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desecrate frases de exemplo
1. He declares that He will completely abolish the wicked rulers and the wicked men that blaspheme and desecrate His name among the nations
2. 31“His armed forces will rise up to desecrate the temple fortress and
3. It was their blood that had been used to desecrate the cross outside
4. The Dutch were seriously surprised that a) they had been attacked by Asians and b) that anyone would desecrate a synagogue
5. You desecrate the Name of your Creator when you partake in these rituals
6. approached the altar to desecrate it with an unclean sacrifice
7. that Eli’s sons Him desecrate
8. and she would not it desecrate
9. After guiding her carefully between the graves so as not to desecrate the hallowed ground and sharply kicking the stump to ensure that it would support her weight, he sat her down and stood at his full height while he wiped his brow with his handkerchief and studied the old woman fraught with uncontrollable visions that appeared at will and possessed her body for the duration of the incident
10. “What do you think would happened if we desecrate their icon’s body? What if the situation was reversed and that was Ozgood Price lying there? He was the first Skyraco, and if they fucked with his body during his funeral, how far would we go to avenge him?
11. To serve firstly as a reminder that no one ever desecrate the ground where Borvo fell and secondly that no man woman or child ever forget The god of earth and ore, it is referred to as Borvo's cairn
12. “How dare you desecrate the sanctity of our rituals?!” Gowron said
13. leader… whoever he will be, will desecrate the recently rebuilt temple of the
14. A few days ago, the Anuunaki warriors had returned, carrying the eyes of the worm that dared to desecrate their city
15. Such marriage would contaminate a decent family value, desecrate a good legacy or good manners, through pro-creation, as future generations would take to either the maternal or the paternal traits
16. ‘Desiree’ might have been mischievous, but she’d never desecrate anything considered to be holy
17. " Desiree' might have been mischevious, but she'd never desecrate anything considered to be holy
18. One cannot desecrate that which has never been consecrated
19. to desecrate the celebration
20. As this is a very special place, perhaps they were not permitted to desecrate it
21. She thought she was prospering finely, but unconsciously she was beginning to desecrate some of the womanliest attributes of a woman's character
22. "How about the anti-Semitic movement? Could one conceive that a fanatic of that way of thinking might desecrate " ——
23. He could not admit that he was mistaken then, for his spiritual condition then was precious to him, and to admit that it was a proof of weakness would have been to desecrate those moments
24. " As he spoke he lifted a little silver crucifix and held it out to me, I being nearest to him, "put these flowers round your neck," here he handed to me a wreath of withered garlic blossoms, "for other enemies more mundane, this revolver and this knife, and for aid in all, these so small electric lamps, which you can fasten to your breast, and for all, and above all at the last, this, which we must not desecrate needless
1. Perhaps he had desecrated his heritage by diluting his seed in the immense native population, but with all their catholic reproductive zeal, there were still less than a hundred pure-blooded Brazilians and less than a thousand known any-blood Brazilians on this planet of forty billion
2. He knew what was to come, but he didn’t want to see it – to see the potential and goodness of his eldest boy desecrated, his body butchered
3. Dirty, degenerate, and hideously desecrated was this scene
4. They grabbed one of the Imam’s, tied him up and then forced him to watch as his building was desecrated and his flock butchered and killed
5. Bones are taken from the grave, burned and polluted (desecrated)
6. This is however grandmas bones which have broken, blended and desecrated and not her ashes!
7. the fact that the body would have been desecrated by carrion birds, and would have
8. The first was the belief that Jews killed Christian children to obtain their blood for Passover matzos, and the second was that Jews desecrated the consecrated communion wafer
9. The Jewish Left of today are the descendents of the Hellenizers who desecrated the Temple by
10. " Yet, how can I rejoice that heathens have desecrated God's sanctuaries with slaughter and outrage, poured the blood of Saints around the altar, burned the house of our hope, trampled on the bodies of Saints in God's temple like animal dung in the street
11. And worst of all, he desecrated my father's burial-mound
12. that miracles are in a realm which I have desecrated
13. More logical minds conclude that the Count did not want his wife’s grave desecrated and had her body removed to another site before the villagers could get to it
14. abandon that desecrated nest
15. Antiochus desecrated the temple in Jerusalem and then killed tens of thousands of Jews when they revolted
16. And he repeatedly debased and desecrated Lord Buddha and Buddhism
17. When it was stolen, the priest placed a curse upon it, condemning all those who held the desecrated stone
18. There had been no bitterness towards him, as Feltus had at first expected, but there was oddly enough a sense of gratitude at having had the decency to personally bring the body to them without allowing it to be desecrated by the “butcher” as they called the coroner
19. of forced nether-men desecrated heirs
20. One of the rowers yells to us in Spanish, “Actually, they just think you’re foolish, rude men who have desecrated a holy place with your weapon and your airplane!”
21. His badge of office had been desecrated
22. his desecrated hat down Rod’s throat
23. Temple and desecrated it with filthy animals all before he erected a statue of
24. I have cried inwardly at all the images of the bodies so desecrated, lying in the streets, sometimes not even respectfully covered
25. By then, however, the idolatrous sons of Ishmael had desecrated Abraham’s Kabah in whose precincts they installed a hundred statues for worship
26. Mahmud accumulated vast amounts of plunder form the Hindu temples he desecrated, such as that of Kangra, which had five idols made of red gold with eyes formed of precious jewels
27. So here’s what you need to know in a nutshell: I may not be from here, but I love this town, and I don’t want to see it desecrated by GrandGoods or any other corporate giant seeking to come in and carve out a place without consideration of the community at large
28. desecrated his ward and son
29. He noticed that overgrown grass covered some of the headstones, while other headstones either were toppled or were desecrated with graffiti
30. “And what would you,” she started to ask of the desecrated corpse
31. ” her edited words and mirror I'mage, holoshopped from the ever-present vidcams that populated every nook and desecrated every cranny, confronted herself with herself
32. vault, hidden for over thirty years, was discovered and then desecrated
33. Slowly she went upstairs, after her cousins had gone, to have her desecrated curls washed clean by Manby of the feel of Edward's fingers, and while they were being washed--there were advantages sometimes in not having to be in the same room as one's hair,--she would have a bath, change her clothes even to her very shoes, and rid herself of the smallest trace of how close he had been
34. “ ‘For the last six years plans have gone smoothly and we’ve been using the chapel behind Montague Cathedral to ready the monks for the King’s special services, but the chapel was recently desecrated by a young woman named Desiree’ Terrance
35. 13 is her holy number and as such there are 13 holy monks who are well-versed in the rites and rituals, the major one being the monthly sacrifice of those who have desecrated her holy temples
36. The humans desecrated the natural kingdom by killing animals for food and clothing, and then sacrificing their blood and meat to the Great God; giving nothing in return, and not caring that plants and animals have feelings also
37. This afternoon the chapel was desecrated by a young woman named Desiree' Terrance
38. Reading Desiree's journal, it seems as if Marcus's mother also desecrated one of Hella Dracon's holy temples and paid sorely with her life on the very day of Marcus's birth
39. “She has desecrated the temple of the Lord with food, alcohol, sex and cigarettes and she has stated publicly for all to see that she thinks that Lord made a mistake when He created her because she is using make up to hide what He created from the world
40. The Nyshifter that had desecrated the enclosure was here!
41. Instead of driving out the moneylenders from the temple in Jerusalem: Osama wanted to drive out the evil Americans from his homeland Arabia because they had desecrated the holy shrine of the Muslim religion
42. The chill miasma of a desecrated tomb wafted through his soul and he shuddered
43. which has been a thousand times desecrated, dungeons have been prepared, fires have been kindled for martyrs, and
44. will be held responsible because they have desecrated what is holy
45. Canon Farrar: "In the Old Testament it is merely the pleasant valley of Hinnom (GeHinnom), subsequently desecrated by idolatry, and especially by Moloch worship, and defiled by Josiah on this account
46. Desecrated is not one of them
47. But never desecrated
48. In that sacred name, which has been a thousand times desecrated, dungeons have been prepared, fires have been kindled for martyrs, and every device genius could contrive was made the tool of usurpation and diabolical power to suppress the liberty of thought, that the mind of men might be effectually bound in the fetters of espionage to serve the god of greed, and the Lucifer’s called priests and rulers
49. I could not guess that before many days my old schoolroom would be desecrated by violence, littered with wrecks, with death walking its waves, hiding under its waters
50. He had wanted Carlus to fall, and appear helpless, but he had not intended the holy remains to be desecrated
1. In this time the Roman dictator (the Antichrist) proclaims himself to be God and desecrates the temple in Jerusalem