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    Use "domineering" em uma frase

    domineering frases de exemplo


    1. He's careful, methodical, determined, and yes, a little domineering

    2. Ivy stood beside her with a domineering smile

    3. His first impression of the man was that he seemed to be a weakling, crouching in his domineering wife’s shadow

    4. The last thing she needed was another domineering man in her life! He’d have to find some reasonable way to dissuade her, which would be difficult

    5. Domineering in a Victorian manner, his pronouncements allowed for no questioning

    6. And all those horror stories she told me about giving birth to children – oh, no! If I absolutely had to get married, I’d postpone it as long as possible, by which time I’d have bargaining power and not be subject to the whims of a domineering husband

    7. If truth be told, she was missing him herself, but in front of her domineering mother she couldn’t really show it

    8. From his sensual vampire face, I could see tears of blood rolling down his cheeks and I had the domineering need to wipe them away, console him

    9. This woman’s strong character reminded Roger of the domineering women found in literature

    10. He believed that one of his more important duties was to serve as a buffer between the troops in the field and that combination of an intransigent and abusive Secretary of Defense and an equally domineering and dicta�torial President of the United States

    11. From my viewpoint, she was presumptuous, attention-seeking, domineering, opinionated, and a bit arrogant

    12. He heard footsteps and, by scooting over and arranging his head in such a way, Calvin caught glimpses of familiar faces marching with hands on their heads between forceful Rotham guards who—despite their height disadvantage—looked vicious and domineering

    13. domineering as he had ever been before

    14. Maureen was a very strict domineering type of woman whose children would not put a foot wrong in her company

    15. Tommy and Ann had listened sympathetically to Jo’s tale of woe about her domineering mother and had readily offered to put her up for a couple of days until it was all sorted out

    16. Marti‘s propensity for lubricity gradually gave way to spiteful maliciousness and Can was left seeking female favors elsewhere; there was no sweet talking the domineering Marti Alice Martin, so Can‘s tomcatting was soon of legendary excess and Marti‘s presence at home a convenience effecting the appearance of a solid rural American marriage

    17. that once world domineering Empire Of The Overlords lined

    18. any sort of Saxon protest reply to the domineering interests of the

    19. Your domineering overbearing inter

    20. Modi on stage is a domineering figure with not a trace of tentativeness; Rahul, by contrast, looks like a shy schoolboy pushed into a dramatics class

    21. The choices reflected the limited pool of talent available to him but also Modi’s domineering style of functioning

    22. Beneath her copper eyeglass frames, her green eyes sparkled with a domineering hint of mischief

    23. ‘A married woman might enjoy her domineering role at home,’ thought Roopa, as they came out of the ante-room at length

    24. discuss local arrangements with him, and they said he was domineering towards his staff

    25. When I think of Poseidon and of his hostility towards Ulysses, I think of a god who is obtuse, unfair and domineering

    26. What happens when there is desolation of our inner peace, meekness, and gentleness? That leaves no tranquility, but dumps the litter of domineering attitudes, violence, and conflict into the country

    27. Carrying that further, the garbage in the dumpster is full of behaviors littering the nation with domineering aggression over those they feel superior to

    28. Carrying that further, they utilize harsh, domineering, and violent means to possess the desires of beastly impulses

    29. Their behaviors are harsh and domineering to meek and gentle characteristics

    30. domineering attitude of mind - that is also absurd, for true strength does not so exhibit

    31. This depicts a position a domineering singularity k0 fills in relation to another point serving subordinate singularity k

    32. The absence of a father, the strong, domineering, businesswoman mother and our preoccupation with beauty and femininity in a milieu of giggling, gossiping women was bound to divert my normal sexual orientation

    33. His father was much older than his mother who was a harsh domineering woman

    34. Perhaps, she said, that was due to the fact that my mother was not strong and domineering but a woman who yielded to her fate and needed her son"s support

    35. And I say force, not influence, because Islam is a strong and domineering religion

    36. Her mother, a tall, stout, domineering

    37. With each step in this process, the one who loves continues with the personal growth in their own life and is careful not to be domineering or oppressive, but to act as a catalyst in helping the other seek their goals

    38. The fingers of one of his hands speared through my hair to rest against the back of my neck in a warm clasp that was neither demanding nor domineering, but instead felt calming

    39. His touch was domineering, lustful, and a complete invasion of personal space but I, for lack of a better way of putting it, was his

    40. Evette didn’t protest at Larc’s domineering words or the stated finality that he spoke them with

    41. This was easily the most domineering that I had ever been with her and I could see that she liked it

    42. She swung back around to face me smiling, but I could tell she was a little shocked by my domineering handling of her

    43. They said, "Woe to us-we were indeed domineering

    44. This man ate to ward off his constant frustration at his work and his domineering father

    45. I cannot get on without domineering and tyrannising over someone, but

    46. Well, we must be for ourselves in the long run; the mild and generous are only more justly selfish than the domineering; and it ended when circumstances caused each to feel that the one's interest was not the chief consideration in the other's thoughts

    47. He’s aggressive, domineering, and part caveman, but he doesn’t have a cruel bone in his body, and he flat-out adores women and children

    48. Franz was less enthusiastic; but the count exercised over him also the ascendency a strong mind always acquires over a mind less domineering

    49. Let us hasten to say that in private the genial side descended to the level of the other, so that generally the indulgent man disappeared to give place to the brutal husband and domineering father

    50. She would be at her most impatient and domineering

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    Sinônimos para "domineering"

    domineering aggressive determined dynamic energetic enterprising forward