Use "deteriorating" em uma frase
deteriorating frases de exemplo
1. All of that sensory information is deteriorating as you get older because of loss of sensory cells and changes to the sensory receptors
2. Unfortunately, Liesse Yare has had to stand down from the management – his health is deteriorating and, strictly between you and me, I should be surprised if he lasts the year
3. two days in Tonnerre and her condition was deteriorating
4. Once he finally arrived at the abandoned factory, he entered the old building and climbed up the deteriorating stairs to the main hall
5. “Yes she told me all about what happened but it really is the best place for her Billy Boy I mean Beth said she was deteriorating before her eyes getting worse by the minute
6. farther away under the circumstances of his deteriorating
7. Her condition is deteriorating day by day and she has lost her will to live
8. Since leaving Bocas del Toro, Sylvia had been brooding about her deteriorating friendship with Caroline and how to tell her without argument that the horse business was finished
9. Meanwhile, I’d be deteriorating on all fronts
10. Lomborg concludes that the world’s environment is not deteriorating, as the fund-raisers for environmental groups argue, but is in fact improving, just as Simon had said
11. Jaden sees his clone in a zombie state of mind with his arms down to the bone and muscle, deteriorating
12. He failed in his mishandled effort to win Kent back and he failed in securing professional help for Robert whose deteriorating condition was worsening by the hour
13. But there was also a gain to the Church; the suspicion of the novel led to a rate of change in dogma that is glacial; thus there is a comforting continuity of tradition and practice that has prevented the Church from deteriorating into secular humanism, as happened to Calvinist and Jewish orthodoxy
14. Nucleus is deteriorating
15. I was worried about his deteriorating emotional status
16. We all are very concerned with the pollution and deteriorating quality of air we breathe, water we drink, and food we eat
17. deteriorating, sometimes to the point of becoming completely unreliable
18. In the end, two of the general’s watchmen had to step in to prevent the row from deteriorating into actual physical violence
19. It was good news and something to be proud of amidst the deteriorating political situation unfolding in Northern Ireland, where the singer herself came from
20. Eventually, as time passed and unable to cope with her deteriorating condition, Kate with the help of the health authorities, had Momma placed in care
21. She had tried to boost her deteriorating health by using drugs recommended by various friends and had only succeeded in becoming addicted
22. She was not ready to face the mess that had become her rapidly deteriorating career
23. He felt morality was declining and society was deteriorating
24. Realizing that his 40 year old body was deteriorating he began a regime of fitness and health
25. Between his diminishing hope and the deteriorating situation he was in, things were not looking good
26. In her deteriorating condition and the amount of morphine he put in her IV, there was no possible way she could have survived for more than an hour or two after they left
27. " From this short paragraph, I can see that my husband suffered a deteriorating health and a painful life at the same time, but I can also see his love and caring for me
28. My parents were deteriorating from growing older and their rich life style of eating out and partying on the town, both smoking and drinking up a storm
29. Even when the physical problems are eliminated, the child still has to contend with the deteriorating self image
30. Her position behind one of the large round columns was advantageous in protecting her from the deteriorating weather conditions that were reminiscent of the North Sea region of the United Kingdom
31. The third-floor corridor was completely empty and quite darker than usual as a result of several light bulbs in the sconces having burned out, which resulted in even heavier shadows falling along the pathway at the end of which the painting hung silently in a dim light that was apparently fading almost in sympathy with the deteriorating conditions outside
32. The longer that I continued to stay in this deteriorating, dying
33. I knew situations were deteriorating in every place that I had
34. were socially deteriorating elements that
35. With his deteriorating physical
36. He correctly deduced that the Russians may be preparing an assault on his rapidly deteriorating and vulnerable situation and recommended a withdrawal before it was too late
37. He urgently requested freedom of action to extricate his forces from the rapidly deteriorating situation
38. Conditions were rapidly deteriorating
39. In Berlin the conditions of the stricken and demoralised defenders were horrific and rapidly deteriorating
40. That cabin was deteriorating anyways
41. About the only thing that was happening in my life then was that I was eleven years into an unhappy marriage which was progressively deteriorating and would end nine years later; and I had a three-year-old son
42. At this point more crew members arrived to deal with the deteriorating
43. Back on the bridge the view out of the front was deteriorating
44. At age of 35 the woman’s chromosomes that carry the genetic information in the form of genes starts deteriorating in its double helical form associated with proteins productions
45. ” Glancing idly at the column handiest to my deteriorating eyesight one morning, I was just as idly browsing amid the “pesata-to-peso” range when the nearby “pervious” caught my attention
46. The scripted words of pictures transformed into letters of a twenty-six-letter alphabet, English words presented themselves to Byron before deteriorating to pure sound, words voiced by a man more than pissed off with his presence there
47. He moved towards them and asked them about the cause of such a quarrel which was rapidly deteriorating into a fight
48. In time it will add to the already deteriorating physical condition a person may already be in
49. was rapidly deteriorating, they would transfer her to the intensive care unit
50. Children born and brought up in such environment will surely find these unhygienic ways, a way of life and contribute in further deteriorating the living conditions
51. deteriorating or there is a localised erosion or a crack in the lining
52. ” He loved his mother dearly, but it always upset him to see her depressed and deteriorating in the hospital
53. The world is deteriorating before your eyes, everywhere dark and humming, a drape of madness and mayhem like the final curtain on a play with a cast of fools
54. The tattered book that was over five hundred years old, protected by magic from deteriorating and falling apart
55. worse, he was deteriorating
56. " He lightly knocked the gravel upon the deteriorating desk, rose and exited to the left off the platform
57. rapidly deteriorating situation above the border
58. On admission, it was discovered that she had a rapid heartbeat (atrial fibrillation) caused by a deteriorating aortic valve that was going to have to be replaced
59. ” She watched Willow pull in her bottom lip in thoughtfulness and Fern pressed on knowing that Willow's resistance was deteriorating
60. conversation confirmed my apprehension of the country’s deteriorating
61. best efforts of the Earthlings and Natives of Arton the conditions in the refugee camps was appalling and stil deteriorating
62. Andrew was gradually deteriorating
63. We were deteriorating slowly but inescapably and every day I had to confront a thousand people who had claims on me
64. He sensed my deteriorating financial situation on which he was also dependent
65. Talaat is deteriorating steadily
66. husband who just missed becoming her foster father, had cooperated with him to produce a heiress for the flat and now looked after some of her other needs that hubby"s decrepit and deteriorating physical condition was unable to satisfy
67. deteriorating until more and more Human Children are willing to stand up in their seats
68. March 22nd and conditions are steadily deteriorating for many world leaders as we move towards the
69. Their strategy seems to be deteriorating hour by hour without compromise
70. While higher than usual it wasn’t something that a healthy person would be easily affected by, but in Chantry’s weakened condition it was slowly deteriorating cell structure in his heart, liver, kidneys
71. When the orchids outgrow their containers and when the mix that the orchids are planted on is deteriorating, repotting has to be done
72. Deteriorating potting mix will result to orchid roots that are black and mushy
73. The body was deteriorating
74. My condition was deteriorating and my father now rarely picked up his calls
75. I had been put into an induced coma, my vital signs were deteriorating, my face and body were swollen and my kidneys and lungs failing
76. He spoke less than usual, and when he did he occasionally came up with incorrect words because of his deteriorating condition
77. It was a difficult book to find and I never had a copy of my own, and so I read and reread a deteriorating library copy
78. ‘Rent there may be in Europe, where land has been improved by the labor put into it, but with us all the land is deteriorating from the labor put into it—in other words they’re working it out; so there’s no question of rent
79. “And once he acknowledges that it’s deteriorating, at least to himself
80. There were repeated bursts of pessimism, each triggered by new signs of a deteriorating economic situation: record high unemployment, bank failures, and so on
81. In such cases investors who buy stocks with unusually rich dividend yields and deteriorating fundamentals are asking for trouble
82. If the earnings were not properly stated; if the balance sheet revealed a poor current position, or the funded debt was growing too rapidly; if the physical plant was not properly maintained; if dangerous new competition was threatening, or if the company was losing ground in the industry; if the management was deteriorating or was likely to change for the worse; if there was reason to fear for the future of the industry as a whole—any of these defects or some other one might be sufficient to condemn the issue from the standpoint of the cautious investor
83. What happened? In 2000, WorldCom’s management lost control of its finances, making at best a highly risky bet on future revenue growth and at worst a calculated effort to disguise deteriorating operating margins by capitalizing expenses
84. Some will ask, which is the most important: (1) whether BOP is above or below the zero line or (2) whether the direction of the BOP profile is up or down, which is to say, whether BOP is improving or deteriorating? Of first importance is whether BOP is above or below the zero line
85. However, a positive BOP with a deteriorating pattern can be significant as well, but only in a divergent situation
86. ” Where absolute BOP versus improving or deteriorating BOP seem to be contradictory, you will often find that the answer lies in the time implications
87. Graham and Dodd were probably right that there is a large amount of market risk for outside passive minority investors (OPMIs) in holding the bonds of debtors experiencing deteriorating profitability
88. Discussing the deteriorating infrastructure in the United States is nothing new to Washington D
89. This section helps you identify the sources of competitive advantage and gives you real-world examples of competitive advantages that are either expanding or deteriorating
90. Other examples of deteriorating networks might include social-networking website MySpace
91. In order to learn if the protection provided by switching costs is deteriorating or improving, you need to closely monitor a company’s customer-retention rates
92. Being able to recognize deteriorating fundamentals is equally beneficial, as you can avoid investment mistakes
93. I evaluated this deteriorating fundamental, and sold the stock