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    Use "disbeliever" em uma frase

    disbeliever frases de exemplo


    1. “When” is also used to express words that will undoubtedly happen in the future, as when God says: “and when he comes before us, he (the disbeliever saying to his companion) shall say: “would that we were as far apart as the east is from the west

    2. From this, it becomes clear to us that there is no difference between one creature and another, nor between disbeliever and believer concerning this link, but the perception of such link and the negligence of it is that which creates the difference and the distinction

    3. The example of the disbeliever concerning his full oblivion of his Provider is like that of the man with the air

    4. If one Night of Nights of Valuation that the near to Al’lah is honored with is better than a lifetime which lasts for a hundred years, how different is, then, the believer’s lifetime if compared with that of the far disbeliever!!

    5. He became ungrateful disbeliever, seeing not the grace of the Donor

    6. It denotes: “you, disbeliever! Move your thought and stop your straying

    7. We can see this in the Holy Qur’an, when God says: “But in the end, when such a person comes before us, he shall say(the disbeliever speaking to his companion): ‘would that we were as far apart as the east is from the west

    8. 3- Why can’t a disbeliever follow the ways of the Holy messenger of Al’lah?

    9. 3- Why has God –the Almighty described the state of the disbeliever by a word: ((Ungrateful)) and what does it indicate to?

    10. What a great difference exists between a negligent disbeliever, whose deeds are filled with evil and injury, and a believer who is close to God, the only purpose of whose deeds is to lend a helping hand to all of the rest of creation, wishing only for the Satisfaction of God!

    11. If one night alone – the Night of Valuation, with which those who are near to Al’lah are honored – is better than a lifetime of one hundred years, how different, then, is the believer’s lifetime compared to that of the distant disbeliever!

    12. What a low grade is held by the disbeliever when compared with that of the believer who is close to God, whose experiences are full of goodness and whose life is filled with humanity!

    13. tombs and prays while considering them mediators becomes a disbeliever

    14. That is why messenger Mohammad (cpth) said invoking God: "O, God of all! May you not let a disbeliever be an obligor to me, lest my heart will love him"

    15. He (cpth) supplicated such as he had known the rules of the spirits, so he feared lest that goodness might reach him at the hands of a disbeliever where his heart (cpth) would incline to him, then be affected by this disbeliever's spiritual state

    16. He (cpth) supplicated in this way because he knew the rules of the spirit, and so he was afraid lest goodness might reach him at the hands of a disbeliever, such that his heart (cpth) would love this disbeliever and then become impressed with this disbeliever’s spiritual state

    17. So do they do so?! What disbeliever has embraced Islam after watching suspicious ceremonies and shows during which magicians stab themselves with skewers?

    18. So, the meanings are immaterial; they are not handled physically but imprinted on the hearts; moreover, the material copy of the Holy Qur’an can be physically carried by both the disbeliever who is a sinner and by the believer: by both the pure and the impure

    19. The disbeliever may be able to touch its material form, but cannot touch its meaning

    20. I should have chalked Lord Preston up as a disbeliever and left it at that

    21. The disbeliever has always turned his back on his Lord

    22. Hudson is a strong disbeliever in evolution, but he appears to have been so much struck by the imperfect instincts of the Molothrus bonariensis that he quotes my words, and asks, "Must we consider these habits, not as especially endowed or created instincts, but as small consequences of one general law, namely, transition?"

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    Sinônimos para "disbeliever"

    doubter critic agnostic questioner