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    Use "diver" em uma frase

    diver frases de exemplo


    1. He plunged into the chop of that lake like a diver doing a belly flop from a high branch of a tree

    2. It must be noted that our cadet leader, being a former Navy diver, had no fear of water and did most of the rescuing

    3. He loved it and later went on to become a police diver

    4. Alex had been showing the underwater crew the stunning hundred metre vertical coral wall when another diver appeared at his side with a small board, tapping him on the shoulder

    5. Our Navy diver told us to spit onto the lenses and rub it to prevent misting

    6. Twenty minutes later, a diver surfaces and hands a dripping metal box to the elderly gentleman

    7. In Wadi Al-Hitan it is easy to feel like a rainfed diver that explores the depths of prehistory, as this corner of sand and breathtaking scenery preserved fossils of hundreds of species that inhabited the legendary Tethys Sea during the Eocene period”

    8. He was deeply tanned from his work as a diver

    9. I reminded her that the actor she was being seen with who played a diver in one of the new shows would probably not think her leaving would be a good idea

    10. I could be a pearl diver with these lungs

    11. Later he became an accomplished diver

    12. “I used to be a competitive diver, I came here to dive at La Quebrada, the famous diving spot in Acapulco

    13. The ocean diver doesn't need snowshoes!

    14. "It's five-thirty bitch, your hot but gay diver came to pick me up at five on the dot and

    15. combat diver, who then quickly put on his scuba gear as Berkowitz maneuvered his aircraft over the white parachute floating on the surface of the stormy sea

    16. Life being a breathing regulator, and my savior, a Coast Guard rescue diver

    17. The following day they began their training as scuba divers, starting as open-water diver, moving on to advanced open-water diver

    18. Max was convinced it had to be Manuel and a fellow diver

    19. The diver shouted with pain in a cloud of bubbles, and went limp

    20. The second diver also did not see the steel cylinder descending on him, but he certainly felt it as it glanced off the back of his head

    21. Jim was young, fit and fearless, also an experienced diver

    22. As soon as each diver had used up his five devices, he returned to the chamber and waited for his part of the team

    23. Then, in the monitor, he saw the drifting diver and another one clinging to the rim of the open hatch

    24. “Try and catch up with the drifting diver and bring him within reach of the hatch

    25. Now the man was probably lying dead on the hard, wet steel floor, after trying to find a missing diver and complete the repairs

    26. The diver explained to his colleague, “The damned plane is resting with its nose on the seabed

    27. ’’ Replied the veteran diver, who had already over thirty rescue missions to his credit

    28. The man in charge of the complex, Conrad Phelps, had considered the report by the diver who had investigated the wrecked plane

    29. When the VRC diver released the plane to sink in deep water, he was unaware of the weakened fuselage

    30. A snorkelled head broke the surface and a lone diver made his way to the bank, removing his mask and shaking his head in mild despair as he clambered up the muddy slope

    31. The fall was no greater than from a high dive, but it was still as fall, enhanced by graphics flowing around the diver

    32. One of the sailors suddenly shouted in surprise when he was able to detail the diver standing in the nearest rescue basket

    33. The first wounded to be put in the rescue basket grinned to the young blonde diver helping to pull him in

    34. Her rescue basket was presently in the water, with her rescue diver in the process of pulling in a wounded sailor

    35. who was a longshoreman and then a truck diver was on

    36. As a diver about to jump from the highest board, he stands at the edge and looks over the side

    37. I was a keen diver and looked forward to

    38. the husband and wife and a novice diver for whom I was

    39. I do know that a dedicated diver will have op-

    40. I do know that a dedicated diver will have

    41. God says: “Then We subjected the wind to him, to blow softly at his bidding wherever he was headed; as also the devils, (including) every kind of builder and diver, and others bound with chains

    42. was a keen scuba diver and worked on the dive boats in

    43. for a diver who fell near the edge of the pool where Josh fell

    44. diver from falling off the board at the one foot four inch (1’ 4”) area where the

    45. Once the ship reaches its destination, I"d send down a diver, detach it, and

    46. Who among us didn't have that diver with the air

    47. “A diver!” said Irena

    48. “That’s a good one! A diver indeed!”

    49. He would watch the guy on the diving board as he swam and dive under if he turned his way! But if he still spotted him, that would be a problem, because the diver with palms on his feet (he must be coming any minute) would catch up with him in no time at all!

    50. would be like a scuba diver in the

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