    1. Therefore they loathed eating their meat and their spirits deprecated their torment

    2. The Almighty censured those who shun Him for their conduct and deprecated their behaviors

    3. Meta keywords used to be more important in the past but due to constant abuse, now they have less weight but still they aren't totally deprecated

    4. besieger equally deprecated the fulfilment of Jesus's

    5. Master Cruncher (who was in his shirt) took this very ill, and, turning to his mother, strongly deprecated any praying away of his personal board

    6. "Why should we put an end to all that's sweet and lovely!" she deprecated

    7. Sprague: one's self-satisfaction is an untaxed kind of property which it is very unpleasant to find deprecated

    8. He was full of timid care for his wife, not only because he deprecated any harshness of judgment from her, but because he felt a deep distress at the sight of her suffering

    9. There was a roomful of old books at Bly—last-century fiction, some of it, which, to the extent of a distinctly deprecated renown, but never to so much as that of a stray specimen, had reached the sequestered home and appealed to the unavowed curiosity of my youth

    10. Who pays? Pensioners through their deprecated pensions and anyone mistaken enough to buy shares

    11. While the SUA has been deprecated in Windows 8

    12. The Jondrette, touched by his compliment, deprecated it

    13. But at other times doubt and alarm intermingled with his hopes; and when he thought of her acknowledged disinclination for privacy and retirement, her decided preference of a London life, what could he expect but a determined rejection? Unless it were an acceptance even more to be deprecated, demanding such sacrifices of situation and employment on his side as conscience must forbid

    14. He deprecated her mistaken but well-meaning zeal

    15. But at other times doubt and alarm intermingled with his hopes; and when he thought of her acknowledged disinclination for privacy and retirement, her decided preference of a London life, what could he expect but a determined rejection? unless it were an acceptance even more to be deprecated, demanding such sacrifices of situation and employment on his side as conscience must forbid

    16. The barrack code of ideas is frankly deprecated by military men themselves, who often enough make it the subject of derision

    17. But if it has not been entirely efficacious as a measure of coercion, it has been particularly serviceable in many instances—by keeping us out of war, which is at all times to be deprecated by civilized men, by preserving our citizens from becoming victims of British tyranny on board their war ships, and securing an immense amount of American property that was sailing on the ocean, supposed to amount in value to between sixty and a hundred millions of dollars, the principal part of which would inevitably have fallen into the voracious jaws of the monster of the deep, or into the iron grasp of the tyrant Napoleon—by which, if we are involved in war, we have preserved the leading sinews, wealth; and above all, for preventing us from becoming tributary to those piratical depredators, whose inevitable determination is to monopolize the whole trade of the world, by which they rob us of our inherent rights

    18. In any country a war is to be deprecated; in this country particularly, where every thing depends on the will of the people, we ought to be well aware that war meets the approbation of the people

    19. He deprecated the extension of Executive patronage, which would result from an increase of the Naval Establishment

    20. The power to make rules for the regulation and government of the land and naval forces, I have shown to be strictly incidental to the power to raise armies, and provide and maintain navies; but, according to this rule of construction, all incidental powers are excluded except the few which are enumerated, which would exclude from all claim to constitutionality, nearly one-half of your laws, and, what is still more to be deprecated, would render your constitution equally imbecile with the old articles of confederation

    21. When I spoke of a separation of the States as resulting from the violation of the constitution, contemplated in this bill, I spoke of it as of a necessity, deeply to be deprecated; but as resulting from causes so certain and obvious, as to be absolutely inevitable when the effect of the principle is practically experienced

    22. Burwell) has so justly deprecated

    23. That it is injurious is certain, not only because it is deprecated by that part of the community which it directly affects, but because no man advocates it as a permanent system, and every one declares his desire to be rid of it

    24. He deprecated the course of debate, and the irritation which prevailed in the House, as tending to bring this body into disrepute, &c

    25. If it were to be for a short time, it would be merely for relaxation; if for a longer time, as was now proposed, he feared it would be considered as indicative of an intention to pause in the course of measures they had commenced, and produce an impression abroad, among the people, which was much to be deprecated

    26. He deprecated the invasion of Canada as an act of foreign conquest

    27. This is an event which would be deeply deprecated; and, that it should happen, is nothing improbable; for your merchants, armed as they will be, in defence of their commerce, may select the nation who is to be your enemy

    28. This course of discussion he deprecated, as not comporting with the sacred cause of distant and oppressed humanity, &c

    29. Nor is such a conclusion the less to be deprecated, because it is difficult to foresee all the evils which must result from the abandonment of one essential right of an independent nation

    30. Little more than twelve years ago, they deprecated foreign war as inconsistent with the spirit of our institutions, and the genius of our Government

    31. The physical power of the country is in their hands, and it requires nothing but public sentiment, which quickly follows public interest, and you ripen them for a state of things most of all to be deprecated

    32. the invasion of Canada to be deprecated as an act of foreign conquest, 454;

    33. the separation of the States resulting from a violation of the constitution, is a necessity deeply to be deprecated, 327;

    1. Given that the legend of Muhammad is memorized byline of the Musalmans, for the teeming multitudes of believers there is much in the Muhammad’s life to give solace and hope in this world whose worth the Quran deprecates any way

    2. There is no hint in this eloquent apostrophe of the difficulty of determining among men who shall be the sun and who the satellite, nor of the fact that the actual arrangements, in Shakespeare's time, at any rate, depended altogether upon that very force which Ulysses deprecates

    3. No man more devoutly prays for peace than I do; no man deprecates large standing armies in the time of peace more than I do

    1. His shoulders were little larger than hers, he was soft spoken and self deprecating

    2. He offered me the role of his administrative assistant, and while he was describing the job, he was also deprecating it

    3. sphere of influence would be pregnant with my child,” Garcia said, trying to spin the last part into deprecating humor

    4. Such men were thankful to Him and compliant to His recommendations, not deprecating like those opposers

    5. “That is not the technical term,” she informed him in a deprecating tone

    6. Quietly he opened the door, followed by his sister's anxious, deprecating eyes, and went out, shutting it noiselessly behind him

    7. She had been to the post, and knowing I loved getting letters came out to look for me so that I might have them at once; and as I eagerly opened them and buried myself in them, Charlotte confined her occasional interjections to deprecating the obviously inferior shape of Gertrud's head

    8. I lay making plans for the circumvention of Charlotte, and rejecting them one after the other as too uncousinly; and when I had made my head ache with the difficulty of uniting a becoming cousinliness with the cold-bloodedness necessary for shaking her off, I spent my time feebly deprecating the superabundance of cousins in the world

    9. He endeavoured to sing the praise of the inmost core of her, the inexpressible, illuminating, understanding, and wholly sweet core, and instead he found himself acidly deprecating her clothes

    10. Yes, in the past two months he had slowly destroyed her self-esteem with cruel comments and deprecating jokes

    11. She insisted there was no room for the self deprecating Ego to play a part

    12. We have had ducking and deprecating about enough,

    13. Peg made a deprecating noise

    14. But as he talked she could see Wulfric in him too: he had a way of turning his head, a shy smile and a deprecating gesture of the hand that exactly imitated his foster father

    15. He faced us as we assembled for breakfast with a deprecating false modesty in his eyes, as who should say, "I know that I deserve all that you can say, but I pray you to spare my blushes by not saying it

    16. ‘I am not so much indifferent on that subject as I am waiting in suspense,’ said Stepan Arkadyevitch, with his most deprecating smile

    17. ‘No, papa, he’s very nice, and Kostya’s very fond of him,’ Kitty said, with a deprecating smile, noticing the irony on her father’s face

    18. Bulstrode had to-night followed the order of his emotions; he entertained no doubt that the opportunity for restitution had come, and he had an overpowering impulse towards the penitential expression by which he was deprecating chastisement

    19. On the offer of the food ordered by Lydgate, which he refused, and the denial of other things which he demanded, he seemed to concentrate all his terror on Bulstrode, imploringly deprecating his anger, his revenge on him by starvation, and declaring with strong oaths that he had never told any mortal a word against him

    20. But once, the mood was on him too deep for common regardings; and as with heavy, lumber-like pace he was measuring the ship from taffrail to mainmast, Stubb, the old second mate, came up from below, with a certain unassured, deprecating humorousness, hinted that if Captain Ahab was pleased to walk the planks, then, no one could say nay; but there might be some way of muffling the noise; hinting something indistinctly and hesitatingly about a globe of tow, and the insertion into it, of the ivory heel

    21. She said this with a timid and deprecating smile ; again I did not understand and interrupted

    22. “My dear friend, above all things I want to behave like a gentleman and to be recognized as such,” the visitor began in an excess of deprecating and simple-hearted pride, typical of a poor relation

    23. The magistrate made a deprecating motion with his hand

    24. Gueste’s smile was deprecating

    25. Keenan’s energy, and appreciating the little one-act bills that he offered with such rapid-transit celerity, it is impossible to avoid deprecating the lack of logical foresight that he manifested

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    Sinônimos para "deprecate"

    deprecate depreciate vilipend censure condemn object expostulate disparage regret