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    deservedly frases de exemplo


    1. There were a few businesses still operating here, a soap maker was one she passed, one who was obviously not prospering, and deservedly so from the smell

    2. something that was deservedly a little worse than a quick punch

    3. It is an area of great focus and deservedly so

    4. So I believe she was happy for the rest of her days, and deservedly so

    5. You might think that the two groups were despicable and un-American in their actions – deservedly so – but actually, we should thank both the board and the DAR

    6. It’s thus men come to hoist themselves on their own petard, and deservedly at that, so it seems

    7. Thus, while Nehru deservedly earned the disregard of the Indian nation, Patel became a living legend of its nationalist sentiment

    8. She was so proud of herself, and deservedly so

    9. To reveal that God has selected His Prophets deservedly and due to the high conduct and perfection which issued from them, He says:

    10. Then he appealed and supplicated wholeheartedly with a great eagerness to the Almighty God to make him witness the meaning of these noble fortress, after a week the student returned again to ask the great scholar about the meaning of these Verses, but the great scholar answered that he had not been inspired the meaning yet by God and he would answer him the next week if the Almighty God willed, however the great scholar remained in his supplication strongly and faithfully for the whole week until the stated date from the next week has come within the same question from the student, the great scholar answered again that God didn’t pour down the meaning in his heart yet, and promised to answer him in the next week, accordingly three weeks has passed throughout his thinking of these noble fortress (Surah), his appealing and supplication before Al'lah was greater than the extension of the spacious universe, within his great sincerity and love to the Almighty God and his highly exalted approach to the victory Giver, the All- Knowing and the All-Majestic the Almighty Al'lah, He the Almighty revealed the sublime Divine meanings of these noble Verses for him to witness deservedly their complete realities and descended its sublime meaning in his honorable heart, so when the exact date came he met the student and said: Oh my son if you brought an empty glass of water in that night it would be filled with my tears as I witnessed the meaning of these noble fortress (Al-Fajer Surah) by the Almighty God's Light

    11. All matters, indeed, are organized justly and deservedly, and are in Al’lah’s hands

    12. They are false sayings because the Holy Qur’an disproves them, and because God’s messenger (cpth) always seeks refuge in Al’lah, and he is too far above the qualities of those over whom the devils deservedly have a dominant influence

    13. A confused disciple said honestly that he did not understand the meaning of the lesson, but a wise master said, "My friend, in your life you will meet of a lot of people who you will praise you deservedly and undeservedly, flatter you, and also you will meet many people who will hurt you and blame

    14. He is aware of the absurdity of mankind framing their whole lives according to Homer; just as in the Phaedrus he intimates the absurdity of interpreting mythology upon rational principles; both these were the modern tendencies of his own age, which he deservedly ridicules

    15. "Remember, Duncan, how necessary your safety is to our own—how you bear a father's sacred trust—how much depends on your discretion and care—in short," she added, while the telltale blood stole over her features, crimsoning her very temples, "how very deservedly dear you are to all of the name of Munro

    16. It was deservedly applauded; and, when it was ended, the men went out for the interval, content

    17. Such a policy would increase the number of high-grade bond issues on the market, giving the bond investor a wider range of choice and making it deservedly difficult to sell unsound bonds

    18. She took three days to consider of his proposals, and during those three days asked the advice of everybody connected with her whose opinion was worth having, and especially applied to my late dear aunt, whose knowledge of the world made her judgment very generally and deservedly looked up to by all the young people of her acquaintance, and she was decidedly in favour of Mr

    19. No one in the time of Plato would have ventured to give his name to a doctrine in which the theory of ideas had no place, and one would deservedly have excited the ridicule of Greece by trying to pass off Epicurus or Zeno as a disciple of the Academy

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